Non-Renewable Energy Systems (ILV)


Course lecturer:

DI Dr.

 Andreas Sumper
 Stefan Troger , BSc MSc
Course numberVEEMS-2.06
Course codeNREngSys
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,5
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction English

Developing the ability to recognize, analyze and scientifically

describe energetic transformation systems and to economically and

technically evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of energy


Basics of theoretical energy transformation systems, processes and concepts of energy transformation and energy structures with and without refeeding; physical-mathematical development and basics of balances of performance, energy determination, efficiency chains; analysis and synthesis of energy processes, process effort, process design, applied process control along with the verification of response times, process start-up and starting procedures; energy distribution systems, storage systems and net system technology; electrical, gaseous, and fluid transport structures; physical and chemical energy transformations, electrical generator systems; heat exchanger energy transformations, safety technology in energy management, energy reserve management; exemplary variations: fossil carbon energy sources; thermal heat power plants with heat exchangers, nuclear power plants (nuclear fission); heat technology, heat pumps, hot water technology, heat, air, and air-conditioning technology, steam power, thermal turbo-machines, organic Rankine cycle; inner and outer combustion motors, Stirling process, Rankine, Joules Thomson, structural-physical basics, operational energy management, communal concepts; energy consuming processes in manufacturing, heat transfer, process heat; electric power trains; measurement and control technology; efficiency chains; electricity compensation, special energy converters, consumer behavior; intermodal usages.

Die Energiefrage, Heinloth, 1997

VDI-Lexikon Energietechnik, Schaefer (Hg.), 1994

Physik unserer Umwelt, Roedel, 1994

Die Physik. Materie, Atome, Energien, Ardley, 1984

Physikalische Chemie, Barrow, 1971

Skripten der TU Berlin

Francis Vanek, Louis Albright: Energy Systems Engineering:

Evaluation and Implementation, McGraw-Hill, 2008

Ghosh, Tushar K., Prelas, M.A: Energy Resources and Systems

Volume 1: Fundamentals and Non-Renewable Resources, Springer,