Conflict management (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Helga Flamm , MA
Course numberB3.00000.80.340
Course codeKonflikt
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,0
ECTS credits1,0
Language of instruction German

Studentsare able to analyze the emergence of, in particular, professional conflicts and have the knowledge of appropriate conflict resolution strategies and can apply them contextually. They know about the importance of mental hygiene, self-reflection and stress management and can take appropriate actions if needed, e.g. for conflict- and stress prevention.

  • Conflicts and conflict resolution, mediation
  • Psycho-hygiene and self-reflection (burn out, helper syndrome, demarcation, stress management, self-reflection and other quality assurance measures such as supervision, (team) coaching, collegiate counseling)