
RESTART_ 4DANUBE - Boosting cREative induSTries in urbAn Regeneration for a stronger Danube region

Run-TimeJuly/2020 - November/2022
Project management
  • Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle
  • Project staff
  • Thomas Friedrich Zametter
  • Dietmar Brodel
  • Kathrin ZUPAN
  • Wolfgang Grillitsch
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInnovationsforschung
  • Wirtschaft
  • ForschungsprogrammINTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
  • BMWFW - Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft
  • The number of urban regeneration (UR) initiatives promoted by European cities is rising. The new status quo is, that UR strategies should encompass an integrated approach. Cities face challenges to develop a culture that generates public/private synergies to promote SMEs & stimulate creative urban communities. They need to tailor their UR policies to local specifications and assets & integrate local stakeholders more strongly.

    In line with the Project, there were 2 main challenges identified:
    • Lack of transnational cooperation and coordination on institutional levels hindered the R&I potential of the Danube Region (DR).
    • Insufficient capability of SMEs to adapt to innovation needs.

    These challenges conveyed the following needs:
    • Established a transnational creative UR network to improve cross-linkages and optimize internal synergies between creative and cultural industries (CCIs).
    • Institutionalized the exchange of good practice in Urban Regeneration (UR).
    • Implemented pilot actions based on open innovation via smart specialization strategies.
    • Strengthened service, social, and eco-innovation capacities of SMEs.
    • Improved framework conditions and policy instruments based on smart specialization for a new model of urban regeneration in order to transform ideas into practical innovative services.

    Specific objectives:
    • Developed a common strategy.
    • Developed tools and services.
    • Supported policy dialogue.

    Inside the project were 25 partners from 12 countries in the Danube Region, who were looking forward to cooperating for two and a half years.

    RESTART_4Danube project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Danube Transnational programme in the amount of 1.348.100 EUR (IPA contribution 57.710.75, ENI contribution 136.850).

    RESTART_4Danube project is present on the following 4 social media platforms:
    LinkedIn business page:
    • Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum/Steinbeis 2i GmbH
    • University POLITEHNICA of Bucarest (Lead Partner)
    • School of Advanced Social Studies
    • IPA - Research and development company, engineering and manufacturing for automation ...
    • University of Maribor
    • Croation Chamber of Economy
    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Vratsa
    • Local Council of Craiova Municipality
    • Municipality of Vratsa
    • Pannon Business Network Association
    • Municipality of Maribor
    • City of Rijeka
    • Self-Government Office of Vas County
    • Development Association NERDA
    • Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development
    • Informational Center for Innovaton and Development NOVUM
    • BMWFW - Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)