Building Operation MC (ILV)


Course lecturer:


 Gerbert Rammel , BSc
Specialization AreaProject Management
Course numberM1.02922.20.260
Course codeBbetrMK
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,5
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

Students know about the importance of logistic tasks in construction and can evaluate their influences on the project success. They can apply basic methods for resolving logistic problems.

In addition they have basic or enhanced knowledge within selected chapters of building operation.

Construction logistics;

Project execution within a joint venture;

Selected chapters of building operation

Uwe Clausen (Hrsg.): Baulogistik : Konzepte für eine bessere Ver- und Entsorgung im Bauwesen, 2006;

Alexander Deml: Entwicklung und Gestaltung der Baulogistik im Tiefbau, 2008

VIBÖ - Vereinigung Industrieller Bauunternehmungen: Handbuch für Bau-Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wien, 1999