Facility Management (VO)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing.

 Thomas Madritsch , MSc.
Specialization AreaProject Management
Course numberM1.02922.20.250
Course codeFacMgmt
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

Students have an overview on the subject and the methods of Facility Management. They are aware of the merit of a holistic view of the cost-benefit relation throughout the total life-cycle of a facility. They are capable to use gained knowledge combined with the right tools for their own profession.

Theoretical basics
History of FM
Life-cycle consideration
Principles Building Management
Office concepts
Computer Aided facility management

Facility Management - H.-P. Braun, E.Oesterle, P.Haller, R.Bauer
Lebenszykluskosten von Immobilien - Andrea Pelzeter
Betriebswirtschaft für Facility Management - Prof.Dr.Günther Grabatin
IT im Facility Management - Prof. Michael May
Facility Management planen-prüfen-einführen - Hermann Schneider
Handbuch Facility Management - ecomed Verlag - H.Zehrer, E.Sasse

Written examination and presentation