CUAS paves the way for project management excellence with international Google partnership micro credentials

Yasmin Kranewitter
Kim Sun
Nikita Irishichev

FACHHOCHSCHULE KÄRNTEN has set a strategic partnership with Google to offer micro-credentials in Project Management. This collaboration opens doors for alumni, junior, and senior BA-level students, providing them with a unique opportunity for international certification through the Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program EMEA.

Google is Empowering Digital Skills Across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Google, a global leader in digital technology, is committed to empowering individuals with in-demand digital skills. The Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program EMEA is making a significant impact by offering 100,000 scholarships across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. FACHHOCHSCHULE KÄRNTEN (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences/CUAS) takes immense pride in being the first institution in Carinthia to collaborate with Google as a scholarship partner. The focus is particularly on supporting alumni and both international and Austrian students, such as Nikita, Kim, Yasmin, and Ronja, by offering micro-credentials in project management (read their stories below).

Strategic Alignment with FH 2030 Strategy

This collaboration aligns with FACHHOCHSCHULE KÄRNTEN's FH 2023 strategy emphasizing the importance of digital skills and the internationalization of the regional higher educational institutions. The School of Management's top leadership expresses their commitment to providing practical insights by working on real-world problems in collaboration with industry partners, creating a win-win situation for both students and businesses.

According to Hermine Bauer, Dean of the School of Management, "Project management is an integral part of a business degree program. This subject has therefore been part of our Bachelor's curriculum for more than 20 years and is not only taught in theory, but we also attach great importance to our students learning how to manage projects in practice. In order to provide students with valuable practical insights, we work on practice-based problems in collaboration with various partners from business and industry, resulting in a win-win situation for both sides”.

Thomas Fenzl, Vice Dean of the School of Management, highlights the advantage of students completing micro-credentials in addition to their regular courses: “Students who complete micro-credentials in addition to their curricular courses have a key advantage in the war for talents: they not only acquire additional practical skills relevant to the labor market but also bring in an open mindset for the necessity to re- and upskill themselves. Such an attitude is becoming more and more important in an ever-faster changing work environment that requires continuous and agile adaptation to a changing demand for skills and qualifications”.

Austrian Students Excel with Google Certification

Yasmin Kranewitter, 5th semester Intercultural Management (ICM) Austrian student from Vienna, shows the success of the Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program. Balancing theoretical knowledge and practical experience, Yasmin managed to take on the role of junior Project Manager for the #VirtualSpaceHero global community while pursuing her BA degree. Her success showcases the commitment to lifelong learning and continuous growth.

Yasmin shares her experience, stating, "Thank you for organizing this and making it possible! I think the PM class and the practical work last semester have been extremely helpful to now better understand (and not be overwhelmed by) the content presented by Google. It was useful that several aspects of the PM class were repeated in the "Foundations of Project Management" module, and it is great to gain more in-depth knowledge and solidify my understanding of many concepts through the certificate.”

International Students progress with Google Certification

Kim Sun, an ICM 3rd-semester international student, is demonstrating the first results of her Google Certification and working part-time at Infineon Technologies in Villach: "Embarking the journey of completing courses in Project Management, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, UX Design, and Data Analytics has not only been a personally enriching experience but has also significantly shaped my contributions to my current role at Infineon Technologies in Villach. This rewarding learning experience has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of diverse aspects of the industry, enabling me to approach my responsibilities with a more holistic perspective. These Google career certificates will undoubtedly serve as a valuable asset in both my academic and professional pursuits, providing a tangible link between my university life and the skills needed in the workplace. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the scholarship opportunity provided by Google, which has made this continuous learning journey possible. I am optimistic that this specialized knowledge will not only enhance my impact at Infineon but also open doors to promising future career prospects."

Nikita Irishichev, another 3rd-semester international student, marks a significant milestone in his educational journey in Austria with the Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program EMEA: “I am motivated to take the Google Certification because it is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable insights from a major international company. While university education is crucial for a successful career, having a deeper understanding of a specific topic is always beneficial. Google's certifications offer precisely that, with highly relevant information that undoubtedly contributes to the development of my future career.”

Alumni Success with Google Certification

Ronja Reiter, an ICM program graduate and alumna, shares insights about her first professional steps in her project management career. Working at Infineon Technologies Austria, Ronja gained valuable experience in project management, problem-solving, and collaborative work, “Ultimately, the experience of working at Infineon Technologies Austria taught me a great lesson about project management, problem-solving, and working collaboratively with others. I´m confident that the skills and knowledge I gained will be invaluable as I move forward in my career, and I remain grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such a respected and innovative company, in which I will continue to work for one more year as an intern.” Ronja completed first steps of Google Certification and is progressing with her career in Infineon and with her MA in International Business (IBM).

FACHHOCHSCHULE KÄRNTEN's collaboration with Google in providing micro-credentials in Project Management is transforming the educational landscape, empowering students and alumni with practical skills and international certification opportunities. The success stories of Yasmin, Kim, Nikita, and Ronja highlight the positive impact of this strategic partnership on the future of education and professional growth of business graduates.