Principles of Leading (SE)


Course lecturer:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Ing.

 Oliver Schwarz
Specialization AreaProject Management
Course numberM1.02922.20.230
Course codeGLFühr
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,0
ECTS credits1,0
Language of instruction German

Students are able to differentiate between major management models,leadership styles, management concepts, as well as the major dimensions of performance management on the different levels, hence evaluate them and apply them to problem-based case studies.
They are further capable of recognizing executives as performance managers, discussing and analyzing their role behavior and requirements (self-management skills, motivation ability, goal and action orientation, strategic and entrepreneurial thinking, analytical and systemic thinking), in case studies and apply them to job-relevant performances.

This seminar focusses on the basics of leadership in project-relevant context: management concepts, leadership styles, management models, eadership and personality, executives as performance managers, their role behavior and competency requirements (self-management skills, motivation ability, goal and action orientation, strategic and entrepreneurial thinking, analytical and systemic thinking).It further comprises major dimensions of performance management on the different levels (process, organization, project, employees and teams, and customer).

Blanchard, Kenneth, u.a.: Führungsstile. Rororo Verlag 2008.

Bohinc, Thomas: Führung im Projekt. Springer Verlag 2012.

Laufer, Hartmut: Grundlagen erfolgreicher Mitarbeiterführung. 12. Aufl., Gabal 2012.

Marti, Stefan: Toolbox Führung. Nützliche Werkzeuge und Modelle für Führungskräfte und Projektleiter. Winterthur, 9.Aufl. 2010.

Polzin, Brigitte, u.a.: (...) Führung, Kommunikation und Teamentwicklung im Bauwesen. Vieweg+Teubner 2009.

Rahn, Horst-Joachim: Erfolgreiche Teamführung. Arbeitsreihe Führungspsychologie Bd.16. 6.Aufl., Windmühle Verlag 2010.

Streoebe, Antje: Führen in Projekten. Arbeitsreihe Führungspsychologie Bd.60. Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft 2007.

Stroebe, Rainer: Grundlagen der Führung. Arbeitsreihe Führungspsychologie Bd.2. 13.Aufl., Windmühle Verlag 2010.

Stroebe, Rainer: Führungsstile - Management by Objectives. Arbeitsreihe Führungspsychologie Bd.3. 8.Aufl., Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft 2007.

Lecture units, self-study units, case studies in small groups, discussions.

Continual assessment of class room performance, written exam.