CUAS journey to Job-Ready Graduates: Micro-Credentials with Google Career Certificates Program

Micro-Credentials with Google Career Certificates Program FH Kärnten

In spring 2023 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has set a strategic partnership with Google to offer micro-credentials in Project Management, Digital Marketing, and Data Analytics. This collaboration opened doors for alumni, junior, and senior BA and MA-level students, providing them with a unique opportunity for international certification through the Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program EMEA (“Grow With Google” Initiative) implemented with Coursera.

We are proud to be the first institution in Carinthia to collaborate with the Google Career Certificates Program, and thankful to Evelyn Leu, Google Education Projects & Industry Manager, for ongoing support and guidance. CUAS experience showcases how academic institutions can align programs and instructional methods to meet employer expectations for job-ready skills.

Higher Educational institutions are adjusting their foundational curriculums to meet the needs of the changing world. Competencies such as digital learning are becoming an integral part of teaching and learning for many BA programs. According to new research conducted by Coursera "90% of students perceive micro-credentials as catalysts for enhanced job prospects. Employers concur, with 72% more likely to hire micro-credential holders" (Advancing Higher Education with Micro-Credentials)

CUAS is committed to the FH 2030 strategy, focusing on digitalization and internationalization of the curriculum. Josef Anibas, CUAS CDO highlights the strategic importance of digital skills: “With the creation of the digital strategy of CUAS, we ensured that digital skills were incorporated in all our study programs. Our 2030 strategy is amongst others focusing on further educational opportunities, in which digital skills will of course further play an important role. I am happy that people at CUAS, be it students or alumni, have the great opportunity to participate in programs in cooperation with leading technology providers in the field.”

The School of Management's top leadership expresses commitment to providing practical insights by working on real-world problems in collaboration with industry partners, creating a win-win situation for both students and businesses. Dr. Thomas Fenzl, Dean of the School of Management, stresses the advantage of students completing micro-credentials in addition to their regular courses: “Students who complete micro-credentials in addition to their curricular courses have a key advantage in the war for talents: they not only acquire additional practical skills relevant to the labor market but also bring in an open mindset for the necessity to re- and upskill themselves.”

This collaboration aligns FH 2030 strategy emphasizing the importance of digital skills and internationalization, especially relevant for the regional higher educational institutions. Dr. Stefan Dreisiebner, lecture for Project management systems highlights: “In today’s complex information environment, digital skills are more important than ever. Digital skills contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and are commonly identified as part of the 21st Century Skills. In our project management module, students work on projects together with their clients, while being mentored regarding project management, project supervision, and project management systems. By taking over Metaliterate Learner Roles such as Communicator, Collaborator, Producer, Publisher, and Researcher the students can apply and enhance their digital skills to take advantage of the possibilities of online information, digital collaboration, and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.”

Collaboration with Google Career Certificates Program served as a great impetus to transform the higher educational landscape, empowering students and alumni with practical skills via international certification

Testimonials from students:  

"Completing this certificate helped me to refresh and expand my project management knowledge, which I acquired during my semester abroad in Belgium through projects with various partners. The different ways in which the content is taught and reviewed supported my learning process immensely. Hearing about the experience of real project managers working at Google and how to apply the acquired knowledge in real-life situations was also really interesting. I am very grateful that CUAS can offer students the opportunity to develop and acquire new skills through this partnership with Google. This certificate helped me during my current internship at BKS Bank, and I am certain that it will also help me throughout my future professional career.” Gavran Helena, Intercultural Management 6th Semester Student. Intern at BKS Bank, Klagenfurt, Austria.  

„I am very grateful to CUAS for the opportunity to improve my knowledge in Digital Marketing/E-commerce via the Google Career Certificate Program. I’m committed to continuing with further certifications to deepen my understanding in a field I’m so passionate about” Arsenia Kaloian, 4th-semester Intercultural Management BA student from Ukraine.  

“Taking the Google Career Project Management Certification was very insightful, it provided me with knowledge and skills that I can now apply in my new work life as a product management intern at Infineon Technologies.” Salma Yazane, 4th-semester Intercultural Management BA student from Morocco.