Dennis Spiegel
Nach seiner Ausbildung an der Sporthochschule Köln war Dennis Spiegel auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung mit internationalem Flair. Diese…
The goal of the Alumni Service is to establish a partnership with our graduates. In this way, our alumni can benefit from the scientific, social and cultural exchange with colleagues and teachers after their studies.
All offers can be found at:
+++ Proud to be: send us a digital greeting from the city that has become the center of your professional and private life. Simply print out the Alumni Service Logo and send a photo to: alumni[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
Our alumni benefit from their ties to their alma mater even after graduation. In addition to the opportunities to cooperate with CUAS through your company, we offer discounts in the areas of sports, wellness, leisure, vacation and culinary. Request the Alumni Card by email at: alumni[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) relies on a comprehensive partner network to provide students and alumni with the best possible support in achieving their personal career goals. At the same time, we maintain close contact with regional and international companies in order to be close to business events, to identify needs and to be able to adequately train the next generation of employees through our diverse study and continuing education program.
The online job portal offers students a comprehensive range of jobs, internships and trainee programs. Companies make all offers & vacancies available here exclusively for our students.
Further benefits:
We send out job offers via a newsletter regularly. Once a month we send a job mail to all students and alumni with vacant jobs in the region & a current overview of career events.
Each semester, the Career Service offers various webinars, workshops, coaching sessions, etc. We work together with internal and external experts and counseling centers and develop innovative event formats in order to provide students with the best possible support throughout their entire career.
Upcoming events: Career Events
We will be happy to check your current resume for content & spelling and provide tips for optimization (upon request by e-mail to karriere[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at). Or you can upload your CV in the course of registering on the job portal and receive feedback! If you use the job platform, our partner companies will be able to find you.
A letter of motivation is an essential part of any application. Whether for a future internship or a part- or full-time position, such a letter is required in many fields. To assist students with this, the Business & Career Service offers a review of the motivation letter and provides feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Please send an e-mail with your letter of motivation (preferably as doc. file) to: karriere[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
The Meet & Match is a cross-sector career fair with around 90 exhibiting companies each year. It brings regional, national and international companies into contact with potential future employees.
Other useful benefits: photo shooting, cosmetics, consultations, breakfast, etc.
Job application photo shoots are offered during the winter semester as part of the Career Events. In summer, this offer takes place in the course of the job fair Meet & Match.
With about 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, we offer students the opportunity to combine their studies with a career.
This attractive offer gives students the chance to immediately put theoretical knowledge into practice and gain professional experience in Carinthia's leading companies. Scholarships are also paid out for some programs. More info about Study & Work
*Jobteaser is an external provider offered by the Alumni & Career Service of the FH Carinthia. The external job platform supports you in your job search and career entry. After registering with the external job platform, you will have access to an extensive range of free services. (By registering, you enter into a free contractual relationship exclusively with the external provider Jobteaser). Data protection information on this service is available under the Jobteaser link: available.
What we offer our exhibitors:
Cooperation with business is a key success factor for education and research at our University. Our goal is to be an important cooperation partner for companies in the region and beyond. We would like to offer you the opportunity to enter into direct exchange with our students, graduates and employees.
We’ve developed a range of services which you can use as part of your recruitment and employer branding activities.
Sie haben exklusiven Zugriff auf die Lebensläufe und Profile unserer Studierenden und Absolvent*innen und können in direkten Kontakt mit potentiellen zukünftigen Mitarbeiter*innen treten.
Sie haben exklusiven Zugriff auf die Lebensläufe und Profile unserer Studierenden und Absolvent*innen und können in direkten Kontakt mit potentiellen zukünftigen Mitarbeiter*innen treten.
Bei gegebener fachlicher Affinität und studienorganisatorischer Machbarkeit bieten wir Fachexpert*innen aus der Praxis gerne die Möglichkeit, sich mit Fachvorträgen einzubringen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, Ihr Unternehmen einer ausgewählten Zielgruppe zu präsentieren, bieten Exkursionen bzw. Firmenbesuche.
Übermitteln Sie uns Werbebotschaften für Ihre Zielgruppe! Dauer max. 10 Tage, mehrmals pro Jahr möglich.
(Format 16:9 bzw, 1920x1080 Pixel als JPG, PDF oder MP4-File)
Alle Services, die im Study & Work Programm enthalten sind.
Ihr Firmenlogo wird auf unserer Jobplattform und auf der FH Kärnten Website veröffentlicht.
Bearbeitung von Themenstellungen für welche im operativen Tagesgeschäft Ressourcen fehlen.
Top Position des Messestandes im Rahmen der Meet & Match Jobmesse.
Ermäßigung für das Premiumpaket mit einer Messestandfläche von mehr als 4 m².
Auf Anfrage können Sie Plakate, Flyer, Werbemittel am Campus verteilen oder Ihre Angebote über unsere Campus-Screens veröffentlichen.
Bei Interesse oder Rückfragen treten Sie gerne mit uns in Kontakt: karriere[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at oder telefonisch unter 05 90 500 7303.
Nach seiner Ausbildung an der Sporthochschule Köln war Dennis Spiegel auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung mit internationalem Flair. Diese…
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Katrin Heuff, BA
Alumni Service
Mag.a Birgit Marktl
Business & Career Service
Kathrin Hehn, BA
Business & Career Service
Sarah Hanin
Jobportal & Job Newsletter