ZDrauA Project Kick-Off at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Villach.
Last week the UNESCO Chair hosted a 2-day Kick-Off event for the Interreg Slovenia-Austria project “ZDrauA – Next generation biomonitoring of the…
50 % of the education costs for employees are subsidised as part of the Just Transition Fund: All information on the funding
In the "Master Session ONLINE" on Monday, April 7th, 2025, from 4 - 7 p.m. CET, you will receive valuable information about all master's degree programs and courses at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). These will be presented in 30-minute time slots each.
HERE you can register for the info session on your desired study program or course.
Participation is free of charge and without obligation.
The planning and managing of conservation areas involves many different legal, administrative and technical aspects – the demand for highly skilled experts is growing. The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences has launched an international postgraduate master degree program dealing with these inter- and transdisciplinary challenges.
The aim of the Management of conservation areas program is to promote biodiversity conservation and regional sustainable development in Europe and worldwide by educating and training (future) managers of conservation areas. The MCA program focuses on skills which enable and empower to:
Graduates of this program work as managers of conservation areas, national parks, biosphere reserves or world heritage sites. They develop and support community- managed sites and indigenous protected areas or shape the future of international organizations. Graduates may also work in the consulting, planning and scientific sector.
Last week the UNESCO Chair hosted a 2-day Kick-Off event for the Interreg Slovenia-Austria project “ZDrauA – Next generation biomonitoring of the…
In our concluding workshop of the expedition.nationalpark, we explored three future scenarios for alpine mountain huts in the Hohe Tauern National…
Join the BEST NATURE Programme
Are you a student at CUAS and passionate about nature protection and restoration? We have an incredible opportunity…
Checking groundwater loggers in our Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse field lab for the biodiversitätsfonds project MEMO.
If you have any questions feel free to contact:
Melina Hierländer, BA MA
Course administrator CUAS Academy
+43 5 90500 4305
Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen
Qualification awarded
Master of Science (Continuing Education) - MSc (CE)
ECTS Credits
Tuition Fee
€ 13.900,-
ÖH Fee
€ 24,70 / Semester (index-adjusted)
Duration of study
4 terms
Mode of study
Language of instruction
Language of instruction
Next course start
Fall 2025
Application deadline
Applications are already possible.
Application interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis.
After completing the MSc (CE) Program the manager and decision makers of conservation areas will be able to fully promote and understand biodiversity conservation and its contribution to sustainable development. The knowledge will be applicable worldwide and hence will have a strong focus on development cooperation.
Participants will gain:
The technical components of the program have a focus on terrestrial, in particular mountainous ecoregions.
Besides the core team (Carinthian University of Applied Sciences and E.C.O.), lecturers are around 30 internationally recognised experts. They represent the broad portfolio of different backgrounds, ranging from theoretical (science) to practical knowledge (park managers, consultants, international organizations). Innovative teaching and training formats support the development of relevant competencies. Interactive settings give way to peer-to-peer learning and allow for individual interaction with trainers and lecturers. An international advisory board supports the program in terms of quality control and gives access to most recent research, technologies and trends.
The duration of the university certificate program for 2025 is 4 terms (2 years) and 19 courses. The total work load of the program is 120 ECTS. Hence, substantial components of the training are provided by e-learning. Presence courses will be held in different venues, for instance in seminar facilities of different parks and conservation areas in Central Europe.
Next course start: 2025
Application deadline: Applications are possible
Interviews: Application interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis.
The scientific director Michael Jungmeier (jungmeier[at]cuas[dot]at) has taken the overall responsibility for the scientific and pedagogic quality of the program. The administrative director Alexandra Liegl answers to all organizational matters. Program coordinator Melina Hierländer is the contact point for lecturers, applicants, participants and graduates (m.hierlaender[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at). She is supported by a network of regional contact points:
The program Management of Conservation Areas is supported by three boards:
Please get in contact with the team any time. Please learn more about program, the team, our lecturers and trainers and members of the adivsiory board at our homepages:
www.fh-kaernten.at/wbz and https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12563286/
Applicants have to prove an excellent academic and professional record and hence shall have:
The application procedure is based on submission of documents (a full CV, proof of the admission requirements, a letter of motivation and two reference letters) and a subsequent oral interview (MS Teams). Application interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis.
International applicants have to provide translated and legalized copies of their documents in German or English. More information can be found here:
The programme Management of Conservation Areas is being counselled by 3 different Advisory Boards. A continuous flow of information and exchange within this network provides the programme management with up-to-date knowledge and access to current trends and discourses in nature conservation.
The Institutional Board of the MCA’s function is to give access to most recent developments, decisions and policies of relevant international institutions. Amongst others, members are representatives of the IUCN/WCPA, the Ramsar Convention, the Europarc Federation, the ALPARC Network, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Agence Française pour la Biodiversité, the KfW German Development Bank, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the FAOSEC (FAO) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT)
The Scientific Board is securing the excellency of scientific methods and pedagogic approaches, as well as to give access to most recent concepts and theories, empiric work and research results. It consists of scientists and researchers from Europe’s centres of excellence in environmental studies and from most renowned Universities.
The Austrian experience pool is an open forum that gives access to exemplary Austrian parks, best practice, show cases, model projects but also conflicts and problems that can be visited, discussed and analysed by the program´s participants. Possibilities for seminar works, master thesis and internships arise out of the fluent exchange.
During the lockdowns I have benefitted greatly from an intact nature and alpine region.
I have had the pleasure to participate in the virtual information tour regarding this program and to speak to past alumni, and I have been very…
Have you ever heard of Ikigai?
Recognizing and appreciating the value of nature is the true art of living.
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Jungmeier
Scientific director
+43 (0)5 90500-4314
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach
Mag.a Alexandra Liegl
Head of CUAS Academy
Melina Hierländer, BA MA
Course administrator CUAS Academy
+43 5 90500 4305
Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen
Monika Auinger, MSc.
Junior Researcher
UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Managament of Conservation Areas
+43 (0)5 90500-2145
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach