Before enrolment in a degree program at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, a learning agreement is concluded between the prospective student and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

This contract defines the rights and obligations of the student and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

The rights and obligations of the student at a glance:

  • Attendance of the modules or courses of the chosen degree program
  • Attendance and compliance with examination and submission deadlines
  • Payment of the tuition fee and the Austrian Student´s Union fee
  • Compliance with data protection and copyright regulations

The learning agreement is sent electronically to applicants who have been accepted onto a degree program. In addition to the electronic consent to the learning agreement, the timely payment of the tuition fee and the Austrian Students´ Union fee is a prerequisite for admission to the degree program.

Significant legislative basis for a UAS degree program in Austria can be found here: 

FHG - Federal Act on University of Applied Sciences Degree Programs (in German only)
HS-QSG - Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education