Alternative Concepts (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Stephan Mark Thaler , BSc MSc MSc

Course numberVEEMS-2.08
Course codeAltCon
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction English

What kind of new creative ways of energy supply in the future can possibly be taken in addition to the traditional renewable energy systems.

function of renewable energy systems

Analysis and synthesis of future energy cycle transformations according to theoretical approaches and in terms of a practical realization into biological, chemical, electrical, and mechanical target energies; cosmic and electro-magnetic energy source transformations; HF energy recovery from the high frequency electro-magnetic cosmos; examination of the storage of lightning energy (e.g. in a thermal form); research approaches concerning energy expectations from nanotechnological molecular manipulation regarding all elements in the periodic table; bionically analyzed energy transformations; energy recovery from muscular-biological systems; bionic energy storage mechanisms; new ways of energy storage in terms of a nanotechnological approach to storage and isolation concepts; biological-thermal storage and isolation concepts, nuclear fusion and similar physical-nuclear ways of energy generation; usage of cosmic HF energies in the entire electro-magnetic spectrum around the earth, examination of scientifically inexplicable energies in experiments; geothermal gradients, wind gradients, micro hydropower, concepts for the use of muscular strength, utilization of ambience energy (temperature gradient, latent heat, electrical fields, (electro-)magnetic fields, sound, vibrations, changes of position, etc.); organic and hybrid PV, biocatalysis and photosynthesis, photonic crystals for photon rectifiers, radical trimming concepts of conventional energy systems, selected chapters of energy transformation for locomotion, robotics, and the automotive sector; chemical storage concepts, three-phase alloys, and selected chapters of response kinetics.

cosmic and electro-magnetic energy source transformations

elastic potential energy

storage and transformation concepts

geothermal gradients, wind gradients, wave hydropower, ocean thermal energy conversion

utilization of ambience energy (temperature gradient, latent heat, electrical fields, (electro-)magnetic fields, sound, vibrations, thermoacoustic engines);

organic and hybrid PV, biocatalysts and photosynthesis, photonic crystals

energy recovery from muscular-biological systems

Die zukünftige Entwicklung von Stromerzeugungstechniken. Eine

ökologische Analyse vor dem Hintergrund technischer und

ökonomischer Zusammenhänge, Nill, 2004

Energie aus Biomasse - Grundlagen, Techniken, Verfahren,

Kaltschmitt/Hartmann (Hg.), 2001

Nach dem Ausstieg: Zukunftskurs erneuerbare Energien,

Menzel/Fischedick/Langniss, 2000

Die Energiefrage, Heinloth, 1997

Lecture and worshop with hands-on experiments in the learning garden for renewable energy

During the course
15-minute PowerPoint presentation on one specific topic of the course including discussion with colleagues