teaching & research

At CUAS teaching and research are strongly interlinked. Students profit from newest research insights in their curricula and have opportunities to participate in research.


SoTL.. what?

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is the systematic inquiry of university lecturers into their own teaching and student learning. The aim is to apply the so gained knowledge to their own teaching and to make xthe insights accessible to others. In this context, the scholarship idea means a professional interest in assesing the own teaching in a systematic and scientific way. Furthermore, it concludes the genuine interest n the process further developing one's own didactics and making the findings available to others. 


The SoTL network is an association of a wide variety of teachers and lecturers at CUAS with the aim of further developing their own teaching and exchanging professional knowledge about experiences, methods, and strategies regarding this topic. In the quaterly meetings, one or two real life examples are presented and discussed in the group. Additionally, the network collects and provides SoTL specific news and information about methods, publications, journals, conferences and best practices in an own team channel.  The network is open for all who are interested, the channel is free for self enrolment. 


Twice a year the SoTL network presents the work of the memebers on an half-day event, including keynotes, posterpresentations and workshops on related topics. Please find a review of past events below. 


Material posten – Poster, you tube film der keynote, Fotos, teams link, ... 

More interesting liks 



Upcoming event: SoTL Conference Nov. 2023 in Utrecht 



For more information or further questions please contact  

KONTAKT Carmen Oman 

KONTAKT Gloria Bottaro