Data Processing MC-2 (ILV)


Course lecturer:


 Jörg Störzel

Specialization AreaDesgin and Construction
Course numberM1.02921.20.180
Course codeEDV 2
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

The students are familiar with the fundamentals of algorithm and programming using imperative and object based macro and scripting languages. This enables them to recognize and analyze engineering problems, which can be solved by programming techniques. They can evaluate the complexity of the solution and according to this complexity they are able to develop and implement their own solutions or to turn the problems into tasks, which can be delegate to experts.

Basics of programming techniques:

* Algorithm an their visualisation

* Algorithm development

* Basics of imperative programming

* Basics of object based programming

Breden, Melanie; Schwimmer, Michael (2008): Das Excel-VBA Codebook. München, Boston, Mass. [u.a.]: Addison-Wesley (Premium codebook).

Jelen, Bill; Syrstad, Tracy (2010): VBA and Macros. Microsoft Excel 2010. Indianapolis, Ind: Que Publishing.

Walkenbach, John (2010): Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA. Hoboken N.J: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Can, Monika; Schwimmer, Michael (2008): Office-Excel-2007-Programmierung. Das Handbuch. Monika Can ; Michael Schwimmer. Unterschleißheim: Microsoft Press.

Green, John; Bullen, Stephen; Bovey, Rob; Alexander, Michael (2007): Excel 2007 VBA. Programmer's reference. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wrox Wiley.

Bullen, Stephen; Bovey, Rob; Green, John (2005): Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft® Excel and VBA. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.

Lecture in small classes (max. 20 attendants) with practice work on computers.

Evaluation of student papers and written examination