English 6: Intercultural Communication GesamtGroup (SE)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof.in Mag.a

 Sabine Spanz

Course numberB3.02850.60.021
Course codeEngl6
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,5
ECTS credits1,5
Language of instruction German

Students are aware of their own culture and its characteristics, they are able to see it through their own lenses and those of others; they ar able to analyse intercultural interaction and its context as well as interpret the behaviour of those who have a different cultural background; they are able to act professionally in an intercultural environment (focus on health and care).

Theoretical and methodological concepts of inter- and transculturality, cultural differences between various countries/ areas with whose people students might have to deal with in their future jobs, role-plays to practice intercultural communication and competence based on real-life case studies (focus on teams, groups, etc. in the field of health and care).

Course material provided by the lecturer

Connected to the project-based learning in the LV Cultural Society Health 2

Together with company culture and health 2