Building Physics - Climate Concepts (ILV)


Course lecturer:

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Christoph Buxbaum

Course numberM1.02920.20.150
Course codeBphysKl
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students have linked basic knowledge of building climatology, building physics and building services. The students know, that for the implementation of comfortable and energy-efficient buildings, a holistic planning approach is needed, which combines both, architecture and technology. They can differentiate various transient simulation tools for modeling and dynamic simulation of buildings are presented and realize their possibilities and limitations.
At the end of the course the students apply the simulation tools in a project work to optimize a building design.

* Comfort and aspects of well-being
* Fundamentals of Building Climatology,
* The building envelope (design and construction principles, building physical principles of operation, etc.)
* Interaction building envelope - interior (insulation, summer comfort, lighting, etc.)
* Innovative facade systems (eg, glass facade, facade-integrated technology (photovoltaic, etc.)
* Ventilation strategies and climate concepts
* Building Performance Simulation and application of practice-oriented dynamic simulation tools (light simulation, thermal simulation, etc.)

Hausladen, de Saldhana, Liedl: Einführung in die Bauklimatik.

Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2004.

Ederer: Bauklimatik für Architekten - Raumakustik und Beschallungstechnik.TU Dresden, 2004.

Hausladen, G.; Saldanha, de M.; Liedl, P.:ClimateSkin - Concepts for Building Skins that Can Do More with Less Energy, Birkhäuser, 2008

Hausladen, G.; Saldanha, de M.; Liedl, P.; Sager, C.:ClimateDesign - Solutions for Buildings that can do more with less technology,

Callwey, München, 2005

Hausladen, Gerhard: Innovative Gebäude-, Technik- und Energiekonzepte,Oldenbourg Verlag, München

Evaluation of project work and in-class performance