SS 2025
Begleitendes Seminar Bachelorarbeit SE 0,2 6,0 B2.08510.60.012
Projekt Gr I PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Vertiefung: MultimediatechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
3D Grafik-Engines - Labor UE 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.011
Userinterfaces für AR und VR ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.40.012
Projekt VI Gruppe 1 PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Vertiefung: MultimediatechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
3D Grafik-Engines - Labor UE 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.011
Userinterfaces für AR und VR ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.40.012
Augmented Visualization in Medicine ILV 3,0 5,0 M2.03100.20.040
Project (II) - Frameworks and Concept Study PA 0,3 5,0 M2.03100.20.060
Vertiefung: Robotic SystemsTypSWSECTS-Credits
Computer Vision ILV 3,0 5,0 M2.05281.20.051
WS 2024
Projekt Bachelor VI Gruppe 2 PA 0,5 7,0 B2.08510.50.011
Vertiefung: MultimediatechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
3D Grafik-Engines ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08511.30.011
Best Practices im Bereich der Multimediatechnik ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.50.011
Einführung in Virtual und Augmented Reality ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.30.012
Innovationsmanagement für Multimediatechnik SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.50.012
Technik und Gesellschaft SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.014
Vertiefung: MultimediatechnikTypSWSECTS-Credits
3D Grafik-Engines ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08511.30.011
Best Practices im Bereich der Multimediatechnik ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.50.011
Einführung in Virtual und Augmented Reality ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.30.012
Innovationsmanagement für Multimediatechnik SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.50.012
Technik und Gesellschaft SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.014
  • Lucas David Hörner
  • 2024
    Blending Worlds: The Artistry of Procedural Generation in Blender
  • Elvis Šehić
  • 2024
    Vergleich des Spielerlebnisses eines 3D-Platformers für Tilt Five und PC
  • Elias Manuel Marktl
  • 2024
    Improving Efficiency and Safety in Autonomous Shuttles
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • 2023
    Rogue 3D
  • Nadia Alexandra Hofer
  • 2023
    Untersuchung des Effekts von Zufälligkeit im Kampfsystem eines RPG-Spiels auf das Spielererlebnis
  • Youssef Zaki Khalil
  • 2023
  • Alkasim Rasras
  • 2023
    VR-Prototyp für die Herstellung eines Stahlbetonträgers
  • Daniel Jessernig
  • 2023
    Augmented Reality Bauanleitung für Klemmbausteine
  • Stefan Peter Franz Pail
  • 2022
    Der Einfluss prozeduraler Generierung auf das Spielerlebnis eines selbstentwickelten Gelegenheits- und Geschicklichkeitsspiels
  • Christian Pichler
  • 2022
    Ein interaktives VR-Labyrinth Spiel zur Förderung von Bewegung
  • Jacqueline Valenta
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Bewertung einer Mehrspielererweiterung für ein mobiles Gelegenheits- und Geschicklichkeitsspiel
  • Sebastian Haider
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Evaluierung einer mobilen AR-Anwendung zur Felgenkonfiguration mit manueller Registrierung
  • Markus Granegger
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Evaluierung eines Open-World-Spiels mit Fokus auf das visuelle Design
  • Chiara Janach
  • 2022
    Erstellung einer Augmented Reality Benutzerschnittstelle für ein virtuelles Projektarchiv
  • Sarah Unterüberbacher
  • 2021
    Erstellung einer flexiblen und effizienten 3D-Visualisierung für ein Projektarchiv
  • Cynthia Marina Winkler
  • 2021
    Erstellung und Evaluierung einer VR Anwendung zur Entspannung mit dem Fokus auf 360° Medien
  • Miriam Schaschl
  • 2021
    Immersive Medien und kostengünstige VR Setups: Ein Mittel zur Entspannung?
  • Yosra Ibrahim
  • 2021
  • Dragan Djukic
  • 2021
    Using the Real Wear HMT-1 for logistic sup-port and time efficiency
  • Magdalena Windhagauer
  • 2021
  • Lucas David Hörner
  • 2024
    Blending Worlds: The Artistry of Procedural Generation in Blender
  • Elvis Šehić
  • 2024
    Vergleich des Spielerlebnisses eines 3D-Platformers für Tilt Five und PC
  • Elias Manuel Marktl
  • 2024
    Improving Efficiency and Safety in Autonomous Shuttles
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • 2023
    Rogue 3D
  • Nadia Alexandra Hofer
  • 2023
    Untersuchung des Effekts von Zufälligkeit im Kampfsystem eines RPG-Spiels auf das Spielererlebnis
  • Youssef Zaki Khalil
  • 2023
  • Alkasim Rasras
  • 2023
    VR-Prototyp für die Herstellung eines Stahlbetonträgers
  • Daniel Jessernig
  • 2023
    Augmented Reality Bauanleitung für Klemmbausteine
  • Stefan Peter Franz Pail
  • 2022
    Der Einfluss prozeduraler Generierung auf das Spielerlebnis eines selbstentwickelten Gelegenheits- und Geschicklichkeitsspiels
  • Christian Pichler
  • 2022
    Ein interaktives VR-Labyrinth Spiel zur Förderung von Bewegung
  • Jacqueline Valenta
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Bewertung einer Mehrspielererweiterung für ein mobiles Gelegenheits- und Geschicklichkeitsspiel
  • Sebastian Haider
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Evaluierung einer mobilen AR-Anwendung zur Felgenkonfiguration mit manueller Registrierung
  • Markus Granegger
  • 2022
    Erstellung und Evaluierung eines Open-World-Spiels mit Fokus auf das visuelle Design
  • Chiara Janach
  • 2022
    Erstellung einer Augmented Reality Benutzerschnittstelle für ein virtuelles Projektarchiv
  • Sarah Unterüberbacher
  • 2021
    Erstellung einer flexiblen und effizienten 3D-Visualisierung für ein Projektarchiv
  • Cynthia Marina Winkler
  • 2021
    Erstellung und Evaluierung einer VR Anwendung zur Entspannung mit dem Fokus auf 360° Medien
  • Miriam Schaschl
  • 2021
    Immersive Medien und kostengünstige VR Setups: Ein Mittel zur Entspannung?
  • Yosra Ibrahim
  • 2021
  • Dragan Djukic
  • 2021
    Using the Real Wear HMT-1 for logistic sup-port and time efficiency
  • Magdalena Windhagauer
  • 2021
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitJuni/2021 - Dezember/2021
  • Christian Werner Erich Oswald
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Magdalena Collins
  • Paul Amann
  • Monika Auinger
  • Adrijana Car
  • Susanne Dungs
  • Alexander Elbe
  • Christoph Martin Erlacher
  • Melanie Erlacher
  • Katarina Fürst
  • Gabriele Hagendorfer-Jauk
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Ruth Hechtl
  • Elisabeth Christine Kogelnik
  • Angelika Mitterbacher
  • Birgit Münzer
  • Sabine Murbacher
  • Christine Pichler
  • Martina Preiml
  • Zala PUSNIK
  • Lisa Marie Resei
  • Viktoria Scariano
  • Mario Wehr
  • Josef Zwatz
  • Anja Osinger
  • Melanie FISCHER
  • Natalie WALDER
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Soziales
  • ForschungsprogrammKinder- und Jugenduniverstitäten
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Die Kinder- und Jugenduniversität der FH Kärnten schuf für Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 19 Jahren vielfältige Gelegenheiten, Hochschule in Forschung und Lehre kennenzulernen. Sie bot Themen aus den Bereichen Gesundheit & Soziales sowie Engineering & IT in partizipativen Workshops an den Campus Feldkirchen, Villach und Klagenfurt, „on tour" direkt an Schulen sowie in einem Online-Format an. Im Rahmen der interaktiv gestalteten Workshops konnten sich die teilnehmenden Schüler*innen Themen aus den Bereichen Sucht, Autismus, Diversität, Mobbingprävention, Geschlechter- und Familienvielfalt, Menschenrechte und Diskriminierung sowie Geoinformatik und Technik u. v. m. erarbeiten. Folgende Studiengänge waren beteiligt: Disability & Diversity Studies, Ergotherapie, Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement, Hebammen, Soziale Arbeit, Geoinformatik und Umwelt. Geleitet wurden die Workshops von Lehrenden der FH Kärnten oder von Studierenden aus dem Studienbereich „Gesundheit & Soziales" in Form eines Peer-Education-Formates.

    LaufzeitFebruar/2020 - November/2020
  • Christian Werner Erich Oswald
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Helmut Richard Arnold
  • Christoph Martin Erlacher
  • Christina Leitner-Intering
  • Angelika Mitterbacher
  • Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle
  • Bernd Suppan
  • Christina Unterluggauer
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • Ruth Hechtl
  • Gabriele Hagendorfer-Jauk
  • Katarina Fürst
  • Mario Wehr
  • Birgit Münzer
  • Jessica Pöcher
  • Martina Pruckner
  • Waltraud Grillitsch
  • Martina Preiml
  • Alexander Elbe
  • Vera Seyer
  • Katharina Salzmann
  • Elisabeth Christine Kogelnik
  • Christine Pichler
  • Adrijana Car
  • Zala PUSNIK
  • Maria Wakounig
  • Anna Maria Orasch
  • Jacqueline Kaubek
  • Melanie Breznik
  • Josef Zwatz
  • Paul Amann
  • Johanna Außerdorfer
  • Stephanie Bergmann
  • Melissa Nadine Jergatsch
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Selina Magdalena Pirker
  • Gerald Poscheschnik
  • Marie Theres MITTERBERGER
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Soziales
  • ForschungsprogrammKinder- und Jugenduniverstitäten
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Folgende Ziele werden mit dem Projekt Kinderuniversität voraussichtlich verfolgt (Ausschreibung bleibt abzuwarten):

    Ausweitung bzw. Verstärkung aufsuchender Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Veranstaltungsprogrammes, um Kinder und Jugendliche aus benachteiligten sozialen Schichten vermehrt vor Ort anzusprechen, aber auch Kinder und Jugendliche in peripheren Regionen zu erreichen
    • Ausweitung der Veranstaltungsangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderungen
    • Erweiterung der Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten der Kinder und Jugendlichen bei den Aktivitäten der Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten
    • Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit mit Institutionen und Vereinen im Integrationsbereich, um Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund besser zu erreichen

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitOktober/2023 - September/2027
  • Günther Grabner
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Christian Menard
  • Beáta Bachratá
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildverarbeitung
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammFWF - doc.funds.connect
  • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds
  • The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna have established a collaboration, supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, with the objective of fostering the sustainable interlinking of basic university research and applied brain research. As part of this project, seven doctoral positions will be established with the objective of developing new methods in the fields of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, histology and artificial intelligence. The objective of the research is to advance the treatment of brain tumours and demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A novel research platform is being established with the objective of consolidating scientific findings. This initiative will facilitate the integration of scientific expertise and cutting-edge technology from three departments of the Medical University of Vienna: the University Clinics for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery; and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, which offers programmes in Engineering & IT, Medical Engineering, and Analytics. The objective of this collaborative doctoral programme is, among other things, to identify new clinically relevant biomarkers for neurological diseases through the development of innovative MR imaging methods. These technologies are to be employed in the future as analysis and visualisation tools with a high clinical impact. The collaboration between the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna should also facilitate the training of the next generation of scientists, developers and doctors who will be able to utilise these technologies in conjunction with one another in routine clinical practice. One example of this would be the optimisation of neurosurgical planning to better determine the type of tumour, its environment and the simulation of the procedure with the help of virtual reality. In order to meet the highest international standards, the doctoral programme includes at least one stay abroad per doctoral student with international research partners. Seven international renowned cooperation partners from academia (e.g. Harvard and MIT) and industry (e.g. ICOMETRIX) have agreed to host our candidates. In addition to the positive effects for all stakeholders involved in this project, this interdisciplinary and cooperative doctoral programme will also significantly increase the proportion of medical research in Carinthia as the latest findings from Austria's largest medical research institution will be incorporated.

    • FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Fördergeber/Auftraggeber)
    • FH Kärnten - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (Forschung) (Lead Partner)
    • Medizinische Universität Wien
    LaufzeitNovember/2023 - Oktober/2026
  • Thomas Klinger
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Antonina Hammermüller
  • Christian Kreiter
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Manuel Breitenfelder
  • Franz-Philipp Kraushofer
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektronik
  • Engineering und IT - Allgemein
  • ForschungsprogrammERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2; Type: ERASMUS-LS
  • EACEA: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

    Among the objectives of the NEXT project are the following:
    1) introducing informal extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalization‘s legal aspects to students;
    2) training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
    3) developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
    4) enhancing students’ teamwork and digital skills through student projects contest;
    5) establishing advanced laboratories in Ukrainian universities for Metaverse-like communications.

    To meet the above-mentioned objectives, within the NEXT project a range of different activities will be carried out, project meetings, training for coaches, student projects contest, students’ conference. To the outputs of the proposed project belong: the NEXT-Study learning environment, which will contribute to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field; learning resources, which will cover different topics on digital skills and digital literacy; the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform, to improve communication skills in a virtual workspace; and the NEXT-Network to ensure the sustainability of the project results implementation.
    Thus, the proposed project will significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market in Ukraine.

    LaufzeitJuni/2021 - Dezember/2021
  • Christian Werner Erich Oswald
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Magdalena Collins
  • Paul Amann
  • Monika Auinger
  • Adrijana Car
  • Susanne Dungs
  • Alexander Elbe
  • Christoph Martin Erlacher
  • Melanie Erlacher
  • Katarina Fürst
  • Gabriele Hagendorfer-Jauk
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Ruth Hechtl
  • Elisabeth Christine Kogelnik
  • Angelika Mitterbacher
  • Birgit Münzer
  • Sabine Murbacher
  • Christine Pichler
  • Martina Preiml
  • Zala PUSNIK
  • Lisa Marie Resei
  • Viktoria Scariano
  • Mario Wehr
  • Josef Zwatz
  • Anja Osinger
  • Melanie FISCHER
  • Natalie WALDER
  • Johanna Dorrighi
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Soziales
  • ForschungsprogrammKinder- und Jugenduniverstitäten
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Die Kinder- und Jugenduniversität der FH Kärnten schuf für Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 19 Jahren vielfältige Gelegenheiten, Hochschule in Forschung und Lehre kennenzulernen. Sie bot Themen aus den Bereichen Gesundheit & Soziales sowie Engineering & IT in partizipativen Workshops an den Campus Feldkirchen, Villach und Klagenfurt, „on tour" direkt an Schulen sowie in einem Online-Format an. Im Rahmen der interaktiv gestalteten Workshops konnten sich die teilnehmenden Schüler*innen Themen aus den Bereichen Sucht, Autismus, Diversität, Mobbingprävention, Geschlechter- und Familienvielfalt, Menschenrechte und Diskriminierung sowie Geoinformatik und Technik u. v. m. erarbeiten. Folgende Studiengänge waren beteiligt: Disability & Diversity Studies, Ergotherapie, Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement, Hebammen, Soziale Arbeit, Geoinformatik und Umwelt. Geleitet wurden die Workshops von Lehrenden der FH Kärnten oder von Studierenden aus dem Studienbereich „Gesundheit & Soziales" in Form eines Peer-Education-Formates.

    LaufzeitFebruar/2020 - November/2020
  • Christian Werner Erich Oswald
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Helmut Richard Arnold
  • Christoph Martin Erlacher
  • Christina Leitner-Intering
  • Angelika Mitterbacher
  • Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle
  • Bernd Suppan
  • Christina Unterluggauer
  • Marvin Hoffland
  • Ulf Erich Scherling
  • Ruth Hechtl
  • Gabriele Hagendorfer-Jauk
  • Katarina Fürst
  • Mario Wehr
  • Birgit Münzer
  • Jessica Pöcher
  • Martina Pruckner
  • Waltraud Grillitsch
  • Martina Preiml
  • Alexander Elbe
  • Vera Seyer
  • Katharina Salzmann
  • Elisabeth Christine Kogelnik
  • Christine Pichler
  • Adrijana Car
  • Zala PUSNIK
  • Maria Wakounig
  • Anna Maria Orasch
  • Jacqueline Kaubek
  • Melanie Breznik
  • Josef Zwatz
  • Paul Amann
  • Johanna Außerdorfer
  • Stephanie Bergmann
  • Melissa Nadine Jergatsch
  • Andreas Daniel Hartl
  • Selina Magdalena Pirker
  • Gerald Poscheschnik
  • Marie Theres MITTERBERGER
  • ForschungsschwerpunktBildungsforschung
  • Soziales
  • ForschungsprogrammKinder- und Jugenduniverstitäten
  • Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
  • Folgende Ziele werden mit dem Projekt Kinderuniversität voraussichtlich verfolgt (Ausschreibung bleibt abzuwarten):

    Ausweitung bzw. Verstärkung aufsuchender Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Veranstaltungsprogrammes, um Kinder und Jugendliche aus benachteiligten sozialen Schichten vermehrt vor Ort anzusprechen, aber auch Kinder und Jugendliche in peripheren Regionen zu erreichen
    • Ausweitung der Veranstaltungsangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderungen
    • Erweiterung der Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten der Kinder und Jugendlichen bei den Aktivitäten der Kinder- und Jugenduniversitäten
    • Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit mit Institutionen und Vereinen im Integrationsbereich, um Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund besser zu erreichen

    Towards Virtualizing Structural Engineering Education in: International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning 2022, 27-30 Sep 2022, Wien, S. 378-389Reichmann, M., Störzel, J., Hartl, A.2022
    Towards Virtualizing Structural Engineering Education in: International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning 2022, 27-30 Sep 2022, Wien, S. 378-389Reichmann, M., Störzel, J., Hartl, A.2022

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