Strengthening Ties: CUAS and Carinthian International Center Continue Collaboration
Since 2019 CUAS has been in close collaboration with Carinthian International Center (CIC) via project management module. Experts of CIC has worked…
"As the "University of Applied Sciences", the practical relevance of our studies is particularly important to us. This means that the teaching of those skills that guarantee sustainable professional success is at the center of the study. This is best achieved by lecturers who have an excellent academic and didactic record and who, above all, are successful in their own practical work. This is what the team of the Economics & Management study area stands for.”
If you have any questions feel free to contact:
MMag.a Julia Ebenberger-Fidebauer
Administration of Studies
+43 5 90500 2402
Evelyn Eigner
Administration of Studies
Mag.a Michaela Rosenwirth
Digital Transformation Manager Master
International Business Management Master
Romana Pechac
Administration of Studies
to study Management at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences:
The Management Language Center, School of Economics and Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of courses to support in the acquisition and strengthening of foreign language skills.
The degree study programs offer excellent conditions for a starting a professional career or advancement in a variety of sectors. The planning of courses and scheduling is designed to match the needs of working students as much as possible.
Practice-oriented projects provide an organized space for student engagement, responsibility and creativity. As a result, students can develop and implement their own meaningful and individually designed ideas.
Memberships in the European University Association (EUA – the largest association of European universities) and Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN – an international association of business schools with the air of improving management training) guarantee the constant exchange and development of teaching and scientific practices.
This model not only enables students to make early contact with reputable companies, but also offers them a solid basis for further professional development in addition to their goal-oriented academic studies.
With currently around 140 international university partners, studying abroad is possible around the globe. Students who would like to perform an internship abroad are supported as well. In addition to strengthening and broadening their business and economic expertise, participants also acquire social skills and expand their language skills.
Regular excursions to other European countries are an integral part of the curriculum. Internationality in the academic programs and research is an important element of the study concept. Degree programs in English enrich the intercultural competence of the students and promote their understanding of other cultures. In addition to career-oriented advantages, there are other relative advantages of an educational program provided in English, especially in regards to personal development.
Since 2019 CUAS has been in close collaboration with Carinthian International Center (CIC) via project management module. Experts of CIC has worked…
This semester, students had a unique opportunity to interview Australian coffee shop owners from Yarra Café, gaining firsthand insights into…
On 11 February 2025, the European Commission, Directorate-General (DG) for Research and Innovation, Directorate D.3 - Health & Societal Transitions…
Info Session on April 28, 2025
The Management Language Center is the central contact point for students on the CUAS Campus Villach who are interested in expanding their foreign language skills. The foreign language instructors offer students on the one hand courses targeted for different language levels and on the other hand they support all those interested in questions of foreign language communication.
Dr. phil. Colin Heller, M.A.
Das Sprachenzentrum Wirtschaft plant für das Sommersemester 2025 folgende Sprachkurse:
The School of Management Language Center offers the following language courses in the summer semester 2025:
Kursleiterin/ course instructor: Sabine Spanz
Montags, 13.30 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
Kursleiterin/ course instructor: Carmen Peresich
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 19.20 Uhr
Kursleiterin/ course instructor: Verena Paar-Grünbichler
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 18.30 Uhr
Präsentieren, Argumentieren, Diskutieren
(Muttersprachler*innen bzw. Niveau B1+)
Kursleiter/ course instructor: Colin Heller
Dienstags, 16.00 – 18.30 Uhr Beginn: 04.03.2025
Kursleiterin/ course instructor: Elisa Borella
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 19.20 Uhr
Kursleiter/ course instructor: Josef Urschitz
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 19.20 Uhr
Kursleiter/ course instructor: Stefanie Steiner
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 18.30 Uhr
SPANISCH/ SPANISH 2 (bei entsprechender Teilnehmer*innenzahl)
Kursleiterin/ course instructor: Fernanda Ruocco de Kronawetter
Montags, 16.00 Uhr – 18.30 Uhr
Kursbeginn ist am/The language courses start on 03.03.2025
Anmeldung per E-mail unter Angabe des Studiengangs und Semesters an /
Please sign up by e-mail for a course by sending your degree program and current semester to:
Sprachenzentrum Wirtschaft (Colin Heller) bzw.
Administration Studienbereich Wirtschaft (Michaela Rosenwirth)
Am Sprachenzentrum-Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Kärnten, Studienbereich Wirtschaft & Management, können die international anerkannten Sprachprüfungen des Österreichischen Sprachdiploms Deutsch (ÖSD) abgelegt werden.
Die Prüfungen des ÖSD werden weltweit angeboten und sind als standardisierter Nachweis von Deutschkenntnissen für NichtmuttersprachlerInnen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken anerkannt.
Neben Studierenden haben Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der FH Kärnten und externe InteressentInnen die Möglichkeit, die ÖSD-Prüfungen auf den Sprachniveaus A1 bis C2 abzulegen.
Niveaus: A2, B1, B2, C1
Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung erfolgt bitte ausschließlich per Mail an:
Materialien zur Prüfungsvorbereitung und Modellprüfungen: (den Button für das gewünschte Niveau anklicken)
Mag.a Silke Fankhauser
FH-Professorin Mag.a Sabine Spanz
Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Am Sprachenzentrum-Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Kärnten, Studienbereich Wirtschaft & Management, können die international anerkannten Sprachprüfungen des Zentrums für Slowenisch als Fremd-/ Zweitsprache der Universität Ljubljana (CSDTJ) abgelegt werden.
Die Prüfungen des CSDTJ sind als standardisierter Nachweis von Slowenischkenntnissen für NichtmuttersprachlerInnen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken anerkannt.
Neben Studierenden haben Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der FH Kärnten und externe InteressentInnen die Möglichkeit, die CSDTJ -Prüfungen auf den Sprachniveaus „na osnovni A2/B1“, „na višji B“ und „na odličnostni C1/C2“ abzulegen.
Jezikovni center na Fachhochschule Kärnten, ki deluje v okviru študijske smeri Gospodarstvo&Menedžment, ponuja mednarodno veljavne izpite za slovenščino. Izpite izvaja Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik (CSDTJ) Univerze v Ljubljani.
Z uspešno opravljenim izpitom CSDTJ kandidat/kandidatka pridobi javno veljavno listino o znanju slovenščine za uradne ali zasebne namene.
Poleg študentov FH, imajo tudi sodelavci FH in zunanji interesenti možnost opravljanja izpitov na treh ravneh: na osnovni ravni A2/B1, na višji ravni B2 in na ravni odličnosti C1/C2.
Prüfung: Slowenisch als Zweit-/Fremdsprache (B2)
(Sprachenzentrum Wirtschaft in Kooperation mit Center za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik)
Izpitni roki in stroški opravljanja izpita:
Izpit iz znanja slovenščine na višji ravni (B2)
Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung erfolgt bitte ausschließlich per Mail an: szw[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
Prijave sprejemamo izključno v pisni obliki na elektronski naslov: szw[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at .
Dodatne informacije
Za dodatne informacije sem Vam na voljo Katarina Gutownig Fürst.
05 90500 4222
Mag.a Katarina Gutownig Fürst
Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Students can apply to take the IELTS (INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH TESTING SYSTEM) exam at the University of Klagenfurt, in collaboration with British Council Austria (
Further information regarding the exam, examination dates and preparation courses can be found on the university website:
Dr. phil. Colin Heller, M.A.
The Language Center of the School of Management offers the internationally recognized language examinations of the Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri (PLIDA) for Italian at language levels A1 to C2.
Who can take the exam?
The PLIDA Certificate is intended for:
What is the PLIDA Certificate for?
With the PLIDA Certificate you can:
The exam will take place at the Villach Campus of the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach).
Examination costs:
You are kindly asked to register by sending an email to: S.Squadrito[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
Please note: the exam will be held only when the minimum number of participants is reached, otherwise the amounts paid will be refunded in full.
We remain available for further clarification.
Veranstaltungen bieten den idealen Rahmen für einen aktiven Meinungsaustausch. Daher haben wir uns zum Ziel gesetzt, einem interessierten Publikum attraktive Veranstaltungen zu aktuellen Themen der Wirtschaft zu bieten.
Seit mehr als zehn Jahren veranstalten die Bachelor-Studienzweige Digital Business Management, Hotel Management sowie neuerdings der Masterstudiengang Digital Transformation Management das Forum eTourismus. Dabei stehen aktuelle Themen der Digitalisierung im Tourismus im Mittelpunkt. Zielgruppen sind Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer sowie Mitarbeitende in Hotellerie, Gastronomie und Touristik, aus Tourismusorganisationen, Studierende, Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie alle, die sich für digitale Themen im Tourismus interessieren.
Dieses Jahr findet das Forum eTourismus am
Zur Teilnahme vor Ort melden Sie sich bitte unter eTourismus[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at mit Namen und Anzahl der Personen an.
Zur Teilnahme online bitten wir um Registrierung mit Namen und E-Mail-Adresse über folgenden Link zu zoom:
Nach der Registrierung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit Informationen über die Teilnahme am Webinar.
Mittwoch, 01.04.2020 von 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr
FH Kärnten, Campus Villach, Hörsaal 6
Europastrasse 4, 9524 Villach
Mellory Schöffmann
Mit Unterstützung von:
Die re!think Marketing Con 2024, organisiert von der Fachhochschule Kärnten in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Competence Circle Marketing, bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick in die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends der Branche. Die Veranstaltung ist eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, zu erfahren, wie KI das Marketing revolutioniert und welche Potenziale sie für Ihr Unternehmen bereithält.
Martin Schwarz wird im ersten Track die Frage behandeln, wo Künstliche Intelligenz auf kreative Intelligenz trifft. Er beleuchtet die Business Cases der KI im Content-Marketing und erklärt, warum ein schneller erstellter Text oft wenig Mehrwert bietet.
Dr. Ludwig Notsch, ein renommierter Jurist, wird im zweiten Track die rechtlichen Herausforderungen des Einsatzes von KI im Marketing beleuchten. Er geht auf Fragen zu Bildrechten, Datenschutz und Haftung ein, die bei der Nutzung von KI-generierten Inhalten und Daten auftreten können.
Die Teilnahme an der re!think Marketing Con 2024 ist kostenlos, jedoch auf 300 Teilnehmer*innen begrenzt. Melden Sie sich jetzt an, um sich einen Platz zu sichern und von diesem spannenden Event zu profitieren!
Top-Management in Kärntner Unternehmen mit internationalen Wachstumszielen (produzierender Sektor und Dienstleistungssektor)
Exklusiv! Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl – nur 10 Plätze verfügbar!
Evelyn Maria Stele
Fachhochschule Kärnten, School of Management
+43 5 90500 2421
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Änderungen vorbehalten.
With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!
Dieses S&W Programm wird kooperativ mit der Akademie der Steuerberater & Wirtschaftsprüfer (ASW) angeboten. Für Studierende aus dem Studienzweig DTA findet jedes Jahr im Oktober ein Meet & Greet mit allen teilnehmenden Kanzleien statt. Die Einladung dazu erfolgt per E-Mail. Zusätzlich kann man sich aber auch über das Online Formular von Study & Work bewerben. Die Lebensläufe werden über die ASW an alle Kanzleien weitergeleitet. Viel Erfolg!
Das Digital Lab der Fachhochschule Kärnten unterstützt Unternehmen und die öffentliche Verwaltung bei der digitalen Transformation. Im Zentrum stehen Projekte mit Bezug zur angewandten Forschung und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Die Forschungsergebnisse werden über Veröffentlichungen und Veranstaltungen öffentlich zugänglich gemacht.
Detaillierte Informationen finden Sie HIER!
The School of Management is proud of its international focus, which is an integrated component of our work and curriculum. Through our research and cooperations, international excursions and the possibilities to study and work abroad, Management students experience an international outlook during their studies. The benefits gained from international experience are widespread and can be seen when students return from semesters studying and working abroad as more open and confident individuals, respectful of other cultures and excited about the possibility of fulfilling their dreams with enhanced employability.
Cornelia Gruber, Management student spent one semester studying in Spanish at Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain.
Every year Management students take the decision to spend a semester abroad.
Roughly every second Management student takes advantage of the opportunity to study abroad at one of our numerous international partner universities. The Erasmus+ program offers financial support within the European Union. Of interest, however, is that students today seem to be attracted to destinations beyond Europe! From North, South and Central America over South Africa to Western and Southeast Asia; Management students are using their studies to explore the world!
What do our Business, Digital Business, Hotel, Public and International Business Management students think?
Studying abroad allows you to get to know yourself. Faced with several challenges, you discover your own personal way of solving problems effectively and developing your social skills.
Alena Wieser, Second Year Business Management Student, Freemover, ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal.
Studying abroad is character building. You learn a few things which you might not have learned at home, so you come back having a few more tools in your toolkit for life.
Krizanovic Ivana, Second Year Digital Business Management Student, Boras, Sweden
Studying abroad has allowed us to explore new hotel concepts and designs, as well as develop our English fluency. In the hospitality industry, it is of the utmost importance to have international experience and intercultural competence.
Christina Dulle, Caroline Wagner, Alina-Maria Viscusi, Second Year Hotel Management Students, Kuala Lumpur Business School, Malaysia
Studying abroad, it is interesting to see how differently cultures perceive and solve problems. This will help me to tackle future challenges from a broader more innovative perspective.
Barbara Prosekar, Second Year Public Management Student, Ljubljana University, Slovenia
Studying abroad is an opportunity to challenge myself and experience a new academic and social environment.
Suzana Jezercic, Final Year International Business Management Master Student, Cologne, Germany
More and more Management students are also choosing to work abroad. Thanks to the Erasmus+ program, students can spend up to twelve months of their studies either working or studying within the European Union. Use the opportunity to enhance your CV!
For further information, visit our International Relations Office.
Last year I decided to spend a semester abroad in Sweden, but what I did not know was that it would change my life. I made the choice to go to Sweden to gain experience for my life and see other places in the world. I chose Sweden because of the ice hockey tradition which Sweden has and my friend and I are in love with ice hockey, but I also favored Sweden because of its fabulous landscape.
It was 9 January 2014 when my friend, Jürgen, and I took a plane to Borås in Sweden to experience a life changing semester abroad. It was the first time I had to be fully responsible for myself and that in another country with another language, culture and many different people with different attitudes to life. That gave me another view of the world.
In the first few weeks, it took some time to feel at home but as we started to meet new people and get to know our surroundings, it became easier and we started to feel at home. Beside the courses which we had to attend, the university organized many events and that is also how my love story in Sweden began.
You are all familiar with the Erasmus baby statistic and a lot of students find their love during the Erasmus period. Yes, it also happened to me. It was on a so called “Tandem” where I met Stina, my girlfriend, for the first time. Tandem allows you to learn a language from a native speaker in exchange for your native language. As you can guess, I was sitting at the German table and that is where it all began. Meeting Stina, on top of all the other amazing experiences, made my stay abroad something really special. I could experience the real Swedish way of life and discover parts of Sweden I might not have seen otherwise.
Furthermore, during my stay in Sweden I got to know so many new people from all over the world. I lived in a student home with my friend. After a few weeks, we soon had our own family. We found new friends and we did a lot together. We cooked, we talked, we laughed, we traveled and we had a lot of fun.
If I had not made the choice to go to Sweden, I would not have seen so many different places. We traveled to Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen and we were in the north of Sweden, in Lapland, where we could see the truly fascinating northern lights.
But now back to my love story. After we first met, it took a while before we met again. I do not know if it was destiny or just luck that I met Stina, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me. After a while we got together and had a great time. For one month, I could live with Stina, in Uddevalla. But there was one thing that was always had on my mind: the time will come when I have to go home.
The time came and it was hard to say goodbye, but knew it was not forever. I knew Stina would make a semester in Torino, so it was not so far away from my place and we managed to see each other once in a while and stay together. Consequently, I also briefly enjoyed the Italian Erasmus experience. Again, I could see something new, which I would not have seen if I had not met Stina.
After a long search, I also managed to find an internship in Sweden and so I am again in Sweden with Stina. I know it will not get easier but I know that it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
So take the step and go abroad. It is well worth a try. I have never regretted my choice because no one can take this experience from me, experiences which have enriched my life both personally and professionally.
Alexander Turteltaube
Final year Business Management student
Every year our students choose to spend a semester abroad at one of our many university partners across the globe. One of the key skills they develop during this period is the ability to work in international teams, a challenge they mastered! Here is what they think the key to successful international teamwork is:
Management students, Caroline Wagner, Christina Dulle, Alina-Maria Viscusi (from left to right), spent a semester at University Kuala Lumpur Business School, Malaysia
Management students, Karoline Rauter and Lisa-Marie Makoru, spent a semester at Istanbul Bilgi University in Turkey.
Management student, Sonja Hammerschmid, spent a semester in Lille at EDHEC Business School in France.
Management student, Ivana Krizanovic, spent a semester studying in Sweden at the University of Borås.
When working in an international team, it is necessary to be able to adapt to the situation at hand, as well as to the different team members. The working approaches between the members usually differ substantially, therefore, it is always necessary to adapt and meet somewhere in the middle.
Management student, Suzana Jezercic, spent a semester studying in Cologne during her Master studies in International Business Management.
The working approaches between the members usually differ substantially, therefore, it is always necessary to adapt and meet somewhere in the middle.
Suzana Jezercic, management student. During her Master studies in International Business Management she spent a semester studying in Cologne.
Every semester, the School of Management is happy to welcome international exchange students to our program. Students from our university partners across the globe choose to spend one or even two semesters studying at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and attend courses on either our International Program or our regular Bachelor and Master courses in English or German. See what they think…
Beyza Orazova, International Exchange Student from Turkmenistan, Romanian-American University in Bucharest
Ketevan Malakvadze, International Exchange Student from Georgia, Istanbul Bilgi University in Turkey
Ein besonders wichtiger Bestandteil des Studienplans des Bachelorstudiums im Bereich Wirtschaft & Management ist das Berufspraktikum. Im sechsten Semester arbeiten die Studierenden in Unternehmen und Einrichtungen der öffentlichen Hand. Die Aufgaben und Projekte stehen dabei in einem engen Zusammenhang mit dem gewählten Studienzweig. Durch das Berufspraktikum haben die Studierenden die Möglichkeit, das erworbene Wissen praxisorientiert anzuwenden und ihre Kompetenzen "on-the-job" zu erweitern.
Zwingende Voraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches Praktikum ist die weitgehend selbstständige Durchführung von Projekten, unterstützt durch eine/n MentorIn am betreffenden Arbeitsplatz. Während des Praktikums steht jedem Studierenden auch ein praxiserfahrener Hochschullehrender des Studienbereichs als persönlicher Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. Dieses „Back-up“ stellt sicher, dass die Studierenden bei auftretenden Fragen auf fachliches Know-how zurückgreifen können.
Durch die im Praktikum absolvierten Aufgaben und gesammelten Erfahrungen ergibt sich häufig ein Thema für das Verfassen der Abschlussarbeit. Zusätzlich werden wichtige erste Kontakte mit potentiellen Arbeitgebern geknüpft. Nicht selten ist es auch der Fall, dass aus dem Praktikum ein konkretes Jobangebot resultiert.
The Bachelor study program in Management offers a compact, practice-oriented basic education in economics. In addition, there is a strong focus on teaching key and future skills tailored to the respective branches of study (6 German-language and 2 English-language) from the first semester onwards. This profile-building specialization accounts for more than half of the total course content. Current topics such as sustainability, digitality, internationality and diversity are an integral part of many modules.
The high practical relevance of the study program is ensured by close cooperation with regional, national and international companies as well as the use of experienced lecturers from industry, business and institutions, who bring current topics and new developments from professional practice into the study program or can also be experienced in excursions. The students' transfer skills are strengthened by working on specific and current practical tasks.
We support part-time students with an innovative study time model: the modules per semester are implemented in sequences. This enables focused learning on the module content. The module is completed immediately after the end of the module sequence by means of an examination. This leads away from the parallel learning of a lot of content with a high mental load, towards focused work on individual content and thus more effective learning.
This study model promotes a high proportion of varied classroom teaching, which takes place in sequences on only a few weekends per semester (Thurs: 4:50 - 8:10 pm, Fri: 9:20 - 4:50 pm, Sat: 8:30 - 4:00 pm) and is supplemented by interactive online teaching units (depending on the module, Tue and/or Wed evenings: 5:50 - 9:00 pm or Sat: 8:30 - 4:00 pm). In order to ensure planning security for the usually tight time budget, the weekends of the course are already fixed two years in advance.
For the part-time degree program, two years of professional experience - ideally in a relevant field - and/or at least 50% of the time in a relevant profession is recommended. Relevant professional experience or relevant professional activity during the degree program is generally credited towards the ‘Professional Internship’ module in the 6th semester.
The ISMA (Interdisciplinary Studies in Management) Research Center coordinates the research activities of the Business & Management study program. The special characteristic of the research at the department is its interdisciplinarity: representatives from the fields of business administration and economics, law, political science and administration, cultural studies and computer science work closely together at the department.
Under the guiding principle of application orientation, the ISMA Research Center conducts in-house, contract and third-party funded research in close cooperation with partners from industry, the public sector and science. The satisfaction of the cooperation partners as well as a high research quota, also in comparison with other universities of applied sciences, are the result of a distinguished research. Application-oriented research and the constant feedback to practice are guarantors for current, new developments and reflective teaching, in which the students benefit directly from the research.
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Thomas FenzlDipl.-Ing.
Martin StrombergerFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Dietmar Sternad, BSc MMag.a
Kathrin Stainer-HämmerleFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Alexander Mag.a
Hermine BauerFH. Prof Dr. rer. soc.
Svetlana BUKOFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Alexander SitterFH-Prof. Dr.
Bernhard Guetz, BA MSc.FH-Prof. Dipl.BW FH
Stefan NungesserFH-Prof. Dr. phil.
Colin Heller, M.A.Mag.
Michaela RosenwirthMMag.a
Julia Ebenberger-FidebauerMag.a
Margit SchagerMMag.a
Jirina Egarter, MScMag.
Martin SchellratMag.
Georg JeschkeMag.a
Katarina FürstMag.a (FH) Dr.
Marika GruberMag.
Michael KosutnikHon.Prof. (FH) Mag.
Alexander TauchhammerFH-Prof. DDr.
Klaus BruggerFH-Prof. Mag. Dr. rer. soc. oec.
Stefan Mag.a
Ursula LiebhartFH-Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang EixelsbergerFH-Prof. Dr.
Eithne KnappitschMag.
Wolfgang LeitnerFH-Prof. MMag. Dr.
Florian OppitzDr.
Anna Hauser-Oppelmayer, Bakk.
Rahel Mag. (FH)
Birgit Aigner-WalderDott.ssa mag.
Elisa Borella, MUMag.a
Andrea GagglDr. rer. soc. oec.
Cornelia Mayr, MMag.a
Vera SeyerFH-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr.
Florian Buchner, Mag.a
Sabine SpanzFH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Dominik Rauner-ReithmayerIng.
Christoph KUCHLINGMag.a
Marion SillerDI
Christine Aldrian-SchneebacherDI
Wolfgang AlmerMag. Dr.
Christoph AndlingerDI Dr.
Torsten AndreDI
Andrea AppeDI Dr.
Maximilian ArbeiterHon.-Prof. (FH) Mag.
Günter BauerMag. Dr.
Josef Johann BernhartMag.a
Magdalena BleyerMag.
Helmut Georg BliemMag.
Thomas BodnerProf. Dr.
Hartwig BohneMag.a Dr.
Barbara Covarrubias VenegasMag.
Verena CozelenkaMag.
Selvana Disho, Bakk.Dr.
Martin DomenigMag.a
Daniela EbnerMag.a
Claudia Fischl-LubingerMMag.a
Sabine FriesserMag.a
Marlies GatterbauerDI Dr.
Gerhard GaubeDr.
Bernhard GlawitschMag.
Christof Gruber-HarrichMag. (FH)
Volker GrünauerMag.a
Ute HammerschallMag. Dr.
Alexander HerbstMag. (FH)
Peter Heymich, MADr.
Gerald HobischMMag. Dr.
Meinrad HöffererMag. Dr.
Thomas HöllwegerIng.
Werner Illsinger, MBAMag.
Christian InzkoMag.
Peter IrlacherMag. Dr.
Stefan JauszProf. Dr. h. c. Dr.
Andreas KnorrDr. iur.
Tanja Koenig-LacknerIng.
Martin Kompan, MBAArch. Dipl.-Ing.
Gerhard KopeinigMag. (FH)
Stefan KorbMag. Mag.a
Birgit KramerDr. iur. Dr.
Ulrich Kraßnig, LL.M.Dr. iur.
Maria KrennDI (FH) Dr.
Peter Claus KrieberneggMMag.a
Eva Maria Köffler-MalligaMMMag. Dr.
Udo KöglDr. phil.
Andreas Nikolaus LUDWIG, MAMag. iur.
Karin MARTINMag.
Hannes MahlDr.
Stefan MitterdorferMag.
Christoph NaglMag. Dr. iur.
Ludwig NotschMag.a Mag.a
Ulrike OsseggerDipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)
Georg OversMag.a
Verena Paar-GrünbichlerMag.
Carmen Peresich, Bakk. MAMag.
Gerald PetzMag.
Richard Petz, BScMMag.
Florian Pibal, Bakk.Mag.
Christian Piber, MBAMag.
Annemarie PippanMag. (FH)
Alexandra PremkMag. Dr.
Manfred PrischingDI
Reiner RabensteinerMag.
Konstanze Felicitas Ranacher, MScMag.a
Ilse RapatzMag.
Markus RaunigMag.a phil.
Katharina RodgersMag.a
Maria Fernanda Ruocco de KronawetterDI
Wolfgang Schurian, iur.
Maria SkofMag.
Barbara StampfDI Dr.
Andreas Starzacher, Bakk.Mag.a
Eva Maria Stefaner, BAMag. iur.
Alexander Stieglitz, LL.M. (FH) MMag.a
Gabriele StoiserMag.a rer. soc. oec.
Iris StraßerMag. Mag.
Paul Tiefling, MBA LL.M.MMag.
Siegfried TortaMag.
Josef Johann UrschitzDI
Daniel Valtiner, BSc MBAMag.
Bernhard VenhauerMag.
Anita Verderber, BEdMag.
Elisabeth VergeinerDr. iur.
Kurt Wagner, MBAMag. iur. Dr. iur.
Hannes WalderMag.
Stefan WallnerIng. Mag. (FH)
Markus Walluschnig, MAMag.a
Gerhild WieserMag.
Birgitta Winkler, LL.M.Steuerberaterin Mag.
Eva Maria WinklerMag.
Michael Wohlgemuth, LL.M.Dr.
Anna ZinenkoFH-Prof. Prof. Dr. habil.
Gregor van der BeekThe Villach region combines tradition, cosmopolitanism and quality of life with the advantages of an innovative business location. Villach, a small town with about 60,000 inhabitants, is an international high-tech location with groundbreaking cooperation between science and industry and is also increasingly developing into a start-up town.
Situated directly at the intersection of three cultures, Villach, situated on the Drava river, is an important traffic junction in the Alps-Adriatic region. This special geographical location and the beautiful landscape around Villach and in the federal state of Carinthia have made the region a popular holiday destination for generations, further beyond the borders. The drinking water quality of the lakes and the particularly clean air make Villach and its surroundings an environmental paradise.
In addition to its geographical advantages, Austria also leads the world in terms of its social and health care system and is considered a particularly safe, prosperous and liveable country.
Despite the above-average prosperity and the comprehensive state social benefits, Villach compares favourably with many international destinations. The "small town bonus" comes into its own here and makes everyday life affordable.
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.
Make a virtual walk through the Science & Energy Labs – T10.
Motorway exit Wernberg, then on the B 83 approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, after the Villach town sign the B83 passes under the A2 motorway, and then immediately right the first exit in the direction of MAGDALENEN SEE. Following the signs for Magdalenen See, the road leads through a small wooded area, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Magdalenen See (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St. Magdalene. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
Motorway exit Villach/Ossiacher See, then approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, on the right is Gasthof Seehof, on the left is Lake Vassach, continue on the B33 left in the direction of east, Wernberg, Klagenfurt, always follow the B33, after approx. 4 km turn right in the direction of Magdalenen See. The road leads through a small forest, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Lake Magdalenen (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St.Magdalen. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
The bus company Dr. Richard runs from Villach city to the FH in about every 15 minutes. The timetables are coordinated with the timetables of the ÖBB.
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach, Austria
+43 5 90500 7700
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.