Master Exam (ME)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Wolfgang Werth

Course numberM2.05280.40.031
Course code
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week0,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction English

During an oral exam, students can discuss, reflect upon from various theoretical and practical perspectives, and critically analyze and evaluate

  • questions about the Master Thesis' links to other relevant subjects in the curriculum,
  • and questions about other relevant subjects in the curriculum.

All modules of the "Systems Design" Master degree program and Master Thesis

Presentation of the Master Thesis
Defense of the Master Thesis
Oral exam on selected topics from course modules

Relevant course materials for defense and exam

Student presentation, discussion, feedback

The Master examination grade is a final grade and is calculated from the grade for the Maste Thesis and the three examination components of the Master examination.
The final examination is passed if all parts of the examination are passed.