SS 2025
Vertiefung: Robotic SystemsTypSWSECTS-Credits
Computer Vision ILV 3,0 5,0 M2.05281.20.051
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 2 ILV 6,0 7,0 B2.05270.20.650
Informatik 2: Algorithmen und Objektorientiertes Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.20.050
WS 2024
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 1 ILV 6,0 8,0 B2.05270.10.040
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 1 ILV 6,0 8,0 B2.05270.10.040
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 1 ILV 6,0 8,0 B2.05270.10.040
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 1 ILV 6,0 8,0 B2.05270.10.040
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Vertiefung: IndustrietechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Vertiefung: IndustrietechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
VISIR Remote Lab Controlled via VR Daniel Cosic 2021
VISIR Remote Lab Controlled via VR Daniel Cosic 2021
LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Dezember/2023
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Martin Schneider
  • Peter Druml
  • Sandra Ofner
  • Peter Harsanyi
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Patrick KRAMER
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Suranga Dimuthu Kumara PATHIRAJA MUDIYANSELAGE
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammFFG - Fast Track Digital 1. Ausschreibung
  • FFG
  • Das Projekt FIRELab setze sich zum Ziel, in einem Konsortium aus der Landesfeuerwehrschule Kärnten (LFS), der Fachhochschule Kärnten (FHK), der Messfeld GmbH sowie den Kleinunternehmen BHT Solutions und ZT-Büro Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schwab ein „Löschlabor“ für eine Vertiefung der praktischen Feuerwehrausbildung zu entwickeln, das sowohl vor Ort als auch ferngesteuert über eine Internetverbindung genutzt werden kann. Ein Löschroboter der Firma LUF wird dazu verwendet, um den effizienten Einsatz des Löschangriffs zu trainieren. Parameter, wie Durchflussmenge, Strahlstreuung, oder Tröpfchengröße, könnten ferngesteuert werden. Die Effizienz der Maßnahmen kann durch Parameter wie den Wasserrückfluss, Temperatur oder verstrichene Zeit beurteilt werden. Eine derartige Übungsmöglichkeit für die Feuerwehrausbildung war davor nicht bekannt. Es wurde daher angestrebt, das Löschlabor zunächst in Österreich für die bundesweite Ausbildung anzubieten, aber auch an anderen Standorten (österreichweit, aber auch international) ähnliche Labore zu errichten und somit das „Produkt Löschlabor“ zu vermarkten.

    LaufzeitJänner/2020 - März/2022
  • Franz Oswald Riemelmoser
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Marius Laux
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Lisa-Marie Faller
  • Pia Zupan-Angerer
  • Sabine Stocker
  • Khaled Ahmed Abdelnaeim Selim IBRAHIM
  • Karin Irlacher
  • Khaled Ahmed Abdelnaeim Selim IBRAHIM
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Felix Sieghard Horst CONRAD
  • Rosmarie Brigitte Heim
  • Pawel MICHALEC
  • Akram Mohsen Ibrahim Saber IBRAHIM
  • Sophia Millonigg
  • ForschungsschwerpunktAutomatisierungstechnik
  • Maschinenbau-Leichtbau
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammINTERREG VA SI-AT
  • Interreg SI-AT
  • Das übergeordnete Projektziel war die Stärkung von grenzübergreifendem Wettbewerb, Forschung und Innovationdurch die Einrichtung einer gemeinsamen AM-Technologieplattform. Im ProjektASAM wurde die Kooperation der beiden Hochtechnologiestandorte Region Ljubljana und Technologiepark Villach im Schwerpunktbereich „Additive Manufacturing AM“ auf ein professionelles Niveau angehoben und es wurde eine gemeinsamegrenzübergreifende AM-Plattform etabliert. Mittelfristige Zielsetzung war es, die Makroregion (Slowenien, Österreich, Norditalien, Kroatien) zu einer europäischen Leaderregion für AM-Technologien zu entwickeln.

    Kofinanziert durch den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung

    The overarching project objective was to strengthen cross-border competition, research and innovation by establishing a joint AM technology platform. In the ASAM project, cooperation between the two high-techlocations Ljubljana Region and Villach Technology Park in the key area of`Additive Manufacturing AM´ was raised to a professional level and a joint cross-border AM platform was established. The medium-term objective was to develop the macro-region (Slovenia, Austria, northern Italy, Croatia) into a European regional leader for AM technologies.

    Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fond

    LaufzeitFebruar/2019 - Dezember/2019
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Vera Seyer
  • Ewald Harder
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Doris Elisabeth Neureiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErstellung digitaler Lehr- und Lernmittel mit Citizen Science Methoden
  • OeAD - Österreichischer Austauschdienst
  • Im Zuge dieses Projekts soll am Beispiel des Gruppenkommandantenlehrgangs der österreichischen Feuerwehren eine interaktive Lehr- und Lernumgebung auf- und eingesetzt werden, die die Inhalte des Lehrgangs mittels Videos und interaktiven Inhalten aufbereitet. Als Plattform ist ein zu errichten-der Moodle-Server vorgesehen; die Fachhochschule Kärnten wird neben der Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der digitalen Inhalte auch Know-how zur Wartung der Plattform transferieren.
    Das in diesem Projektumfang zu erwartende Endprodukt ist die Etablierung einer inverted-classroom-Methodik und -Umgebung für den Gruppenkommandantenlehrgang der Feuerwehr. Die über den Projektrahmen hinausreichende Perspektive sieht die Aufnahme dieser Methodik in das didaktische Rahmenprogramm der Feuerwehrschule und somit den Transfer dieser Methode auf andere Ausbildungsmodule vor.
    Zusätzliche Erkenntnisse werden durch die Einbindung von Citizens in Form von Betroffenen eines Feuerwehreinsatzes (beispielsweise bei einem Brand oder einer Überschwemmung) gewährt. Der Einblick in die Erlebensperspektive der Betroffenen ermöglicht einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf ausge-wählte Katastrophenszenarien und deren Bekämpfung.
    Substanzielle Verbesserungen in der Ausbildung der Gruppenkommandanten sind durch die Integra-tion der Erfahrungsberichte von Citizens als Betroffene zu erwarten. Die Lernenden erfahren dadurch einen Perspektivenwechsel und können anhand realer Fallbeispiele verschiedene Reaktionsmuster besser reflektieren. Das in diesem Projektansatz gewählte Setting bedingt einen Kreislauf zwischen Erkenntnisgewinn durch Bürgerbeteiligung (Betroffene) und Verbesserung des End-produkts (digitale Unterrichtsmaterialien und -umgebung).

    • OeAD - Österreichischer Austauschdienst (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    LaufzeitNovember/2019 - November/2023
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Mario Wehr
  • Muhammad Abdul BASIT
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • An essential basis for the implementation of the EEC project was the availability of highly qualified professionals who could develop, operate, and maintain the relevant production, manufacturing, and logistics technologies. The ETAT project aimed to create exemplary Education & Training Centers in the field of engineering education at selected EEC universities that were suitable education hubs in the region to support industry-related education and training for engineers and young specialists. It aimed to achieve the following objectives: modernization of higher education in Thailand based on the experience of EU countries; increasing the employment rate of university graduates and implementing the concept of LLL with the help of training in Automation 4.0; development of partnerships with enterprises; improving the quality and relevance of higher education in Thailand in Automation 4.0; establishment of 6 certified ETAT Training Centers at Thai universities, which were equipped with 24 special training places (4 ETAT Smart Labs per university); Establishment of a platform for distance learning and cooperation for providing e-learning and for the exchange of didactical documents and information. ETAT Training Centers were provided with teaching materials and certified courses for different target groups (students, employees, post-graduates) as well as with the Thai trainers trained by EU partners. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences was the coordinator of this project.

    LaufzeitNovember/2018 - November/2022
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Pester
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktComputer Architektur
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The purpose of this project was to improve the Digital Competence (DC) development situation in Ukraine (UA) to harmonize it with the European mainstream by adapting the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens and for Educators, as well as the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition (UNDC); reforming in-service training for teachers and providing „best practice“ experiences of how DC could be further developed in general and adapted to the challenges of the higher education sector within society at large. The motivation for this came from the goal set by the European Commission in Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, DigComp frameworks, and the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE). The project aimed to establish an effective UNDC network amongst UA educational institutions, associations, public authorities, and business representatives; to design and implement UA DC frameworks; to make recommendations for modifying the DC studies curriculum according to the DAE and modern labor market requirements; to create DC training for teachers and for citizens and to provide high-quality DC training for various social strata of society.

    LaufzeitJänner/2016 - April/2018
    Homepage PUC - Rio external partner
  • Andreas Pester
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Alexandra Daniela Nitoiu
  • Thomas Klinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The project targets the broad area of Electrical Engineering, and, within it, the subject of circuit theory and practice. It aims to define, develop and evaluate a set of educational modules comprising hands-on, virtual and remote experiments, the later supported by a remote lab named Virtual Instruments System in Reality (VISIR). The nature of each experiments has an impact on the students' perception of circuits' behavior, being therefore mandatory to understand how these different learning objects can be arranged together in order to scaffold their understanding in increase their laboratory-based skills. This is concern of the underpinning teaching and learning methodology. favoring in particular the students' autonomy for discovering how circuits work, through an inquiry-based approach.VISIR+ brings together the power of the best remote lab for experiments with electrical and electronics circuits and the long history of collaboration among the consortium partners.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Lead Partner)
    • University of Deusto
    • Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
    • Blekinge Institute Technology
    • Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC)
    • Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    • PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
    • Universidad nacional de Santiago del Estero
    • Universidad Nacional de Rosario
    • Associacao Brasileira de Educacao em Engenharia
    • Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingenieria
    LaufzeitNovember/2016 - August/2019
    Homepage Projektwebsite
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Andreas Pester
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Strategische Partnerschaft
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • PILAR partnership will enhance the learning, teaching and practical training at university and high school levels, by allowing to develop many different electronic practices through a newer and richer level of digital integration. The possibility of real practices at almost real time for many different student profiles will help to develop basic and transversal skills all through the involved countries and, as a second step, all through any interested country. This new VISIR labs federation will also help to address low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods, in a totally new dimension. Only with a federation of existing VISIR nodes will be possible to serve the large student population that may benefit from this technology-enhanced educational tool. This larger impact will also increase the efficiency of public expenditure and the investment in education and training, which could be identified as yet another horizontal or sectoral priority addressed by PILAR. STEM needs of improvement and practical competences that must be addressed in schools, high schools and colleges, as well as might be used in industry for the capacitance and relocation of personal might be obtained through the proposed federation of remote laboratories resources allowing a self-sustainable environment and incrementing the synergies as well as empowering the level of sharing open resources for the whole community.PILAR (Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of VISIR) is a project that addresses the following needs:1- Need of real, extensive and intensive, online, cheap practices for building and interacting with electrical and electronics circuits in engineering subjects of university level, and also as a lifelong learning activity (industry oriented) and at a school and high school level.2- Need of reliable, highly available, remote laboratory services offered through Internet by a robust remote labs service provider, which will enhance a stronger digital integration for learning and teaching3- Need of having these practices available at any time and from anywhere, in a timely and controlled manner, helping to increase the number of graduates at the university that cannot easily access these practicesThe main objectives pursued by PILAR are:a. Based in the different implementations of VISIR in several of the partners in the project (BTH, CUAS, UDEUSTO, IPP, UNED), the first objective is building a reliable, highly available, unique international VISIR platform federation, that integrates all the different resources used by VISIR in each of the partners.b. Once established, this federation will be completely opened to other partners in Europe, through easy gateways to the federation, allowing to extend the capabilities of PILAR to much more interested educational institutions.c. Building a set of remote practices, based in this new platform, for electrical and electronics circuits, at school, grade and master level, and also as a lifelong learning activity, that will be offered as remote lab services, to students in all the partners institutions and, as a second step, to anyone interested. The results will bring added value at EU level because the activities cannot be attained in a single country.d. Those new remote lab VISIR Internet services must allow, in a transparent way, the use of the best set of remote learning services of each partner in each moment.Four different aspects can be faced using a federation of the existing VISIR nodes:1. Scalability. The VISIR system is designed to support around 50 users at the same time because the hardware is multiplexed. But if a huge amount of user is expected we need to scale the VISIR using a federation. If the circuits are replicated in different VISIR nodes, more users can access the platform and experiment through the federation. 2. Reliability and availability. Redundancy. If one node is not available for any reason, its effort can be supported by other nodes. That is: if one user is accessing the VISIR in his institution but it is down he will be automatically redirected to another available VISIR node (in other institution). This process will be transparent for the user. In this case, the federation mechanism must know what circuits are available in what VISIR nodes.3. Set of experiments. VISIR is a REAL remote lab, it is like in the classical lab. There you can construct any circuit, but it is not true because in the lab we do not have all the components, we have a set of them (some resistors, some capacitors, some…). In VISIR is the same, we can offer any circuit, but not all of them at the same time. In this situation the federation is very interesting because each VISIR node can implement a set of circuits (DC circuits, AC circuits, Operational Amplifiers circuits, etc.) but the user will not access only to the set of experiments of his institution, but also to the total set of experiments of all the VISIR nodes. 4. Tracking system. The federation must be able to know how many users are accessing each VISIR node, to balance the use of the VISIR federation. The federation software layer must have a system to assure the balance of the nodes and to control the accessing priorities of the different usersAt the end of the project a portfolio of remote VISIR services offered publically will be available, maintained by the partners.The nature of the services will guarantee that students could access the courses from their countries, i.e. it insures virtual mobility without additional financing. Also the services will be easily changeable and upgrade-able allowing the building of new and tuned electrical and electronics real remote practices.IAOE especially with its already existing Special Interest Group (SIG) VISIR will ensure the continuation of the project's results after the period of the project. The VISIR SIG, with more than 45 members, is organized for people who are interested in Online Engineering especially in opening university laboratories for remote access 24/7. VISIR SIG is a group for sharing ideas, equipment and learning material as well as discussing the further development of the VISIR Open Lab Platform. One of its main goals is standardized online workbenches located at universities around the globe constituting grid laboratories available for lab sessions for students on campus and off campus.For that (in analogy to the iLab Alliance) a VISIR Alliance will be founded. Core members of the VISIR Alliance will be some of the consortium members.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (Lead Partner)
    • University of Deusto
    • Instituto Politecnico do Porto
    • Blekinge Institute Technology
    • IAOE
    • OMNIA
    LaufzeitJänner/2015 - Jänner/2017
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInnovationsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammPilotprojekt BMWFW
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Im Rahmen des SparklingScience Projekts Online-Labs4All wird ein begleitendes Pilotprojekt zum Aufbau einer Open Innovation Experimentierzone für Schulen im Bereich STEM durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Pilotprojektes ist es, Empfehlungen für das BMWFW abzugeben, welche Punkte im Falle der Entwicklung eines speziellen Open Innovation Programms bzw. bei der Gestaltung von Calls beachtet werden sollte. Die Empfehlungen basieren auf zwei Bearbeitungen: (1) Auswertung nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet ‚Open Innovation‘ im Bildungsbereich und Kontaktaufnahme zu ausgewählten vergleichbaren Initiativen und(2) Eigene Erfahrungen aus einer im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts entwickelten Experimentierzone

    LaufzeitOktober/2014 - September/2016
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Amir Mujkanovic
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInformationstechnik
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammSparkling Science - 5. Ausschreibung 2013 - SPA 05/046
  • Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Online Labore ermöglichen selbstgesteuertes, erkundendes Lernen und sind weltweit rund um die Uhr einsatzbereit. Die SchülerInnen müssen nicht in einem Labor persönlich anwesend sein sondern können von überall aus Laborexperimente durchführen und somit theoretische Konzepte erproben. Online Labore bieten darüber hinaus eine neuartige Umgebung für kollaboratives Arbeiten und eine Möglichkeit Erfahrungen mit anderen Institutionen auszutauschen. Das Projekt Online-Labs4All hat zum Ziel, auf der Basis der zu entwickelten neuartigen Interfaces, Laborversuche in eine globale Cloud einzubinden und deren Nutzung zu evaluieren. Sie tragen damit aktiv zur Entwicklung einer globalen Online Cloud, unter Einbeziehung ausländischer Schulen/Institutionen, bei.

    • Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • HTL Wolfsberg
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • University of Queensland
    LaufzeitNovember/2012 - Dezember/2016
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Amir Mujkanovic
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammFP7-ICT-2011-8/Projekt-Nr. 317601
  • European Commission
  • The Go-Lab Project is a European collaborative Project co funded by the European Commission (Seventh Framework Programme) and uniting 19 organisations from twelve countries. Go-Lab opens up online science laboratories (remote and virtual labs) for the large-scale use in education. Its technical Framework - the Go-Lab Portal - offers students the opportunity to perform personalized scientific experiments with online labs, whereas teachers may enrich their classroom activities with demonstrations and disseminate best practices in a web-based pedagogic community. Go-Lab creates an infrastructure (the Go-Lab Portal) to provide access to a set of online labs from worldwide renowned research organizations. These online labs can be used by universities, schools, instructors, students and lifelong learners to extend regular learning activities with scientific experiments that can be conducted not only by teachers as a demonstration, but also by students themselves giving them real experience of scientific work.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • University of Twente (Lead Partner)
    • CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research
    • imc information multimedia
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützge Privatstiftung
    • Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea Savva
    LaufzeitDezember/2012 - Oktober/2015
  • Andreas Pester
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammTEMPUS IV/5. Ausschreibung - Gemeinschaftsprojekt
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • In Maghreb, there is today and in the coming period a very high demand for technicians and engineers due to global economic factors. In order to respond to this demand, the initial step is to increase the capacity to train students in institutions of higher education in These countries. However, many examples have shown that, for mainly economic reasons, growth in numbers of students and quality of courses offered is often incompatible. For this it is necessary to rely on a network of universities that allow through their skills to build, sustain and disseminate new training and provide efficient complements to existing training solutions. Sixteen large companies (global electronics giants including SAMSUNG, CONDOR ...) are located there. Human resources related to these technologies should evolve and considerable effort is implemented in the training of engineers and technicians to make them more efficient and competitive.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitNovember/2019 - November/2023
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Mario Wehr
  • Muhammad Abdul BASIT
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • An essential basis for the implementation of the EEC project was the availability of highly qualified professionals who could develop, operate, and maintain the relevant production, manufacturing, and logistics technologies. The ETAT project aimed to create exemplary Education & Training Centers in the field of engineering education at selected EEC universities that were suitable education hubs in the region to support industry-related education and training for engineers and young specialists. It aimed to achieve the following objectives: modernization of higher education in Thailand based on the experience of EU countries; increasing the employment rate of university graduates and implementing the concept of LLL with the help of training in Automation 4.0; development of partnerships with enterprises; improving the quality and relevance of higher education in Thailand in Automation 4.0; establishment of 6 certified ETAT Training Centers at Thai universities, which were equipped with 24 special training places (4 ETAT Smart Labs per university); Establishment of a platform for distance learning and cooperation for providing e-learning and for the exchange of didactical documents and information. ETAT Training Centers were provided with teaching materials and certified courses for different target groups (students, employees, post-graduates) as well as with the Thai trainers trained by EU partners. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences was the coordinator of this project.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Dezember/2023
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Martin Schneider
  • Peter Druml
  • Sandra Ofner
  • Peter Harsanyi
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Patrick KRAMER
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Suranga Dimuthu Kumara PATHIRAJA MUDIYANSELAGE
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammFFG - Fast Track Digital 1. Ausschreibung
  • FFG
  • Das Projekt FIRELab setze sich zum Ziel, in einem Konsortium aus der Landesfeuerwehrschule Kärnten (LFS), der Fachhochschule Kärnten (FHK), der Messfeld GmbH sowie den Kleinunternehmen BHT Solutions und ZT-Büro Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schwab ein „Löschlabor“ für eine Vertiefung der praktischen Feuerwehrausbildung zu entwickeln, das sowohl vor Ort als auch ferngesteuert über eine Internetverbindung genutzt werden kann. Ein Löschroboter der Firma LUF wird dazu verwendet, um den effizienten Einsatz des Löschangriffs zu trainieren. Parameter, wie Durchflussmenge, Strahlstreuung, oder Tröpfchengröße, könnten ferngesteuert werden. Die Effizienz der Maßnahmen kann durch Parameter wie den Wasserrückfluss, Temperatur oder verstrichene Zeit beurteilt werden. Eine derartige Übungsmöglichkeit für die Feuerwehrausbildung war davor nicht bekannt. Es wurde daher angestrebt, das Löschlabor zunächst in Österreich für die bundesweite Ausbildung anzubieten, aber auch an anderen Standorten (österreichweit, aber auch international) ähnliche Labore zu errichten und somit das „Produkt Löschlabor“ zu vermarkten.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Jens Peter KONRATH
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Josef Anibas
  • Ulla Birnbacher
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Alexandra Liegl
  • Wolfgang Scherr
  • Johannes Sturm
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Christoph Riedl
  • Santiago Martin Sondón
  • Michael Köberle
  • Gerhard PAOLI
  • Subrahmanyam BOYAPATI
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo
  • Mario Kapl
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Bernd Filipitsch
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Sandra Kleewein
  • Heinz Schretter
  • Violeta Petrescu
  • Shilpa Shyam
  • Philipp Sommeregger
  • Amin Chegeni
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Industrial Power Electronics
  • Integrated Systems and Circuits Design
  • Systems Engineering
  • European Commission
  • The EU Chips Act aims to increase Europe‘s global production share of semiconductors to 20% by 2030, leading to a need for a skilled workforce to support this growth. Additionally, the EU‘s Green Deal initiative focuses on a transition to sustainable and energy efficient technologies, further emphasizing the need for expertise in sustainable chip development and green applications. There is an EU wide shortage of skilled workers in microelectronics. Addressing this shortage will be crucial in meeting the goals of both the EU Chips Act and the Green Deal. Furthermore, the next generation of students is largely interested in contributing to a sustainable environment. Providing them with the opportunity to gain deeper expertise in this field will align their skills with the industry‘s future needs. The proposed project „Green Chips-EDU“ supports the aforementioned goals by addressing the needs and challenges of a green and digital transition in the microelectronics industry. The consortium, made up of 15 key players from 7 EU countries, aims to build an attractive education ecosystem in green microelectronics by integrating the knowledge triangle of excellent education, industries needs and research challenges. The consortium includes 6 Unite! partners working on a harmonized curriculum focusing on energy efficiency and the development of sustainable integrated circuits. The project addresses all objectives from the call by offering a wide range of degree programs including mutual recognition as well as self-standing modules, implementing staff and student mobility, digital learning formats and upgrading infrastructure. About 600 students are planned to receive degrees or certificates in green electronics. In addition, summer schools, sustainability hackathons, learn-repair cafés as well as expert lectures by the partner companies and research institutions are organized to attract and train students to counteract the skills shortage in microelectronics in the EU.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Politecnico Di Torino
    • Technische Universität Darmstadt
    • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
    • Instituto Superior Tecnico
    • INESC ID
    • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    • Silicongate LDA
    • JLG Formations
    • AEDVICES Consulting
    • RUSZ - Verein zur Förderung der Sozialwirtschaft
    • BK-Business Konsens OG
    • Technische Universität Graz (Lead Partner)
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitNovember/2018 - November/2022
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Pester
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktComputer Architektur
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The purpose of this project was to improve the Digital Competence (DC) development situation in Ukraine (UA) to harmonize it with the European mainstream by adapting the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens and for Educators, as well as the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition (UNDC); reforming in-service training for teachers and providing „best practice“ experiences of how DC could be further developed in general and adapted to the challenges of the higher education sector within society at large. The motivation for this came from the goal set by the European Commission in Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, DigComp frameworks, and the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE). The project aimed to establish an effective UNDC network amongst UA educational institutions, associations, public authorities, and business representatives; to design and implement UA DC frameworks; to make recommendations for modifying the DC studies curriculum according to the DAE and modern labor market requirements; to create DC training for teachers and for citizens and to provide high-quality DC training for various social strata of society.

    LaufzeitNovember/2019 - November/2023
  • Christian Madritsch
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Mario Wehr
  • Muhammad Abdul BASIT
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • An essential basis for the implementation of the EEC project was the availability of highly qualified professionals who could develop, operate, and maintain the relevant production, manufacturing, and logistics technologies. The ETAT project aimed to create exemplary Education & Training Centers in the field of engineering education at selected EEC universities that were suitable education hubs in the region to support industry-related education and training for engineers and young specialists. It aimed to achieve the following objectives: modernization of higher education in Thailand based on the experience of EU countries; increasing the employment rate of university graduates and implementing the concept of LLL with the help of training in Automation 4.0; development of partnerships with enterprises; improving the quality and relevance of higher education in Thailand in Automation 4.0; establishment of 6 certified ETAT Training Centers at Thai universities, which were equipped with 24 special training places (4 ETAT Smart Labs per university); Establishment of a platform for distance learning and cooperation for providing e-learning and for the exchange of didactical documents and information. ETAT Training Centers were provided with teaching materials and certified courses for different target groups (students, employees, post-graduates) as well as with the Thai trainers trained by EU partners. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences was the coordinator of this project.

    LaufzeitJänner/2020 - März/2022
  • Franz Oswald Riemelmoser
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Marius Laux
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Lisa-Marie Faller
  • Pia Zupan-Angerer
  • Sabine Stocker
  • Khaled Ahmed Abdelnaeim Selim IBRAHIM
  • Karin Irlacher
  • Khaled Ahmed Abdelnaeim Selim IBRAHIM
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Felix Sieghard Horst CONRAD
  • Rosmarie Brigitte Heim
  • Pawel MICHALEC
  • Akram Mohsen Ibrahim Saber IBRAHIM
  • Sophia Millonigg
  • ForschungsschwerpunktAutomatisierungstechnik
  • Maschinenbau-Leichtbau
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammINTERREG VA SI-AT
  • Interreg SI-AT
  • Das übergeordnete Projektziel war die Stärkung von grenzübergreifendem Wettbewerb, Forschung und Innovationdurch die Einrichtung einer gemeinsamen AM-Technologieplattform. Im ProjektASAM wurde die Kooperation der beiden Hochtechnologiestandorte Region Ljubljana und Technologiepark Villach im Schwerpunktbereich „Additive Manufacturing AM“ auf ein professionelles Niveau angehoben und es wurde eine gemeinsamegrenzübergreifende AM-Plattform etabliert. Mittelfristige Zielsetzung war es, die Makroregion (Slowenien, Österreich, Norditalien, Kroatien) zu einer europäischen Leaderregion für AM-Technologien zu entwickeln.

    Kofinanziert durch den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung

    The overarching project objective was to strengthen cross-border competition, research and innovation by establishing a joint AM technology platform. In the ASAM project, cooperation between the two high-techlocations Ljubljana Region and Villach Technology Park in the key area of`Additive Manufacturing AM´ was raised to a professional level and a joint cross-border AM platform was established. The medium-term objective was to develop the macro-region (Slovenia, Austria, northern Italy, Croatia) into a European regional leader for AM technologies.

    Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fond

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Dezember/2023
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Martin Schneider
  • Peter Druml
  • Sandra Ofner
  • Peter Harsanyi
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Patrick KRAMER
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Suranga Dimuthu Kumara PATHIRAJA MUDIYANSELAGE
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammFFG - Fast Track Digital 1. Ausschreibung
  • FFG
  • Das Projekt FIRELab setze sich zum Ziel, in einem Konsortium aus der Landesfeuerwehrschule Kärnten (LFS), der Fachhochschule Kärnten (FHK), der Messfeld GmbH sowie den Kleinunternehmen BHT Solutions und ZT-Büro Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schwab ein „Löschlabor“ für eine Vertiefung der praktischen Feuerwehrausbildung zu entwickeln, das sowohl vor Ort als auch ferngesteuert über eine Internetverbindung genutzt werden kann. Ein Löschroboter der Firma LUF wird dazu verwendet, um den effizienten Einsatz des Löschangriffs zu trainieren. Parameter, wie Durchflussmenge, Strahlstreuung, oder Tröpfchengröße, könnten ferngesteuert werden. Die Effizienz der Maßnahmen kann durch Parameter wie den Wasserrückfluss, Temperatur oder verstrichene Zeit beurteilt werden. Eine derartige Übungsmöglichkeit für die Feuerwehrausbildung war davor nicht bekannt. Es wurde daher angestrebt, das Löschlabor zunächst in Österreich für die bundesweite Ausbildung anzubieten, aber auch an anderen Standorten (österreichweit, aber auch international) ähnliche Labore zu errichten und somit das „Produkt Löschlabor“ zu vermarkten.

    LaufzeitOktober/2021 - Oktober/2026
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Stephan Mark Thaler
  • Lukas Sebastian HUMMER
  • Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina PERERA
  • Thomas STEINMETZ
  • Hannes Oberlercher
  • Alexander Berndt
  • Ingmar Bihlo
  • Alexander GLÖSSL
  • Josef Tuppinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammInnovationslabore für Bildung
  • FFG
  • Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Online-Laboren für die naturwissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung an Österreichs Schulen. Online-Labore werden über das Internet ferngesteuert, sind ortsunabhängig sowie rund um die Uhr erreichbar und bieten einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu Übungen und Experimenten. In Zeiten steigenden Bedarfs an Distance-Learning-Angeboten kann auf diese Weise ein Praxisbezug zur Theorie hergestellt und der Unterricht bereichert werden. Durch die wissenschaftlich-didaktische Begleitung durch die Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark wird sichergestellt, dass die Lernumgebungen der Online-Labore didaktisch fundiert und strukturiert an die Lernendenperspektiven der Zielgruppen angepasst werden.

    LaufzeitNovember/2016 - August/2019
    Homepage Projektwebsite
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Andreas Pester
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Strategische Partnerschaft
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • PILAR partnership will enhance the learning, teaching and practical training at university and high school levels, by allowing to develop many different electronic practices through a newer and richer level of digital integration. The possibility of real practices at almost real time for many different student profiles will help to develop basic and transversal skills all through the involved countries and, as a second step, all through any interested country. This new VISIR labs federation will also help to address low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods, in a totally new dimension. Only with a federation of existing VISIR nodes will be possible to serve the large student population that may benefit from this technology-enhanced educational tool. This larger impact will also increase the efficiency of public expenditure and the investment in education and training, which could be identified as yet another horizontal or sectoral priority addressed by PILAR. STEM needs of improvement and practical competences that must be addressed in schools, high schools and colleges, as well as might be used in industry for the capacitance and relocation of personal might be obtained through the proposed federation of remote laboratories resources allowing a self-sustainable environment and incrementing the synergies as well as empowering the level of sharing open resources for the whole community.PILAR (Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of VISIR) is a project that addresses the following needs:1- Need of real, extensive and intensive, online, cheap practices for building and interacting with electrical and electronics circuits in engineering subjects of university level, and also as a lifelong learning activity (industry oriented) and at a school and high school level.2- Need of reliable, highly available, remote laboratory services offered through Internet by a robust remote labs service provider, which will enhance a stronger digital integration for learning and teaching3- Need of having these practices available at any time and from anywhere, in a timely and controlled manner, helping to increase the number of graduates at the university that cannot easily access these practicesThe main objectives pursued by PILAR are:a. Based in the different implementations of VISIR in several of the partners in the project (BTH, CUAS, UDEUSTO, IPP, UNED), the first objective is building a reliable, highly available, unique international VISIR platform federation, that integrates all the different resources used by VISIR in each of the partners.b. Once established, this federation will be completely opened to other partners in Europe, through easy gateways to the federation, allowing to extend the capabilities of PILAR to much more interested educational institutions.c. Building a set of remote practices, based in this new platform, for electrical and electronics circuits, at school, grade and master level, and also as a lifelong learning activity, that will be offered as remote lab services, to students in all the partners institutions and, as a second step, to anyone interested. The results will bring added value at EU level because the activities cannot be attained in a single country.d. Those new remote lab VISIR Internet services must allow, in a transparent way, the use of the best set of remote learning services of each partner in each moment.Four different aspects can be faced using a federation of the existing VISIR nodes:1. Scalability. The VISIR system is designed to support around 50 users at the same time because the hardware is multiplexed. But if a huge amount of user is expected we need to scale the VISIR using a federation. If the circuits are replicated in different VISIR nodes, more users can access the platform and experiment through the federation. 2. Reliability and availability. Redundancy. If one node is not available for any reason, its effort can be supported by other nodes. That is: if one user is accessing the VISIR in his institution but it is down he will be automatically redirected to another available VISIR node (in other institution). This process will be transparent for the user. In this case, the federation mechanism must know what circuits are available in what VISIR nodes.3. Set of experiments. VISIR is a REAL remote lab, it is like in the classical lab. There you can construct any circuit, but it is not true because in the lab we do not have all the components, we have a set of them (some resistors, some capacitors, some…). In VISIR is the same, we can offer any circuit, but not all of them at the same time. In this situation the federation is very interesting because each VISIR node can implement a set of circuits (DC circuits, AC circuits, Operational Amplifiers circuits, etc.) but the user will not access only to the set of experiments of his institution, but also to the total set of experiments of all the VISIR nodes. 4. Tracking system. The federation must be able to know how many users are accessing each VISIR node, to balance the use of the VISIR federation. The federation software layer must have a system to assure the balance of the nodes and to control the accessing priorities of the different usersAt the end of the project a portfolio of remote VISIR services offered publically will be available, maintained by the partners.The nature of the services will guarantee that students could access the courses from their countries, i.e. it insures virtual mobility without additional financing. Also the services will be easily changeable and upgrade-able allowing the building of new and tuned electrical and electronics real remote practices.IAOE especially with its already existing Special Interest Group (SIG) VISIR will ensure the continuation of the project's results after the period of the project. The VISIR SIG, with more than 45 members, is organized for people who are interested in Online Engineering especially in opening university laboratories for remote access 24/7. VISIR SIG is a group for sharing ideas, equipment and learning material as well as discussing the further development of the VISIR Open Lab Platform. One of its main goals is standardized online workbenches located at universities around the globe constituting grid laboratories available for lab sessions for students on campus and off campus.For that (in analogy to the iLab Alliance) a VISIR Alliance will be founded. Core members of the VISIR Alliance will be some of the consortium members.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (Lead Partner)
    • University of Deusto
    • Instituto Politecnico do Porto
    • Blekinge Institute Technology
    • IAOE
    • OMNIA
    LaufzeitFebruar/2019 - Dezember/2019
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Vera Seyer
  • Ewald Harder
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Doris Elisabeth Neureiter
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • ForschungsschwerpunktE-Learning
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammErstellung digitaler Lehr- und Lernmittel mit Citizen Science Methoden
  • OeAD - Österreichischer Austauschdienst
  • Im Zuge dieses Projekts soll am Beispiel des Gruppenkommandantenlehrgangs der österreichischen Feuerwehren eine interaktive Lehr- und Lernumgebung auf- und eingesetzt werden, die die Inhalte des Lehrgangs mittels Videos und interaktiven Inhalten aufbereitet. Als Plattform ist ein zu errichten-der Moodle-Server vorgesehen; die Fachhochschule Kärnten wird neben der Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der digitalen Inhalte auch Know-how zur Wartung der Plattform transferieren.
    Das in diesem Projektumfang zu erwartende Endprodukt ist die Etablierung einer inverted-classroom-Methodik und -Umgebung für den Gruppenkommandantenlehrgang der Feuerwehr. Die über den Projektrahmen hinausreichende Perspektive sieht die Aufnahme dieser Methodik in das didaktische Rahmenprogramm der Feuerwehrschule und somit den Transfer dieser Methode auf andere Ausbildungsmodule vor.
    Zusätzliche Erkenntnisse werden durch die Einbindung von Citizens in Form von Betroffenen eines Feuerwehreinsatzes (beispielsweise bei einem Brand oder einer Überschwemmung) gewährt. Der Einblick in die Erlebensperspektive der Betroffenen ermöglicht einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf ausge-wählte Katastrophenszenarien und deren Bekämpfung.
    Substanzielle Verbesserungen in der Ausbildung der Gruppenkommandanten sind durch die Integra-tion der Erfahrungsberichte von Citizens als Betroffene zu erwarten. Die Lernenden erfahren dadurch einen Perspektivenwechsel und können anhand realer Fallbeispiele verschiedene Reaktionsmuster besser reflektieren. Das in diesem Projektansatz gewählte Setting bedingt einen Kreislauf zwischen Erkenntnisgewinn durch Bürgerbeteiligung (Betroffene) und Verbesserung des End-produkts (digitale Unterrichtsmaterialien und -umgebung).

    • OeAD - Österreichischer Austauschdienst (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    LaufzeitJänner/2016 - April/2018
    Homepage PUC - Rio external partner
  • Andreas Pester
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Alexandra Daniela Nitoiu
  • Thomas Klinger
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammErasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The project targets the broad area of Electrical Engineering, and, within it, the subject of circuit theory and practice. It aims to define, develop and evaluate a set of educational modules comprising hands-on, virtual and remote experiments, the later supported by a remote lab named Virtual Instruments System in Reality (VISIR). The nature of each experiments has an impact on the students' perception of circuits' behavior, being therefore mandatory to understand how these different learning objects can be arranged together in order to scaffold their understanding in increase their laboratory-based skills. This is concern of the underpinning teaching and learning methodology. favoring in particular the students' autonomy for discovering how circuits work, through an inquiry-based approach.VISIR+ brings together the power of the best remote lab for experiments with electrical and electronics circuits and the long history of collaboration among the consortium partners.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Lead Partner)
    • University of Deusto
    • Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
    • Blekinge Institute Technology
    • Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC)
    • Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    • PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
    • Universidad nacional de Santiago del Estero
    • Universidad Nacional de Rosario
    • Associacao Brasileira de Educacao em Engenharia
    • Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingenieria
    LaufzeitJänner/2015 - Jänner/2017
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInnovationsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammPilotprojekt BMWFW
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Im Rahmen des SparklingScience Projekts Online-Labs4All wird ein begleitendes Pilotprojekt zum Aufbau einer Open Innovation Experimentierzone für Schulen im Bereich STEM durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Pilotprojektes ist es, Empfehlungen für das BMWFW abzugeben, welche Punkte im Falle der Entwicklung eines speziellen Open Innovation Programms bzw. bei der Gestaltung von Calls beachtet werden sollte. Die Empfehlungen basieren auf zwei Bearbeitungen: (1) Auswertung nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet ‚Open Innovation‘ im Bildungsbereich und Kontaktaufnahme zu ausgewählten vergleichbaren Initiativen und(2) Eigene Erfahrungen aus einer im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts entwickelten Experimentierzone

    LaufzeitNovember/2012 - Dezember/2016
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Amir Mujkanovic
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammFP7-ICT-2011-8/Projekt-Nr. 317601
  • European Commission
  • The Go-Lab Project is a European collaborative Project co funded by the European Commission (Seventh Framework Programme) and uniting 19 organisations from twelve countries. Go-Lab opens up online science laboratories (remote and virtual labs) for the large-scale use in education. Its technical Framework - the Go-Lab Portal - offers students the opportunity to perform personalized scientific experiments with online labs, whereas teachers may enrich their classroom activities with demonstrations and disseminate best practices in a web-based pedagogic community. Go-Lab creates an infrastructure (the Go-Lab Portal) to provide access to a set of online labs from worldwide renowned research organizations. These online labs can be used by universities, schools, instructors, students and lifelong learners to extend regular learning activities with scientific experiments that can be conducted not only by teachers as a demonstration, but also by students themselves giving them real experience of scientific work.

    • European Commission (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • University of Twente (Lead Partner)
    • CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research
    • imc information multimedia
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützge Privatstiftung
    • Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea Savva
    LaufzeitOktober/2014 - September/2016
  • Michael Auer
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Danilo Garbi Zutin
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Amir Mujkanovic
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInformationstechnik
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammSparkling Science - 5. Ausschreibung 2013 - SPA 05/046
  • Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Online Labore ermöglichen selbstgesteuertes, erkundendes Lernen und sind weltweit rund um die Uhr einsatzbereit. Die SchülerInnen müssen nicht in einem Labor persönlich anwesend sein sondern können von überall aus Laborexperimente durchführen und somit theoretische Konzepte erproben. Online Labore bieten darüber hinaus eine neuartige Umgebung für kollaboratives Arbeiten und eine Möglichkeit Erfahrungen mit anderen Institutionen auszutauschen. Das Projekt Online-Labs4All hat zum Ziel, auf der Basis der zu entwickelten neuartigen Interfaces, Laborversuche in eine globale Cloud einzubinden und deren Nutzung zu evaluieren. Sie tragen damit aktiv zur Entwicklung einer globalen Online Cloud, unter Einbeziehung ausländischer Schulen/Institutionen, bei.

    • Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • HTL Wolfsberg
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • University of Queensland
    LaufzeitDezember/2012 - Oktober/2015
  • Andreas Pester
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Ramona Georgiana Oros
  • Angelika Voutsinas
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Christian Kreiter
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammTEMPUS IV/5. Ausschreibung - Gemeinschaftsprojekt
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • In Maghreb, there is today and in the coming period a very high demand for technicians and engineers due to global economic factors. In order to respond to this demand, the initial step is to increase the capacity to train students in institutions of higher education in These countries. However, many examples have shown that, for mainly economic reasons, growth in numbers of students and quality of courses offered is often incompatible. For this it is necessary to rely on a network of universities that allow through their skills to build, sustain and disseminate new training and provide efficient complements to existing training solutions. Sixteen large companies (global electronics giants including SAMSUNG, CONDOR ...) are located there. Human resources related to these technologies should evolve and considerable effort is implemented in the training of engineers and technicians to make them more efficient and competitive.

    • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    Artikel in Zeitschriften
    Development of a Low-Cost Remote Lab Concept for Electronic Engineering Education Based on NI myDAQ and NI ELVIS International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE)Kreiter, C., Klinger, T.2020
    Black Body Radiation for Students and Secondary Schools International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)Kreiter, C., Oros, R., Pester, A.2014
    Remote Training for Firefighter Group Commanders. In: Auer, M., Rüütmann, T. (Hrsg.), Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions, S. 756-763, Springer, ChamKlinger, T., Tschabuschnig, K., Hoffland, M., Ratheiser, V., Kreiter, C.2021
    A Virtual Reality Prototype for the VISIR Remote Lab. In: Auer, M., Tsiatsos, T. (Hrsg.), New Realities, Mobile Systems and Applications. IMCL 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, ChamKreiter, C., Cosic, D., Klinger, T.2021
    Experiences with the Use of Pocket Labs in Engineering Education. In: (Hrsg.), Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, S. 665-670, Springer, ChamKlinger, T., Kreiter, C.2018
    Low-cost Remote Laboratory Concept based on NI myDAQ and NI ELVIS for Electronic Engineering Education in: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 27-30 Apr 2020, Porto, PortugalKlinger, T., Kreiter, C., Pester, A., Madritsch, C.2020
    Building a Remote Laboratory for Advanced Experiments in Transmission Line Theory in: 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 08-11 Apr 2019Klinger, T., Kreiter, C., Pester, A., Madritsch, C.2019
    An online DC-motor test bench for engineering education in: 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 18-20 Apr 2018Baltayan, S., Kreiter, C., Pester, A.2018
    Automatic generation of web client interfaces for remote execution of Matlab simulations in: 2017 4th Experiment@International Conference ('17), 06-08 Jun 2017Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D.2017
    VISIR federation: Initial building steps: PILAR experience — Work in progress in: 2017 4th Experiment@International Conference ('17), 06-08 Jun 2017Kreiter, C., Oros, R., Pester, A., Gustavsson, I., Castro, M., Fidalgo, A., Alves, G.2017
    Engaging Secondary School Students in Science by Developing Remote Laboratories in: 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 26-29 Jun 2016Garbi Zutin, D., Auer, M., Kreiter, C.2016
    A software architecture to support an ubiquitous delivery of Online Laboratories in: 2016 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning (IMCL), 17-19 Oct 2016Garbi Zutin, D., Kreiter, C.2016
    A Study on Student Feedback Regarding the Usability of Online Laboratories in: 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 26-29 Jun 2016Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D., Auer, M.2016
    Enhancing the usability of the blackbody radiation remote lab in: 2015 3rd Experiment International Conference ('15), 02-04 Jun 2015Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D.2015
    An HTML client for the Blackbody Radiation Lab in: 2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), 25-27 Feb 2015, Bangkok, S. 230-234, IEEEKreiter, C.; Garbi Zutin, D.; Auer, M.E.2015
    Remote Training for Firefighter Group Commanders. In: Auer, M., Rüütmann, T. (Hrsg.), Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions, S. 756-763, Springer, ChamKlinger, T., Tschabuschnig, K., Hoffland, M., Ratheiser, V., Kreiter, C.2021
    A Virtual Reality Prototype for the VISIR Remote Lab. In: Auer, M., Tsiatsos, T. (Hrsg.), New Realities, Mobile Systems and Applications. IMCL 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, ChamKreiter, C., Cosic, D., Klinger, T.2021
    Artikel in Zeitschriften
    Development of a Low-Cost Remote Lab Concept for Electronic Engineering Education Based on NI myDAQ and NI ELVIS International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE)Kreiter, C., Klinger, T.2020
    Low-cost Remote Laboratory Concept based on NI myDAQ and NI ELVIS for Electronic Engineering Education in: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 27-30 Apr 2020, Porto, PortugalKlinger, T., Kreiter, C., Pester, A., Madritsch, C.2020
    Building a Remote Laboratory for Advanced Experiments in Transmission Line Theory in: 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 08-11 Apr 2019Klinger, T., Kreiter, C., Pester, A., Madritsch, C.2019
    Experiences with the Use of Pocket Labs in Engineering Education. In: (Hrsg.), Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, S. 665-670, Springer, ChamKlinger, T., Kreiter, C.2018
    An online DC-motor test bench for engineering education in: 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 18-20 Apr 2018Baltayan, S., Kreiter, C., Pester, A.2018
    Automatic generation of web client interfaces for remote execution of Matlab simulations in: 2017 4th Experiment@International Conference ('17), 06-08 Jun 2017Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D.2017
    VISIR federation: Initial building steps: PILAR experience — Work in progress in: 2017 4th Experiment@International Conference ('17), 06-08 Jun 2017Kreiter, C., Oros, R., Pester, A., Gustavsson, I., Castro, M., Fidalgo, A., Alves, G.2017
    Artikel in Zeitschriften
    Black Body Radiation for Students and Secondary Schools International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)Kreiter, C., Oros, R., Pester, A.2014
    Engaging Secondary School Students in Science by Developing Remote Laboratories in: 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 26-29 Jun 2016Garbi Zutin, D., Auer, M., Kreiter, C.2016
    A software architecture to support an ubiquitous delivery of Online Laboratories in: 2016 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning (IMCL), 17-19 Oct 2016Garbi Zutin, D., Kreiter, C.2016
    A Study on Student Feedback Regarding the Usability of Online Laboratories in: 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 26-29 Jun 2016Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D., Auer, M.2016
    Enhancing the usability of the blackbody radiation remote lab in: 2015 3rd Experiment International Conference ('15), 02-04 Jun 2015Kreiter, C., Garbi Zutin, D.2015
    An HTML client for the Blackbody Radiation Lab in: 2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), 25-27 Feb 2015, Bangkok, S. 230-234, IEEEKreiter, C.; Garbi Zutin, D.; Auer, M.E.2015

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