Renewable Energy Systems (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Stephan Mark Thaler , BSc MSc MSc

Course numberVEEMS-2.07
Course codeRNEngSys
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,5
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction English

The students are able to know the most important methods und elements of

modern thermodynamics technologies and theoretical bases and that seen in applied tools with the consolidation to the modern view of biomimetics technolgies.

How do the traditional renewable energy systems work with wind power, hydro power, photovoltaics, solar thermal or biomass

Interest in renewable energy, technical skills, off-road capability

Analysis and synthesis of energy cycle transformations according to theoretical approaches and in terms of a practical realization as well as of performance maxima, balance of performance, stability regarding times and seasons, efficiency and real sustainability, storage capability, safety structures, and hazards; exemplary verifications according to the energy sources: wind, water dynamics, wave and wave turbine power plants, wave and compressed air turbines with reverse thrust, solar energy transformation systems into thermal, physical, biological, chemical, electrical, and mechanical target energy; transformations of light and UV energy sources; heat recovery, heat deviation, and transformations of geoenergy and geothermal energy sources; utilization of waste heat and heat integration, pinch point analysis, usage of passive solar energy and construction ecology, solar heat, PV, connection concepts, solar cold, hydropower (Kaplan, Francise, Pelton), wind energy (horizontal axis and vertical axis), wave and tidal energy, geoenergy, thermal-electrical transformation, thermo-mechanical transformation; utilization of biomass, concepts and integration; distribution and storage of thermal energy, energy and exergy flows; distribution and storage of electrical energy; energy management and control.

Die zukünftige Entwicklung von Stromerzeugungstechniken. Eine

ökologische Analyse vor dem Hintergrund technischer und

ökonomischer Zusammenhänge, Nill, 2004

Erneuerbare Energien - Perspektiven für die Stromerzeugung,

Böhmer (Hg.), 2003

Regenerative Energiesysteme. Technologie, Berechnung, Simulation,

Quaschning, 2003

Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit,

Umweltaspekte, Kaltschmitt/Wiese, 2002

Energiehandbuch: Gewinnung, Wandlung und Nutzung von Energie,

Rebhan (Hg.), 2002

Energie aus Biomasse - Grundlagen, Techniken, Verfahren,

Kaltschmitt/Hartmann (Hg.), 2001

Nach dem Ausstieg: Zukunftskurs erneuerbare Energien,

Menzel/Fischedick/Langniss, 2000

Energie, Fricke / Borst, 1981

Erneuerbare Energien, Kaltschmitt/Wiese, 1997

lecture and excursion to the energy-independent model community Kötschach Mauthen

Final exam
design of a hands-on experiment related to renewable energy by a team (2 persons) with public demonstration and measuring of the energy output