Ethics of Healthcare Management (SE)


Course lecturer:


 Helga Reichmann-Gitschthaler
Course numberB3.02850.60.032
Course codeEthikGPM
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction German

Students are starting from a baseline of application-oriented ethics and are thereby in a position to identify morally relevant problems in healthcare, and subsequently communicate and assess. They can question their own moral and ethical attitude, reflect and position themselves whereby they are able to independently create solutions and /or develop strategies interactively, justify, and represent in discourse.

By means of elementary texts, practical examples and projects, terms, relevant concepts, different language and levels of reflection, as well as the goals and limitations of applied ethics in the field of healthcare are dealt with: a) responsibility, equity, welfare and care ethics. b) Ethical decision-making and management through collaborative solving of ethical dilemmas in ethics teams.

Marianne Arndt: Ethik denken - Maßstäbe zum Handeln in der Pflege. Stuttgart / New York 1996, S. 37-46. ; Baumann-Hölzle, R. et. al. (2008): Interdisziplinärer Dialog. Ethik im Gesundheitswesen. Bern. Peter Lang-Verlag. Conradi, Elisabeth (2001): Take Care. Grundlagen einer Ethik der Achtsamkeit. Frankfurt. ; Eckhart, Christel (2004): Fürsorgliche Konflikte. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 29/2; Silvia Käppeli (2001): Mit-Leiden - eine vergessene Tradition der Pflege? In: Pflege 14, H. 5, S. 293-306.; Hilde Steppe: Das Selbstverständnis der Krankenpflege in ihrer historischen Entwicklung. In: Pflege 13 (2000) H. 2, S. 77-83.;Tronto, Joan C . (2008): Feminist Ethics, Care and citizenship. In: Homfeldt, Günther et. al: Soziale Arbeit und Transnationalität. Weinheim. Juventa

Lecture, guest speakers, peer learning and moderated group work

Group work 50% in writing, 50% orally