Battery Lab (LB)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Winfried Egger
DI Dr. techn.
Markus HeinriciDipl.-Ing.
Rafael Janski , BSc
Course number | VEEMS-2.03 |
Course code | BattLab |
Curriculum | 2016 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 2 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 1,5 |
ECTS credits | 3,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
Students get knowledge on safety handlings in laboratories for most modern battery technologies, charging, reloading, thermal losses operations and battery measurement.
No data available
Load cycles and charging cyclesCycle monitoringDevelopments of battery service management
Robert A. Huggins: Advanced Batteries: Materials Science Aspects,
Springer, 2009
Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken:
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery: Cadmium, NiCd, Nickel-Cadmium
Battery, Lithium-Ion Battery, Low Self-Discharge NiMH Battery, AA
Battery, Betascript publishing, 2010
Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken:
Sodium-Sulfur Battery: Molten Metal, Sodium, Sulfur, Corrosion,
Grid Energy Storage, Betascript publishing, 2010
David Linden, Thomas B. Reddy: Handbook Of Batteries, McGraw-
Hill, 2001
Jonathan Cole, Andrew Walsh: Light on the Earth: The Solar Option,
Tim Woo: An Energy-Efficient Image Representation for Mobile
Systems: A Scalable, Secure and Energy-Efficient Approach using
Binary-Space Partitioning (BSP) Tree, Lambert, 2009
Masaki Yoshio, Ralph J. Brodd, and Akiya Kozawa : Lithium-Ion
Batteries: Science and Technologies, 2009
H.A. Kiehne: Battery Technology Handbook (Electrical and Computer
Engineering), 2003
H.J. Bergveld, W.S. Kruijt, and P.H.L Notten: Battery Management
Systems: Design by Modelling (Philips Research Book Series), 2002
D. A. J. Rand: Batteries for Electric Vehicles (Electronic & Electrical
Engineering Research Studies. Power Sources Technology Series, 4),
No data available
During the course