What is the ACE2-EU Alliance?
ACE2-EU stands for the Applied, Connected, Entrepreneurial and Engaged (ACE2) European University Alliance. The Alliance was created under the European Universities Initiative (EUI), a flagship initiative of the European Commission.
In June 2024, it was announced that the ACE2-EU Alliance will receive a four-year Erasmus+ funding to deepen cooperation between the partners and create joint activities.

What kind of activities will the ACE2-EU Alliance propose?
- Educational activities
- Research and innovation activities
- Entrepreneurship activities
- Services to society; cultural and societal engagement activities
- Activities dealing with future challenges as identified by the EU: digitalisation, sustainability and green transformation, socio-economic issues, etc.
Am I part of the ACE2-EU community?
You are part of the ACE2-EU community if you are a student, PhD candidate, researcher, staff member, alumn or an external stakeholder of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS/FH Kärnten) or of one of the following eight Higher Education Institutions:
- Polytechnic University of Santarém (IPSantarém), Portugal
- University Constantin Brâncusi Târgu-Jiu (UCB), Romania
- Goce Delcev University (UGD), North Macedonia
- Kauno Technikos Kolegija (KTK)/Lithuanian University of Applied Engineering Sciences (LIK), Lithuania
- University Francisco de Vitoria (UFV), Spain
- Medical University of Gdansk (MUG), Poland
- Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC), Latvia
- Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Germany
If you are part of one of the six following external partners of CUAS, you are officially an associated partner of the ACE2-EU Alliance:
- Land Kärnten / Provincial Government of Carinthia
- Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten / Chamber of Commerce of Carinthia
- Infineon Technologies Austria AG
- Start-up Carinthia
- Global Case Study Challenge
- ECO Institut für Ökologie / ECO Institute for Ecology

How does being part of ACE2-EU benefit me?
- A larger offer of innovative and international learning opportunities
- Access to courses and other learning activities from all partners institutions: online courses, hackathons, blended intensive programmes, summer and winter schools, etc.
- Access to a larger pool of educators and experts with new perspectives and different specialist knowledge in jointly organised courses, training seminars, workshops, etc.
- More flexibility in your studies, due to the joint opportunities proposed by or throughout the Alliance
- An increased international dimension in your studies, promoting an intercultural mindset for all students and staff involved through various short-term and long-term exchange programmes
- A range of funded volunteer programmes abroad to build and strengthen your own competencies and skills, as well as your societal engagement
- Financial support and resources to attend and/or organise in-person activities with other partners from the Alliance
- An increased national and international reputation of your institution, and thus of your degree, which will prove beneficial in the future job market
- Financial support to organise or participate in international activities
- Access to a wider pool of colleagues and other experts to exchange knowledge and good practices
- Motivated partners from the other Alliance partners to develop and carry out joint activities, such as joint courses, exchanges, project proposals, etc.
- Increased training opportunities for staff in the areas of research, teaching, entrepreneurship, professional and personal development, etc.
- An increased national and international reputation of our institution, and thus of our employees, as part of a future-oriented university Alliance, which can also attract future students
- An opportunity to play an active role and carry more weight in international higher education interest groups, and thus actively shape the European Higher Education Area
- The possibility to actively participate in the internationalisation of your former university through participating in the Alliance and jointly carrying out or initiating international teaching, research or other projects
- Access to a large international network with partners from academia, industry, business and society
- A larger pool of experts and specialists to support you in your endeavours
- An increased visibility and attractivity of CUAS and Carinthia as a location for education throughout Austria, the whole of Europe and at the international level, which can in turn attract more industries to the region
- A greater weight of Carinthia on the national, EU and international stage, allowing to bring regional perspectives and expertise on the negotiation table with national and international organisations and public authorities
- Strengthened and facilitated international networking of local representatives from business, industry, society and public administration through active involvement in ACE²-EU structures (e.g., External Stakeholder Council) and numerous projects and initiatives
Can I already take part in ACE2-EU activities?
Yes, the Alliance already offers some activities, including a Blended Intensive Programme for staff, which took place in July 2024 in Santarém. New activities are posted on the website’s News section.
However, the EU project’s funded period will start on 1st November 2024, so more activities will be available after that date.
I am not an officially listed associated partner,
can I still engage in ACE²-EU Alliance activities?
Yes, the Alliance strives to engage with society at large. ACE²-EU aims to build competences and develop solutions for real challenges in our societies in close collaboration with external stakeholders from industry, society, and public administration. External organisations and companies are invited to participate in co-creating learning opportunities, such as Blended Intensive Programmes, Knowledge Creation Workshops, Networking Events, and much more in the fields of green and digital transformation, health & wellbeing, sustainability, inclusion, etc.
Who can I contact if I would like to know more about ACE²-EU
or to get involved with the Alliance?
To get more information or to get involved with the Alliance, contact persons are in the process of being identified in each partner institution. At CUAS, your main contact point is the European Universities Office: Julia Marinaccio (j.marinaccio[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at), Head of the Office, and Mélissa Pebayle (m.pebayle[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at), International Officer.
You can also contact the team at ACE2-EU[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at.