Materials & Selection (ILV)
FH-Prof. Dr. habil.
Pascal Nicolay
FH-Prof. DI Dr.
Franz Oswald Riemelmoser , MBA
Dr. mont.
Sandra Schulnig
LV-Nummer | M2.06860.10.020 |
LV-Kürzel | Ma&S |
Studienplan | 2024 |
Studiengangssemester | 1. Semester |
Lehrveranstaltungsmodus | Präsenzveranstaltung |
Semesterwochenstunden / SWS | 3,5 |
ECTS Credits | 5,0 |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Plastics Technology (1.5 SWS):
The students discuss their basic understanding of
- construction
- properties
- application
- processing
- examination of plastics and composites.
Material selection (1 SWS):
The students demonstrate their understanding of the methods of material selection according to Ashby and are able to
- read and interpret Material Property Charts.
- make material selection for certain systems.
- make material selection for overdetermined systems.
- make material choices with multiple objectives.
Smart Materials (1 SWS):
The students know and name
- the operating principle of the different classes of intelligent materials (i.e. physical principles).
- at least two practical applications for each of these classes (see course contents of the module).
Plastics Technology:
- Introduction to plastics
- Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry
- Plastics
- Materials Testing of Plastics
- Composites: Types of additives, processing and testing
- Material property charts
- Material properties of the material families in comparison
- Derivation of Ashby's method of material selection
- Discussion of solution methods for different use cases
- Evaluation of the properties of plastics compared to other material classes
Smart materials:
- Shape Memory Materials
- Phase Change Materials (PCM)
- Piezoelectric materials
- Non-Newtonian fluids (incl. magnetorheological fluids and ferrofluids)
- Aerogels, superhydrophobic surfaces
- Self-healing materials
H. Domininghaus: Kunststoffe: Eigenschaften und Anwendungen, Springer (2012)
G.W. Ehrenstein: Polymerwerkstoffe: Struktur - Eigenschaften - Anwendung, Hanser (2011)
W. Michaeli: Einführung in die Kunststoffverarbeitung, Hanser (2017)
W. Grellmann, S. Seidler: Kunststoffprüfung, Hanser (2015)
M.F. Ashby: Material Selection in Mechanical Design, Elsevier (2016)
S. Langbein, A. Czechowicz: Formgedächtnistechnik, Springer (2021)
J. Goldasz , B. Sapinski, Insight into Magnetorheological Shock Absorbers, Springer (2016)
Lecture, discussion, exercises and case studies
integrated module examination
immanent assessment type: participation & written final examination