Studio Architectural Typology 1 (ILV)


Course lecturer: Dipl.-Ing.

 Sonja Elisabeth Hohengasser

Course numberB1.02900.20.160
Course codeStGebl 1
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

The students know about principles of spatial systems and relationships, and current building typologies. They can convert this into their design of an urban environment or context.

Basics of Architectural Typology: human measurements - human scale proportions, dimensions and place requirement, dimensions of equipment, utility items and furnishings, typical room dimensions

Visual, physical, psychological, social and indoor climate conditions of activities, activity diagram and room assignment schemes, plan device

History of the development of the individual building types

Planning advice, allocation of functions, examples

Basics for the design: basics for planning, utilization, structure, room partition, installation, form, transfer of analytical design basics

Creation of a criteria catalogue for analyzing buildings, exemplary building analysis, overview of elemental composition principals.

Small project work

Ernst Neufert: Bauentwurfslehre;

Lecture with practical work