Facade Engineering (ILV)


Course lecturer:


 Christian HALM

Course numberM1.02920.00.750
Course codeFassbau
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

Students have enhanced knowledge of façade engineering. They can differentiate among various systems and know their technical and economical pros and cons. They can evaluate the application of innovative systems in the framework of given boundary conditions.

Façade design
Façade engineering in regard of static and building physical aspects
Innovative façade concepts

Herzog, Thomas; Krippner, Roland; Lang, Werner: Fassaden-Atlas- 1. Aufl. - München, 2004;

Barf, Herwig; Lenzen, Steffi [Red.]: Innovativ konstruieren; Inst. f. Internat. Arch.-Dok., 2009

Written exam and in class-performance