Juliana Petri Mendes


My ICM journey started in 2021, and from the very start, I was welcomed with exceptional support from both the university and the student community. Throughout my studies, CUAS consistently went above and beyond to provide me with the resources, guidance and encouragement I needed to thrive – both personally and professionally. The ICM program has been truly life-changing, helping me grow in ways I never imagined. On a personal level, it broadened my understanding of different cultures, encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and deepened my empathy and adaptability. Professionally, it prepared me for diverse fields, equipping me with the necessary skills and knowledge to start a successful a career. From a semester abroad in Spain to an immersive language course in Italy, these experiences not only opened doors to valuable opportunities, but also made me stand out in the Austrian job market. As an ICM graduate, I am excited to continue building my career as an HR Specialist at an international company in Carinthia, where I get to create meaningful opportunities for others, just as CUAS did for me. Looking ahead, I’m eager to stay connected with the university and give back to the community that played such a significant role in shaping my journey.