Construction Ecology and Building Biology (VO)


Course lecturer:


 Barbara Lepuschitz
Course numberB1.00000.40.560
Course codeBauökol
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

The students: • can distinguish and evaluate building materials and structures according to the criteria of building ecology and building biology. • know the legal basis of environmental protection and know about the goods worth protecting: water, air and soil. • have knowledge of the ecological relationships between construction measures and sustainable planning and energy concepts. These are supplemented by quantitative methods.

The course covers the following topics/contents: • Construction and sustainable development • The life cycle of our building materials, taking into account ecological building materials and constructions. • National and international evaluation methods of building materials and systems • Ecological and sustainable construction planning • Building Biology and Indoor Climate • Legal basis of environmental protection • Protected goods water - air - soil

will be announced at the beginning of the course

Course with immanent examination character: participation, presentation, written final examination