Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Projekt Gr III | PJ | 2,0 | 5,0 | B2.08510.40.011 |
Vertiefung: Medizintechnik | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Bildgebende Verfahren | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.40.012 |
Medizinische Bildanalyse und Bildverarbeitung | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.40.011 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Projekt KLU Gruppe 2 | PJ | 2,0 | 5,0 | B2.08510.40.011 |
Vertiefung: Medizintechnik | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Bildgebende Verfahren | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.40.012 |
Medizinische Bildanalyse und Bildverarbeitung | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.40.011 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Master Thesis | MT | 0,5 | 25,0 | M2.03100.40.010 |
Master Thesis Seminar | SE | 2,0 | 2,0 | M2.03100.40.020 |
Project (II) - Frameworks and Concept Study | PA | 0,3 | 5,0 | M2.03100.20.060 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Academic Skills | SE | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.08860.10.061 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Projekt Bachelor KLU Gruppe 1 | PA | 0,5 | 7,0 | B2.08510.50.011 |
Vertiefung: Medizintechnik | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Grundlagen der Biosensorik und Messtechnik | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.30.011 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Projekt Bachelor Gruppe II | PA | 0,5 | 7,0 | B2.08510.50.011 |
Vertiefung: Medizintechnik | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Grundlagen der Biosensorik und Messtechnik | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | B2.08512.30.011 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Academic Skills | SE | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.08860.10.061 |
Applied Medical Signal Analysis | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.03100.10.030 |
Project (I) - Prerequisites and Domains | PA | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.03100.10.060 |
Project (III) - Pracical Implementation | PA | 0,3 | 5,0 | M2.03100.30.060 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Journal Club in Deep Learning | SE | 2,0 | 2,0 | L2.00910.10.050 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Prediction of Myelin Stainings Using 7T MRI and Deep Learning | Sutatip Pittayapong | 2024 |
Remote Controlled Neurofeedback Training | Alexander Stanchula | 2024 |
7-Tesla MS-Lesion Segmentation and Visualization at 9 Consecutive Timepoints | Daniel Firouzabadi | 2023 |
Automated Classification of Lung Sounds via Supervised Learning | Valerio Radicchi | 2023 |
3D Brain Visualization and Interaction using HoloLens | Maria Haber | 2020 |
Open-Source-Software 3D-Slicer: Prozessoptimierung durch Lagerung des Kopfes bei interventioneller Behandlung von Hirnaneurysmen | Dorothea Wyka | 2020 |
Kopfpositionierung vor Aneurysma-Coiling für optimierte Bildgebung während der Intervention | Manuel Tauchhammer | 2019 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Prediction of Myelin Stainings Using 7T MRI and Deep Learning | Sutatip Pittayapong | 2024 |
Remote Controlled Neurofeedback Training | Alexander Stanchula | 2024 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
7-Tesla MS-Lesion Segmentation and Visualization at 9 Consecutive Timepoints | Daniel Firouzabadi | 2023 |
Automated Classification of Lung Sounds via Supervised Learning | Valerio Radicchi | 2023 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
3D Brain Visualization and Interaction using HoloLens | Maria Haber | 2020 |
Open-Source-Software 3D-Slicer: Prozessoptimierung durch Lagerung des Kopfes bei interventioneller Behandlung von Hirnaneurysmen | Dorothea Wyka | 2020 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Kopfpositionierung vor Aneurysma-Coiling für optimierte Bildgebung während der Intervention | Manuel Tauchhammer | 2019 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Automatische Detektion von Stenosen mittels künstlicher Intelligenz | 2024 | |
FACETpy - Flexible Artifact Correction and Evaluation Toolbox for Python | 2024 | |
Augmented Reality in Dental Applications | 2023 | |
EEG-basiertes Brain-Computer Interface zur Klassifizierung imaginärer Handbewegungen | 2023 | |
Einblick in die moderne Zahnmedizin: Animierte Darstellung von Behandlungsmethoden mit Blender | 2023 | |
Feature Extraction in Bezug auf die Auswertung von EEG-Daten | 2023 | |
Portables Brain-Computer-Interface mit Echtzeitanalyse von EEG-Daten unter Verwendung eines Einplatinencomputers | 2023 | |
Visualizing EEG Data in Augmented Reality using the HoloLens 2 | 2022 | |
3D-Gehirnvisualisierung und -interaktion mit der HoloLens | 2021 | |
Der Stellenwert der Triple-Rule-Out-CT bei akutem Thoraxschmerz | 2020 | |
Erhöhung der Punktionsgenauigkeit bei Lebertumoren durch die robotergestützte Thermoablation | 2020 | |
Wertigkeit der kontrastmittelgestützten Sonographie bei der Detektion von Nekrosen in thorakalen Läsionen | 2020 | |
Detektion von pulmonalen Rundherden mittels Ultralow-Dose CT mit Zinnfiltration | 2019 | |
IBM Watson for Oncology für Therapieempfehlungen bei KarzinompatientInnen - Übereinstimmung mit klinischen Entscheidungen | 2019 | |
3D Visualisierung von Schlaganfällen | 2018 | |
Analyse von Läsionen bei Multipler Sklerose | 2018 | |
Veränderungen der Kortexdicke bei Multiple Sklerose Patienten | 2018 | |
Optimierung von Bildregistrierung für histologische Bilddaten | 2017 | |
MRT Bildgebung bei Multipler Sklerose - Trend der Entwicklung der Sequenzen bei verschiedenen Feldstärken | 2016 | |
MRT fetaler Gehirne - Methoden zur Bewegungskorrektur | 2016 | |
Vergleich von Total Generalized Variation (TGV), Gauß und Wiener Filter zur Rauschminimierung in FLAIR² MRT-Bildern | 2016 | |
Die Wertigkeit der suszeptibilitätsgewichteten MR-Bildgebung zur Darstellung der haemorrhagischen Transformation nach endovaskulärer Thrombektomie bei ischämischem Schlaganfall | 2013 | |
Volumsänderungen cerebraler Strukturen | 2012 | |
Volumsänderungen cerebraler Strukturen | 2012 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Automatische Detektion von Stenosen mittels künstlicher Intelligenz | 2024 | |
FACETpy - Flexible Artifact Correction and Evaluation Toolbox for Python | 2024 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Augmented Reality in Dental Applications | 2023 | |
EEG-basiertes Brain-Computer Interface zur Klassifizierung imaginärer Handbewegungen | 2023 | |
Einblick in die moderne Zahnmedizin: Animierte Darstellung von Behandlungsmethoden mit Blender | 2023 | |
Feature Extraction in Bezug auf die Auswertung von EEG-Daten | 2023 | |
Portables Brain-Computer-Interface mit Echtzeitanalyse von EEG-Daten unter Verwendung eines Einplatinencomputers | 2023 | |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Visualizing EEG Data in Augmented Reality using the HoloLens 2 | 2022 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
3D-Gehirnvisualisierung und -interaktion mit der HoloLens | 2021 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Der Stellenwert der Triple-Rule-Out-CT bei akutem Thoraxschmerz | 2020 | |
Erhöhung der Punktionsgenauigkeit bei Lebertumoren durch die robotergestützte Thermoablation | 2020 | |
Wertigkeit der kontrastmittelgestützten Sonographie bei der Detektion von Nekrosen in thorakalen Läsionen | 2020 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Detektion von pulmonalen Rundherden mittels Ultralow-Dose CT mit Zinnfiltration | 2019 | |
IBM Watson for Oncology für Therapieempfehlungen bei KarzinompatientInnen - Übereinstimmung mit klinischen Entscheidungen | 2019 | |
3D Visualisierung von Schlaganfällen | 2018 | |
Analyse von Läsionen bei Multipler Sklerose | 2018 | |
Veränderungen der Kortexdicke bei Multiple Sklerose Patienten | 2018 | |
Optimierung von Bildregistrierung für histologische Bilddaten | 2017 | |
MRT Bildgebung bei Multipler Sklerose - Trend der Entwicklung der Sequenzen bei verschiedenen Feldstärken | 2016 | |
MRT fetaler Gehirne - Methoden zur Bewegungskorrektur | 2016 | |
Vergleich von Total Generalized Variation (TGV), Gauß und Wiener Filter zur Rauschminimierung in FLAIR² MRT-Bildern | 2016 | |
Die Wertigkeit der suszeptibilitätsgewichteten MR-Bildgebung zur Darstellung der haemorrhagischen Transformation nach endovaskulärer Thrombektomie bei ischämischem Schlaganfall | 2013 | |
Volumsänderungen cerebraler Strukturen | 2012 | |
Volumsänderungen cerebraler Strukturen | 2012 |
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | März/2018 - Oktober/2019 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Diagnostik in der Medizin |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | Subventionsvereinbarung |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Some magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers for disease activity such as the number of Gadolinium-enhancing lesions work well to predict the conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to MS. MRI and pathological studies report iron accumulation around a subset of chronically demyelinated MS plaques forming characteristic iron ring lesions. In this longitudinal imaging study on MS patients we will analyze the presence or absence of hypointense rings around lesions in susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) around a subset of lesions, and in a subset of MS patients. If the presence or absence of the respective lesion types is indeed related to faster or slower atrophy development, we will be able to establish a highly practical novel imaging marker for disease progression in multiple sclerosis.
- Medizinische Universität Wien (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Laufzeit | Juni/2015 - November/2018 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Diagnostik in der Medizin |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | Subventionsvereinbarung im Rahmen des ÖNB-Projekts 16153 |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Brain iron is according to many studies related to neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and R2* mapping are promising tools to image and analyze areas of increased iron levels within the human brain by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Both QSM and R2* are well established methods for isotropic deep gray matter, but the situation is more complex for white matter regions. The aim of this project is to create a 3D iron atlas and a myelin atlas of a whole human brain in order to evaluate QSM and R2* mapping. The iron atlas and the myelin map will be based on 2D histological analysis (iron and myelin staining) and the ferrozine assay will be used to calculate a quantitative iron map. In order to create a 3D map of the iron and myelin concentrations, the 2D iron and myelin stains will be reconstructed to a 3D volume referred to as atlas.
- Medizinische Universität Wien (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Laufzeit | August/2014 - Dezember/2015 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Computertomographie (CT) |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | internes Projekt |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Bei diesem Projekt mit der Nuklearmedizin des Klinikum Klagenfurt handelt es sich um die Neuinstallation eines PET-CT-Gerätes. PET-CT-Geräte verbinden die Vorteile der Computertomographie und der Positronen-Emissions- Tomographie. Im Rahmen des Projektes wird ein Leitfaden zur Neuinstallation für PET-CTs erstellt. Die Bildqualität beider Geräte wird aufgrund von Messungen mit Phantomen bestimmt und verglichen. Die Anforderungen für die Installation und die Inbetriebnahme eines PET-CT-Gerätes sind sehr umfangreich (Strahlenschutz, Klimatisierung, Statik des Geräteraums, technische Qualitätssicherung usw.). Das Ziel ist einen detaillierten Einblick in diese Anforderungen und Prozesse zu bekommen. Durch das Projekt erhalten Studierende wie auch Mitarbeiterinnen direkten Zugriff auf die Prozesse einer Neuinstallation. Weiters sind auch die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und die Basis für klinische Projekte als wichtige Ergebnisse zu nennen.
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | Oktober/2023 - September/2027 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Bildverarbeitung |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | FWF - doc.funds.connect |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
- Medizinische Universität Wien
Laufzeit | März/2018 - Oktober/2019 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Diagnostik in der Medizin |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | Subventionsvereinbarung |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Some magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers for disease activity such as the number of Gadolinium-enhancing lesions work well to predict the conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to MS. MRI and pathological studies report iron accumulation around a subset of chronically demyelinated MS plaques forming characteristic iron ring lesions. In this longitudinal imaging study on MS patients we will analyze the presence or absence of hypointense rings around lesions in susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) around a subset of lesions, and in a subset of MS patients. If the presence or absence of the respective lesion types is indeed related to faster or slower atrophy development, we will be able to establish a highly practical novel imaging marker for disease progression in multiple sclerosis.
- Medizinische Universität Wien (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Laufzeit | Juni/2015 - November/2018 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Diagnostik in der Medizin |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | Subventionsvereinbarung im Rahmen des ÖNB-Projekts 16153 |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Brain iron is according to many studies related to neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and R2* mapping are promising tools to image and analyze areas of increased iron levels within the human brain by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Both QSM and R2* are well established methods for isotropic deep gray matter, but the situation is more complex for white matter regions. The aim of this project is to create a 3D iron atlas and a myelin atlas of a whole human brain in order to evaluate QSM and R2* mapping. The iron atlas and the myelin map will be based on 2D histological analysis (iron and myelin staining) and the ferrozine assay will be used to calculate a quantitative iron map. In order to create a 3D map of the iron and myelin concentrations, the 2D iron and myelin stains will be reconstructed to a 3D volume referred to as atlas.
- Medizinische Universität Wien (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Laufzeit | August/2014 - Dezember/2015 |
Projektleitung | |
Projektmitarbeiter*innen | |
Forschungsschwerpunkt | Computertomographie (CT) |
Studiengang | |
Forschungsprogramm | internes Projekt |
Förderinstitution/Auftraggeber |
Bei diesem Projekt mit der Nuklearmedizin des Klinikum Klagenfurt handelt es sich um die Neuinstallation eines PET-CT-Gerätes. PET-CT-Geräte verbinden die Vorteile der Computertomographie und der Positronen-Emissions- Tomographie. Im Rahmen des Projektes wird ein Leitfaden zur Neuinstallation für PET-CTs erstellt. Die Bildqualität beider Geräte wird aufgrund von Messungen mit Phantomen bestimmt und verglichen. Die Anforderungen für die Installation und die Inbetriebnahme eines PET-CT-Gerätes sind sehr umfangreich (Strahlenschutz, Klimatisierung, Statik des Geräteraums, technische Qualitätssicherung usw.). Das Ziel ist einen detaillierten Einblick in diese Anforderungen und Prozesse zu bekommen. Durch das Projekt erhalten Studierende wie auch Mitarbeiterinnen direkten Zugriff auf die Prozesse einer Neuinstallation. Weiters sind auch die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und die Basis für klinische Projekte als wichtige Ergebnisse zu nennen.
- FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
FDA-approved deep learning software application versus radiologists with different levels of expertise: detection of intracranial hemorrhage in a retrospective single-center study. Neuroradiology | Kau, T., Ziurlys, M., Taschwer, M., Kloss-Brandstätter, A., Grabner, G., Deutschmann, H. | 2022 |
Microvessels may Confound the "Swallow Tail Sign" in Normal Aged Midbrains: A Postmortem 7 T SW-MRI Study Journal of Neuroimaging, 29(No 1) | Kau, T., Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Deistung, A., Prihoda, M., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Höftberger, R., Robinson, S., Reichenbach, J., Lassmann, H., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2019 |
Automatic segmentation and classification of breast lesions through identification of informative multiparametric PET/MRI features. European Radiology Experimental | Vogl, W., Pinker, K., Helbich, T., Bickel, H., Grabner, G., Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Bago-Horvath, Z., Dubsky, P., Langs, G. | 2019 |
The influence of brain iron and myelin on magnetic susceptibility and effective transverse relaxation - A biochemical and histological validation study. Neuroimage, S. 117-133 | Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Deistung, A., Palmrich, P., Prihoda, M., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Feng, X., Haider, T., Leisser, M., Köck, U., Kaider, A., Höftberger, R., Robinson, S., Reichenbach, J., Lassmann, H., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2018 |
Slow expansion of multiple sclerosis iron rim lesions: pathology and 7 T magnetic resonance imaging Acta Neuropathologica, 133(1):25-42 | Dal-Bianco, A., Grabner, G., Kronnerwetter, C., Weber, M., Höftberger, R., Berger, T., Auff, E., Leutmezer, F., Trattnig, S., Lassmann, H., Bagnato, F., Hametner, S. | 2017 |
Post mortem validation of MRI-identified veins on the surface of the cerebral cortex as potential landmarks for neurosurgery Front Neurosci | Grabner, G., Haider, T., Glassner, M., Rauscher, A., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Robinson, S. | 2017 |
Local image variance of 7 Tesla SWI is a new technique for preoperative characterization of diffusely infiltrating gliomas: correlation with tumour grade and IDH1 mutational status Eur Radiol., (4), S. 1556-1567 | Grabner, G., Kiesel, B., Wöhrer, A., Millesi, M., Wurzer, A., Göd, S., Mallouhi, A., Knosp, E., Marosi, C., Trattnig, S., Wolfsberger, S., Preusser, M., Widhalm, G. | 2017 |
Noise reduction in FLAIR2 images using Total Generalized Variation, Gaussian and Wiener filtering. pubmed.gov US National Library of Medicine - Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik | Schranzer, R., Rauscher, A., Haimburger, E., Bredies, K., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
The topograpy of demyelination and neurodegeneration in the multiple sclerosis brain Brain, 139(1):807-815 | Haider, L., Zrzavy, T., Hametner, S., Höftberger, R., Bagnato, F., Grabner, G., Trattnig, S., Pfeifenbring, S., Brück, W., Lassmann, H. | 2016 |
Veins in plaques of multiple sclerosis patients - a longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study at 7 Tesla European Radiology, 46(47):2913-2920 | Dal Bianco, A., Hametner, S., Grabner, G., Schernthaner, M., Kronnerwetter, C., Reitner, A., Vass, C., Kircher, K., Auff, E., Leutmezer, F., Vass, K., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Use of diagnostic dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI for targeting of soft tissue tumour biopsies at 3T: preliminary results European Radiology, S. 2041-2048 | Noebauer-Huhmann, I., Amann, G., Krssak, M., Panotopoulos, J., Funovics, P., Windhager, R., Szomolanyi, P., Weber, M., Czerny, C., Nemec, S., Breitenseher, M., Grabner, G., Bogner, W., Dominkus, M., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Combining phase images from array coils using a short echo time reference scan (COMPOSER) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Robinson, S., Dymerska, B., Bogner, W., Barth, M., Zaric, O., Goluch, S., Grabner, G., Deligianni, X., Bieri, O., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Group specific vein-atlasing: an application for analyzing the venous system under normal and multiple sclerosis conditions Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI, 40:655-661 | Grabner, G., Dal Bianco, A., Hametner, S., Trattnig, S. | 2014 |
A study-specific fMRI normalization approach that operates directly on high resolution functional EPI data at 7Tesla Neuroimage, (100), S. 710-714 | Grabner, G., Poser, B., Fujimoto, K., Polimeni, J., Wald, L., Trattnig, S., Toni, I. | 2014 |
Three-dimensional susceptibility-weighted imaging at 7 T using fractal-based quantitative analysis to grade gliomas Neuroradiology, 55(1):35-40 | Di Ieva, A., Göd, S., Grabner, G., Grizzi, F., Sherif, C., Matula, C., Tschabitscher, M., Trattnig, S. | 2013 |
Comparing the Microvascular Specificity of the 3- and 7-T BOLD Response Using ICA and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Front Hum Neurosci | Geißler, A., Fischmeister, F., Grabner, G., Wurnig, M., Rath, J., Foki, T., Matt, E., Trattnig, S., Beisteiner, R., Robinson, S. | 2013 |
A population-specific symmetric phase model to automatically analyze susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) phase shifts and phase symmetry in the human brain Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31:215-220 | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D., Rath J. Beisteiner, R. Auff, E. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2013 |
Fractal Analysis of the Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Patterns in Malignant Brain Tumors During Antiangiogenic Treatment: Technical Report on Four Cases Serially Imaged by 7 T Magnetic Resonance During a Period of Four Weeks World Neurosurgery | Di Ieva, A. Matula, C. Grizzi, F. Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Tschabitscher, M. | 2012 |
Susceptibility-weighted imaging at 7 T: Improved diagnosis of cerebral cavernous malformations and associated developmental venous anomalies Neuroimage, 1(1):116-120 | Frischer, J., Göd, S., Gruber, A., Saringer, W., Grabner, G., Gatterbauer, B., Kitz, K., Holzer, S., Kronnerwetter, C., Hainfellner, J., Knosp, E., Trattnig, S. | 2012 |
Longitudinal brain imaging of five malignant glioma patients treated with bevacizumab using susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. Magn Reson Imaging, 30(1):139-147 | Grabner, G. Nöbauer, I. Elandt, K. Kronnerwetter, C. Woehrer, A. Marosi, C. Prayer, D. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2012 |
The veins of the nucleus dentatus: Anatomical and radiological findings NeuroImage, 54:74-79 | Di Ieva, A. Tschabitscher, M. Galzio, RJ. Grabner, G. Kronnerwetter, C. Widhalm, G. Matula, C. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions using a fusion of 3.0 Tesla FLAIR and 7.0 Tesla SWI phase: FLAIR SWI Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33:543-549 | Grabner, G. Dal-Bianco, A. Schernthaner, M. Vass, K. Lassmann, H, Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Three-dimensional proton MR spectroscopic imaging at 3 T for the differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions Radiology, 261:752-761 | Gruber, S. Debski, B. Pinker, K. Chmelik, M. Grabner, G. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. Bogner, W. | 2011 |
CCSVI - A brief report: More questions than answers Zeitschrift fur Gefassmedizin, 8:6-9 | Peloschek, P. Grabner, G. | 2011 |
Combining phase images from multi-channel RF coils using 3D phase offset maps derived from a dual-echo scan Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65:1638-1648 | Robinson, S. Grabner, G. Witoszynskyj, S. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Filtered Deconvolution of a Simulated and an In Vivo Phase Model of the Human Brain Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32:289-297 | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2010 |
A population-specific symmetric phase model to automatically analyze susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) phase shifts and phase symmetry in the human brain. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31(1):215-220 | Grabner, G., Haubenberger, D., Rath, J., Beisteiner, R., Auff, E., Trattnig, S., Barth, M. | 2010 |
Windows on the Human Body ? in Vivo High-Field Magnetic Resonance Research and Applications in Medicine and Psychology Sensors, 10:5724-5757 | Moser, E. Meyerspeer, M. Fischmeister, F. Grabner, G. Bauer, H. Trattnig, S. | 2010 |
Diffusion-weighted MRI for differentiation of breast lesions at 3.0 Tesla: How does selection of diffusion schemes affect diagnosis? Radiology, 253:341-351 | Bogner, W. Gruber, S. Pinker, K. Grabner, G. Stadlbauer, A. Weber, M. Moser, E. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
A Combined High Temporal and High Spatial Resolution 3 Tesla MR Imaging Protocol for the Assessment of Breast Lesions: Initial Results Investigative Radiology, 44:553-558 | Pinker, K. Grabner, G. Bogner, W. Gruber, S. Szomolanyi, P. Trattnig, S. Heinz-Peer, G. Weber, M. Fitzal, F. Pluschnig, U. Helbich, T. | 2009 |
High-field, high-resolution, susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: Improved image quality by addition of contrast agent and higher field strength in patients with brain tumors Neuroradiology, 50:9-16 | Pinker, K. Noebauer-Huhmann, I.M. Stavrou, I. Hoeftberger, R. Szomolanyi, P. Weber, M. Stadlbauer, A. Grabner, G. Knosp, E. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Symmetric atlasing and model based segmentation: an application to the hippocampus in older adults. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, S. 58-66 | Grabner, G. Janke, AL. Budge, MM. Smith, D. Pruessner. J. Collins, DL. | 2006 |
Aorta cross-section calculation and 3D visualization from CT or MRT data using VRML Medical Imaging 2005, 5744:731-740 | Grabner, G., Modritsch, R., Stiegmaier, W., Grasser, S., Klinger, T. | 2005 |
Konferenzbeiträge | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Investigation of Brain Tissue Fixation on Iron Concentration, Magnetic Susceptibility and Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Prihoda, M., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Mapping veins on the surface of the human cerebral cortex in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G., Haider, T., Rauscher, A., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Robinson, S. | 2017 |
Optimization of 2D registration using minctracc on myelin stained brain slices in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Prihoda, M., Hametner, S., Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Janke, A., Lepage, C., Haider, T., Robinson, S., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Noise reduction with TGV, Gaussian and Wiener filtering methods in FLAIR² images in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Schranzer, R., Rauscher, A., Haimburger, E., Bredies, K., Reishofer, G., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Toward Iron Distribution Mapping using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM): A Comparison of Histological Iron Concentration Maps with Magnetic Susceptibility Maps in: ISMRM 2016, 07-13 May 2016 | Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Haimburger, E., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
Tissue Fixation Affects the Magnetic Susceptibility and Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate of Brain Tissue in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Deistung, A., Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Wachter, J., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
A comparison of Total Generalized Variation, Gaussian and Wiener filtering methods for noise reduction in FLAIR2 in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Schranzer, A., Egger, M., Haimburger, E., Bredies, C., Reishofer, G., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
Derivation of Iron Concentration from Image Intensity in Iron-Stained Brain Slices in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Wachter, J., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Deistung, A., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
COMbining Phased array data using Offsets from a Short Echo-time Reference scan (COMPOSER) in: ISMRM 2015, 30 May-05 Jun 2015, Toronto, Canada | Robinson, S., Dymerska, B., Bogner, W., Barth, M., Zaric, O., Goluch, S., Grabner, G., Deligianni, X., Bieri, O., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Comparison of Susceptibility-Weighted-Imaging determined vessel diameters to histological measures in: ISMRM 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milano, Italien | Grabner, G., Dal-Bianco, A., Lassmann, H., Trattnig, S., Hametner, S. | 2014 |
Quantitative assessment of the cortical vessel sign after mechanical stroke treatment in: ISMRM 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milano, Italien | Grabner, G., Hausegger, K., Hauser, M., Obmann, S., Weber, J. | 2014 |
The Venous Volume Portion within Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Compared to Healthy Tissue - an Atlas Based Approach in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Dal-Bianco, A. Hametner, S. Lassmann H. Trattnig, S. | 2013 |
Quantification of 7 Tesla SWI Hypointensities in Gliomas using the Local Image Variance in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Goed, S. Wöhrer, A. Marosi, C. Mert, A. Wolfsberger, S. Widhalm, G. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2013 |
The Local Image Variance - a Tool to Facilitate the Differentiation between Cerebral Lymphomas and High Grade Brain Gliomas in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Goed, S. Wöhrer, A. Marosi, C. Mert, A. Wolfsberger, S. Widhalm, G. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2013 |
Arterial spin-labeled perfusion imaging at 3 Tesla following mechanical stroke treatment: a pilot study in: ECR 2013, 07-11 Mar 2013, Wien | Kau, T., Hausegger, K., Hauser, M., Obmann, S., Weber, J., Grabner, G. | 2013 |
Small scale functional activations using a non-linear, population-specific brain model and 3D EPI at 7 Tesla in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012, Melbourne, AUS | Grabner, G. Benedikt, P. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2012 |
FLAIR-SWI: A combination of 3 Tesla FLAIR and 7 Tesla SWI phase for multiple sclerosis research in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011, Montreal, CAN | Grabner,G. Dal-Bianco, A. Schernthaner, M. Vass, K. Lassmann, H. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Comparison of different diffusion parameters in DWI for differentiation of breast lesions at 3.0 Tesla ? Effects of perfusion and diffusion compartments on ADC in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Pinker, K., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Moser, E., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
High contrast and high resolution in vitro Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) at 7 Tesla in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. A-M. van Cappellen van Walsum, Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast at 3.0 Tesla: Combination of high temporal- and spatial resolution - a new approach in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Pinker, K. Gruber, S. Bogner, W. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
Deconvolution and QSI of Simulated Phase Images of the Human Brain: Applications to assess Susceptibility in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Deconvolved SWI phase model of patients with Parkinson disease in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Bestimmung von Eisenablagerungen bei Parkinsonpatienten mittels suszeptibilitätsgewichteter Bildgebung in: Tagung der Österreichischen Parkinsongesellschaft 2008, 01-01 Jan 2008 | Auff, E., Grabner, G., Haubenberger, D., Foki, T., Beisteiner, R., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Diffusion weighted imaging for differentiation of breast lesions in patients ? How does selection of diffusion schemes affect diagnosis? in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
High-field diffusion weighted imaging for improved differentiation of benign and malignant lesions in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Bogner, W., Pinker, K., Gruber, S., Grabner, G., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Analyzing Iron Accumulations in the Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Phase Imaging in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D. Auff, E. Barth, M. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Imaging and Analysing Iron Accumulations in the Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008, Toronto, CAN | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D. Auff, E. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Three dimensional spectroscopic imaging in breast cancer at 3 Tesla: A pilot study in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008, Toronto, CAN | Gruber, S., Pinker, K., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Methods to register qEEG and MRI volume data for accurate localization of stroke and head injury in: Proceedings of the First International Congress of the Emirates Neurology Society (EMINS) and Fifth GCC Neurology Symposium, 01-01 Mar 2006, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Grabner, G., Kargel, C. | 2006 |
3D localization of EEG electrode positions and registration with head surface MRI data in: Proceedings of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC 2005, 20-25 Nov 2005, Prague, Czech Republic | Grabner, G., Janke, A., Galloway, G., Kargel, C. | 2005 |
Aorta cross-section calculation and 3D-visualization from CT or MRT data using VRML in: SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb 2005, San Diego, CA | Klinger, T., Grabner, G., Modritsch, R., Stiegmaier, W. | 2005 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
FDA-approved deep learning software application versus radiologists with different levels of expertise: detection of intracranial hemorrhage in a retrospective single-center study. Neuroradiology | Kau, T., Ziurlys, M., Taschwer, M., Kloss-Brandstätter, A., Grabner, G., Deutschmann, H. | 2022 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Microvessels may Confound the "Swallow Tail Sign" in Normal Aged Midbrains: A Postmortem 7 T SW-MRI Study Journal of Neuroimaging, 29(No 1) | Kau, T., Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Deistung, A., Prihoda, M., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Höftberger, R., Robinson, S., Reichenbach, J., Lassmann, H., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2019 |
Automatic segmentation and classification of breast lesions through identification of informative multiparametric PET/MRI features. European Radiology Experimental | Vogl, W., Pinker, K., Helbich, T., Bickel, H., Grabner, G., Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Bago-Horvath, Z., Dubsky, P., Langs, G. | 2019 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
The influence of brain iron and myelin on magnetic susceptibility and effective transverse relaxation - A biochemical and histological validation study. Neuroimage, S. 117-133 | Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Deistung, A., Palmrich, P., Prihoda, M., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Feng, X., Haider, T., Leisser, M., Köck, U., Kaider, A., Höftberger, R., Robinson, S., Reichenbach, J., Lassmann, H., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2018 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Slow expansion of multiple sclerosis iron rim lesions: pathology and 7 T magnetic resonance imaging Acta Neuropathologica, 133(1):25-42 | Dal-Bianco, A., Grabner, G., Kronnerwetter, C., Weber, M., Höftberger, R., Berger, T., Auff, E., Leutmezer, F., Trattnig, S., Lassmann, H., Bagnato, F., Hametner, S. | 2017 |
Post mortem validation of MRI-identified veins on the surface of the cerebral cortex as potential landmarks for neurosurgery Front Neurosci | Grabner, G., Haider, T., Glassner, M., Rauscher, A., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Robinson, S. | 2017 |
Local image variance of 7 Tesla SWI is a new technique for preoperative characterization of diffusely infiltrating gliomas: correlation with tumour grade and IDH1 mutational status Eur Radiol., (4), S. 1556-1567 | Grabner, G., Kiesel, B., Wöhrer, A., Millesi, M., Wurzer, A., Göd, S., Mallouhi, A., Knosp, E., Marosi, C., Trattnig, S., Wolfsberger, S., Preusser, M., Widhalm, G. | 2017 |
Noise reduction in FLAIR2 images using Total Generalized Variation, Gaussian and Wiener filtering. pubmed.gov US National Library of Medicine - Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik | Schranzer, R., Rauscher, A., Haimburger, E., Bredies, K., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Konferenzbeiträge | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Investigation of Brain Tissue Fixation on Iron Concentration, Magnetic Susceptibility and Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Prihoda, M., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Mapping veins on the surface of the human cerebral cortex in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G., Haider, T., Rauscher, A., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Robinson, S. | 2017 |
Optimization of 2D registration using minctracc on myelin stained brain slices in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Prihoda, M., Hametner, S., Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Janke, A., Lepage, C., Haider, T., Robinson, S., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Noise reduction with TGV, Gaussian and Wiener filtering methods in FLAIR² images in: ISMRM 2017, 22-27 Apr 2017, Honolulu, USA | Schranzer, R., Rauscher, A., Haimburger, E., Bredies, K., Reishofer, G., Grabner, G. | 2017 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
The topograpy of demyelination and neurodegeneration in the multiple sclerosis brain Brain, 139(1):807-815 | Haider, L., Zrzavy, T., Hametner, S., Höftberger, R., Bagnato, F., Grabner, G., Trattnig, S., Pfeifenbring, S., Brück, W., Lassmann, H. | 2016 |
Konferenzbeiträge | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Toward Iron Distribution Mapping using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM): A Comparison of Histological Iron Concentration Maps with Magnetic Susceptibility Maps in: ISMRM 2016, 07-13 May 2016 | Deistung, A., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Haimburger, E., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
Tissue Fixation Affects the Magnetic Susceptibility and Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate of Brain Tissue in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Deistung, A., Hametner, S., Endmayr, V., Wachter, J., Feng, X., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
A comparison of Total Generalized Variation, Gaussian and Wiener filtering methods for noise reduction in FLAIR2 in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Schranzer, A., Egger, M., Haimburger, E., Bredies, C., Reishofer, G., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
Derivation of Iron Concentration from Image Intensity in Iron-Stained Brain Slices in: ESMRMB 2016, 29 Sep-01 Oct 2016, Wien | Wachter, J., Endmayr, V., Hametner, S., Lassmann, H., Reichenbach, J., Robinson, S., Haimburger, E., Menard, C., Haider, T., Traxler, H., Trattnig, S., Deistung, A., Grabner, G. | 2016 |
Artikel in Zeitschriften | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Veins in plaques of multiple sclerosis patients - a longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study at 7 Tesla European Radiology, 46(47):2913-2920 | Dal Bianco, A., Hametner, S., Grabner, G., Schernthaner, M., Kronnerwetter, C., Reitner, A., Vass, C., Kircher, K., Auff, E., Leutmezer, F., Vass, K., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Use of diagnostic dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI for targeting of soft tissue tumour biopsies at 3T: preliminary results European Radiology, S. 2041-2048 | Noebauer-Huhmann, I., Amann, G., Krssak, M., Panotopoulos, J., Funovics, P., Windhager, R., Szomolanyi, P., Weber, M., Czerny, C., Nemec, S., Breitenseher, M., Grabner, G., Bogner, W., Dominkus, M., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Combining phase images from array coils using a short echo time reference scan (COMPOSER) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Robinson, S., Dymerska, B., Bogner, W., Barth, M., Zaric, O., Goluch, S., Grabner, G., Deligianni, X., Bieri, O., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Group specific vein-atlasing: an application for analyzing the venous system under normal and multiple sclerosis conditions Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI, 40:655-661 | Grabner, G., Dal Bianco, A., Hametner, S., Trattnig, S. | 2014 |
A study-specific fMRI normalization approach that operates directly on high resolution functional EPI data at 7Tesla Neuroimage, (100), S. 710-714 | Grabner, G., Poser, B., Fujimoto, K., Polimeni, J., Wald, L., Trattnig, S., Toni, I. | 2014 |
Three-dimensional susceptibility-weighted imaging at 7 T using fractal-based quantitative analysis to grade gliomas Neuroradiology, 55(1):35-40 | Di Ieva, A., Göd, S., Grabner, G., Grizzi, F., Sherif, C., Matula, C., Tschabitscher, M., Trattnig, S. | 2013 |
Comparing the Microvascular Specificity of the 3- and 7-T BOLD Response Using ICA and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Front Hum Neurosci | Geißler, A., Fischmeister, F., Grabner, G., Wurnig, M., Rath, J., Foki, T., Matt, E., Trattnig, S., Beisteiner, R., Robinson, S. | 2013 |
A population-specific symmetric phase model to automatically analyze susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) phase shifts and phase symmetry in the human brain Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31:215-220 | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D., Rath J. Beisteiner, R. Auff, E. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2013 |
Fractal Analysis of the Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Patterns in Malignant Brain Tumors During Antiangiogenic Treatment: Technical Report on Four Cases Serially Imaged by 7 T Magnetic Resonance During a Period of Four Weeks World Neurosurgery | Di Ieva, A. Matula, C. Grizzi, F. Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Tschabitscher, M. | 2012 |
Susceptibility-weighted imaging at 7 T: Improved diagnosis of cerebral cavernous malformations and associated developmental venous anomalies Neuroimage, 1(1):116-120 | Frischer, J., Göd, S., Gruber, A., Saringer, W., Grabner, G., Gatterbauer, B., Kitz, K., Holzer, S., Kronnerwetter, C., Hainfellner, J., Knosp, E., Trattnig, S. | 2012 |
Longitudinal brain imaging of five malignant glioma patients treated with bevacizumab using susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. Magn Reson Imaging, 30(1):139-147 | Grabner, G. Nöbauer, I. Elandt, K. Kronnerwetter, C. Woehrer, A. Marosi, C. Prayer, D. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2012 |
The veins of the nucleus dentatus: Anatomical and radiological findings NeuroImage, 54:74-79 | Di Ieva, A. Tschabitscher, M. Galzio, RJ. Grabner, G. Kronnerwetter, C. Widhalm, G. Matula, C. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions using a fusion of 3.0 Tesla FLAIR and 7.0 Tesla SWI phase: FLAIR SWI Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33:543-549 | Grabner, G. Dal-Bianco, A. Schernthaner, M. Vass, K. Lassmann, H, Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Three-dimensional proton MR spectroscopic imaging at 3 T for the differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions Radiology, 261:752-761 | Gruber, S. Debski, B. Pinker, K. Chmelik, M. Grabner, G. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. Bogner, W. | 2011 |
CCSVI - A brief report: More questions than answers Zeitschrift fur Gefassmedizin, 8:6-9 | Peloschek, P. Grabner, G. | 2011 |
Combining phase images from multi-channel RF coils using 3D phase offset maps derived from a dual-echo scan Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65:1638-1648 | Robinson, S. Grabner, G. Witoszynskyj, S. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Filtered Deconvolution of a Simulated and an In Vivo Phase Model of the Human Brain Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32:289-297 | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2010 |
A population-specific symmetric phase model to automatically analyze susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) phase shifts and phase symmetry in the human brain. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31(1):215-220 | Grabner, G., Haubenberger, D., Rath, J., Beisteiner, R., Auff, E., Trattnig, S., Barth, M. | 2010 |
Windows on the Human Body ? in Vivo High-Field Magnetic Resonance Research and Applications in Medicine and Psychology Sensors, 10:5724-5757 | Moser, E. Meyerspeer, M. Fischmeister, F. Grabner, G. Bauer, H. Trattnig, S. | 2010 |
Diffusion-weighted MRI for differentiation of breast lesions at 3.0 Tesla: How does selection of diffusion schemes affect diagnosis? Radiology, 253:341-351 | Bogner, W. Gruber, S. Pinker, K. Grabner, G. Stadlbauer, A. Weber, M. Moser, E. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
A Combined High Temporal and High Spatial Resolution 3 Tesla MR Imaging Protocol for the Assessment of Breast Lesions: Initial Results Investigative Radiology, 44:553-558 | Pinker, K. Grabner, G. Bogner, W. Gruber, S. Szomolanyi, P. Trattnig, S. Heinz-Peer, G. Weber, M. Fitzal, F. Pluschnig, U. Helbich, T. | 2009 |
High-field, high-resolution, susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: Improved image quality by addition of contrast agent and higher field strength in patients with brain tumors Neuroradiology, 50:9-16 | Pinker, K. Noebauer-Huhmann, I.M. Stavrou, I. Hoeftberger, R. Szomolanyi, P. Weber, M. Stadlbauer, A. Grabner, G. Knosp, E. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Symmetric atlasing and model based segmentation: an application to the hippocampus in older adults. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, S. 58-66 | Grabner, G. Janke, AL. Budge, MM. Smith, D. Pruessner. J. Collins, DL. | 2006 |
Aorta cross-section calculation and 3D visualization from CT or MRT data using VRML Medical Imaging 2005, 5744:731-740 | Grabner, G., Modritsch, R., Stiegmaier, W., Grasser, S., Klinger, T. | 2005 |
Konferenzbeiträge | ||
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
COMbining Phased array data using Offsets from a Short Echo-time Reference scan (COMPOSER) in: ISMRM 2015, 30 May-05 Jun 2015, Toronto, Canada | Robinson, S., Dymerska, B., Bogner, W., Barth, M., Zaric, O., Goluch, S., Grabner, G., Deligianni, X., Bieri, O., Trattnig, S. | 2015 |
Comparison of Susceptibility-Weighted-Imaging determined vessel diameters to histological measures in: ISMRM 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milano, Italien | Grabner, G., Dal-Bianco, A., Lassmann, H., Trattnig, S., Hametner, S. | 2014 |
Quantitative assessment of the cortical vessel sign after mechanical stroke treatment in: ISMRM 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milano, Italien | Grabner, G., Hausegger, K., Hauser, M., Obmann, S., Weber, J. | 2014 |
The Venous Volume Portion within Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Compared to Healthy Tissue - an Atlas Based Approach in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Dal-Bianco, A. Hametner, S. Lassmann H. Trattnig, S. | 2013 |
Quantification of 7 Tesla SWI Hypointensities in Gliomas using the Local Image Variance in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Goed, S. Wöhrer, A. Marosi, C. Mert, A. Wolfsberger, S. Widhalm, G. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2013 |
The Local Image Variance - a Tool to Facilitate the Differentiation between Cerebral Lymphomas and High Grade Brain Gliomas in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Apr 2013 | Grabner, G. Goed, S. Wöhrer, A. Marosi, C. Mert, A. Wolfsberger, S. Widhalm, G. Trattnig, S. Preusser, M. | 2013 |
Arterial spin-labeled perfusion imaging at 3 Tesla following mechanical stroke treatment: a pilot study in: ECR 2013, 07-11 Mar 2013, Wien | Kau, T., Hausegger, K., Hauser, M., Obmann, S., Weber, J., Grabner, G. | 2013 |
Small scale functional activations using a non-linear, population-specific brain model and 3D EPI at 7 Tesla in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012, Melbourne, AUS | Grabner, G. Benedikt, P. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2012 |
FLAIR-SWI: A combination of 3 Tesla FLAIR and 7 Tesla SWI phase for multiple sclerosis research in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011, Montreal, CAN | Grabner,G. Dal-Bianco, A. Schernthaner, M. Vass, K. Lassmann, H. Trattnig, S. | 2011 |
Comparison of different diffusion parameters in DWI for differentiation of breast lesions at 3.0 Tesla ? Effects of perfusion and diffusion compartments on ADC in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Pinker, K., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Moser, E., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
High contrast and high resolution in vitro Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) at 7 Tesla in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. A-M. van Cappellen van Walsum, Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast at 3.0 Tesla: Combination of high temporal- and spatial resolution - a new approach in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Pinker, K. Gruber, S. Bogner, W. Helbich, T. Trattnig, S. | 2009 |
Deconvolution and QSI of Simulated Phase Images of the Human Brain: Applications to assess Susceptibility in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Deconvolved SWI phase model of patients with Parkinson disease in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009, Honolulu, USA | Grabner, G. Trattnig, S. Barth, M. | 2009 |
Bestimmung von Eisenablagerungen bei Parkinsonpatienten mittels suszeptibilitätsgewichteter Bildgebung in: Tagung der Österreichischen Parkinsongesellschaft 2008, 01-01 Jan 2008 | Auff, E., Grabner, G., Haubenberger, D., Foki, T., Beisteiner, R., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Diffusion weighted imaging for differentiation of breast lesions in patients ? How does selection of diffusion schemes affect diagnosis? in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Bogner, W., Gruber, S., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
High-field diffusion weighted imaging for improved differentiation of benign and malignant lesions in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Bogner, W., Pinker, K., Gruber, S., Grabner, G., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Analyzing Iron Accumulations in the Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Phase Imaging in: RSNA Radiological Society of North America, 2008, Chicago, USA | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D. Auff, E. Barth, M. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Imaging and Analysing Iron Accumulations in the Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008, Toronto, CAN | Grabner, G. Haubenberger, D. Auff, E. Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Three dimensional spectroscopic imaging in breast cancer at 3 Tesla: A pilot study in: ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008, Toronto, CAN | Gruber, S., Pinker, K., Grabner, G., Stadlbauer, A., Helbich, T., Trattnig, S. | 2008 |
Methods to register qEEG and MRI volume data for accurate localization of stroke and head injury in: Proceedings of the First International Congress of the Emirates Neurology Society (EMINS) and Fifth GCC Neurology Symposium, 01-01 Mar 2006, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Grabner, G., Kargel, C. | 2006 |
3D localization of EEG electrode positions and registration with head surface MRI data in: Proceedings of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC 2005, 20-25 Nov 2005, Prague, Czech Republic | Grabner, G., Janke, A., Galloway, G., Kargel, C. | 2005 |
Aorta cross-section calculation and 3D-visualization from CT or MRT data using VRML in: SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb 2005, San Diego, CA | Klinger, T., Grabner, G., Modritsch, R., Stiegmaier, W. | 2005 |