Applied Nursing/ Care Science (ILV)


Course lecturer:

Mag.a phil.

 Maria Theresia Reisinger , PhDr.
Specialization AreaCare Management
Course numberB3.02852.60.070
Course codeAng.PW
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction German

Students are able to identify the specific needs and demands of their professional field, apply tools for the assessment of needs, and develop scientifically based and practically networked service providers. They can reflect on the practical actions of employees and apply the method of monitoring, reflect on ethical decisions, and recognise and consolidate care provision trends.

Care needs and requirements of special patients/residents/ client groups (e.g. vegetative state, dementia sufferers, premature babies); networked /multi-disciplinary care services. Application of qualitative and quantitative methods including data mining, analysis and derivation of possible action strategies in a collective project.

Selected according to the specific topics

Lecture, group work, presentation of findings, seminar

Documentation of the process