Applied Health Management GesamtGroup (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Gerd Brandstätter
Specialization AreaHealth Management
Course numberB3.02851.60.080
Course codeAP.Ges
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits3,0
Language of instruction German

Students are able to understand the particular problems and challenges in terms of management and organistion of health facilities and to recognise the correlations. Students recognise economic and operational business issues and their relevance for health establishments. They are able to include and coordinate the structural, cultural and strategic aspects in the leadership and management of health establishments.

Consolidation of Applied Health Management; particular problems and challenges in terms of the management and organisation of health facilities; macroeconomic and business contexts; structural, cultural and strategic aspects of leadership and management of health facilities

Will be discussed in class and is selected according to the specific topics.