The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) is expressly committed to the European University Initiative (EUI) 's vision, values, and objectives. Since January 1, 2023, CUAS has been an associated partner of the ATHENA European University, an alliance of medium-sized universities from nine European countries.

  • Common goal: All partner institutions are determined to reduce the technological gap between Europe and its global competitors, promoting inclusive growth and striving for socially responsible technological developments.
  • Transnational cooperation: Together, we strive to create an inter-university campus and knowledge-creation teams that find actionable solutions for practical problems and pressing challenges.
  • European values: We uphold and promote the "European way of life", encouraging students and staff to gain international experience through physical, blended, and virtual mobility and engage in fruitful exchanges with partners in Europe and beyond.

With its wide-ranging expertise in applied multi- and interdisciplinary teaching and research, CUAS makes a strong contribution to the alliance. Over the past years, our staff has demonstrated a strong commitment to this partnership. By participating in and initiating several joint projects, they make a crucial contribution to advancing the alliance and its common vision.

Read more about ATHENA

European Universities Office

Coordination and Liaison Office at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Villach

  • Communication between the partner universities of the European University Alliance and the various study and service areas of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
  • Close cooperation with IRO and active involvement in implementing the university's internationalization strategy.

Knowledge Broker: Sharing and disseminating information about opportunities to participate in projects and initiatives in both directions (UAS internal and alliance partners), as well as experiences and best practices of other alliances; providing vision and knowledge about the European University Initiative (EUI).

Mobilizer: Motivation for the active participation of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the EUI and its role in the transformation of the European Higher Education Area.

Supporter: Provision of support in the implementation of joint activities where applicable and possible.



“In-person networking and exchange is crucial for large transnational research projects” Senior Researcher

Marika Gruber participated in an international conference for PhD candidates and early career researchers in Trento, where she met with project…

It is finally out! The full video of our 1st International Science Slam is available online.

It has been a while since our exciting event on 14 May, the 1st International Science Slam at the Kulturhof in Villach (Austria). Eleven researchers…

Lernst du noch oder studierst du schon auf einer European University?

On the occasion of this year’s Austrian Research Night (Lange Nacht der Forschung) in late May, the Office of European Universities at the Carinthia…

Celebrating CUAS's triumphant presence at the 3rd ATHENA International Week

The 3rd ATHENA International Week took place in Chania in Crete from May 27-31 and was hosted by our ATHENA partner, the Hellenic Mediterranean…

Contact persons @ CUAS

Mag. Dr. Julia Christine Marinaccio MA
Leitung European Universities

+43 5 90 500 7107

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Melissa Pebayle, MSc
International Officer

+43 5 90 500 7045

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Denise Wornig, MSc MIA MA
(on educational leave)

+43 5 90 500 7041

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach