Clinical Care/ Nursing Research GesamtGroup (ILV)


Course lecturer:

Mag.a phil.

 Maria Theresia Reisinger , PhDr.
Specialization AreaCare Management
Course numberB3.02852.60.060
Course codeKlinPF
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction German

Students have knowledge of the logic and approach of empirical research related to their professional field. They can actively bring knowledge from nursing/ care science and research in to the design and further development of the healthcare system.

Examination of the essentials of clinical nursing/ care research, theory-practice transfer of research results, reading, presentation and critical analysis of research papers, application of tools and methods for the examination of the applicability, efficiency and quality of care of the subject to be examined, prospective fields of intervention in clinical research (e.g. care and neediness of elderly and very old people, prevention and health promotion in care, living with chronic illness, care systems in transition).

Höhmann, U.: Der praktische Nutzen von Forschung, in: Nightingale (2) 1/2003, S. 4-10, Panfil, E.-M.: Klinische Pflegeforschung: Ein Beispiel quantitativer Studien. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt, 2004.

Lectures, guided reading, group work, presentation of findings

Documentation of a research problem