Facility Management (VO)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thomas Madritsch , MSc.Specialization Area | Project Management |
Course number | M1.02922.20.250 |
Course code | FacMgmt |
Curriculum | 2020 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 2 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
Students have an overview on the subject and the methods of Facility Management. They are aware of the merit of a holistic view of the cost-benefit relation throughout the total life-cycle of a facility. They are capable to use gained knowledge combined with the right tools for their own profession.
Theoretical basics
History of FM
Life-cycle consideration
Principles Building Management
Office concepts
Computer Aided facility management
Facility Management - H.-P. Braun, E.Oesterle, P.Haller, R.Bauer
Lebenszykluskosten von Immobilien - Andrea Pelzeter
Betriebswirtschaft für Facility Management - Prof.Dr.Günther Grabatin
IT im Facility Management - Prof. Michael May
Facility Management planen-prüfen-einführen - Hermann Schneider
Handbuch Facility Management - ecomed Verlag - H.Zehrer, E.Sasse
No data available
Written examination and presentation