Evelyn Stele, MA


(Graduated in 2023)

Business Model Development at KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-AG, Klagenfurt (Carinthia)


In 2021, I chose the master’s program International Business Management to deepen my knowledge in the field, learn a new language and further develop my soft and hard skills. However, in retrospect, I want to point out three highlights: the study design, extracurriculars, and people.

First, I believe that a big asset of the program is its study design. The boutique-sized classes foster personalized teaching, stimulating discussions and a strong bond between students. The curriculum is characterized by a practice-oriented approach built on a job-friendly design, industry experts as teachers, and guest speakers from and excursions to fascinating companies. Additionally, opportunities to study abroad as well as the students’ diverse backgrounds allow for a truly international environment. These circumstances have given me the freedom to seek work experience during my studies, challenge myself in projects and broaden my horizons.

Second, I highly valued the extracurricular offers which particularly enriched my experience. For instance, I participated in Project Management Championships organized by Deloitte, completed a 2-week language program in Ljubljana and secured a scholarship to participate in the European Forum Alpbach. These activities allowed me to shape my own study experience, extend my network and strengthen my skills. I can warmly recommend everyone to take these opportunities as they come.

Last, during the master’s program I was blessed to work with people who have inspired, challenged, and motivated me. In particular, the program director Dietmar Sternad is a true asset as he manages to convey deep passion, teach critical thinking and problem solving, and encourages students to look beyond their borders in various ways. The unique study design, extracurricular offers, and the people I’ve met not only prepared me for the job market, but also shaped the person I’ve grown to be and want to become.