Finite Elements Method 1 (ILV)
BackCourse lecturer:
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Heinz WimmerSpecialization Area | Desgin and Construction |
Course number | M1.02921.20.170 |
Course code | FEM1 |
Curriculum | 2020 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 2 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
The students have an overall view of the rapidly expanding field of professional application. In deriving some element relations in detail the students have an insight into the theoretical background as well as the typical approximative character of this solution method. This is helpful for understanding the limits of the method when applying it to structural problems in civil engineering. Thereby students are more confident and certain when dealing with this important planning tool.
Efficiency and capability of the method. Stiffness matrix and load vector for the plane truss and further beam elements. Assemblage of the global matrix. Weak formulation of plane field problems. CST-Element. Elements of higher order. Stress smoothing, convergence, simple applications in structural mechanics.
Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L., Zhu J.Z.: Finite Element Method, Part 1, 2 6th Ed. Elsevier 2005.
Wunderlich W., Kiener G.: Statik der Stabtragwerke. Teubner 2004.
Rombach G.: Anwendung der Finite Elemente Methode. Fehlerquellen und ihre Vermeidung. 2.Aufl. Ernst & Sohn 2006.
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Written examination