SS 2025
Vertiefung: Business Management | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Projektmanagement Gruppe B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Vertiefung: Digital Business Management | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Projektmanagement Gruppe B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Vertiefung: Public Management | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | |
Projektmanagement Gruppe B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
WS 2024
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
Personal- und Wissensmanagement | SE | 2,0 | 3,0 | M2.07850.30.280 |
Lehrveranstaltung | Typ | SWS | ECTS-Credits | LV-Nummer |
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab | PA | 4,0 | 6,0 | M4.05170.10.031 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Microeconomic crisis management in bootstrapped tech start-ups | Svenja Höfer | 2024 |
The impact of female presence among founders on investor perceptions and metrics in unicorn companies | Elizaveta Ivantsova | 2024 |
Changes in Communication Strategies due to the pandemic in online environments | Chris Annette PINEDA AGUIRRE | 2023 |
Integration of international employees: A multi-method study on the onboarding practices of large enterprises in rural areas and the needs and challenges of its international employees in the onboarding phase. | Evelyn Maria Stele | 2023 |
Effective development of sustainable leaders - a cross-industry analysis of internationally active European and North American companies | Verena Fink | 2022 |
Impacts of Working from Home on employee's Job Performance, Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction among Office Employees working at International Companies in Austria and Kenya | Michelle KILILO | 2022 |
Perceptions on Flexible Working and Job Satisfaction in the post-pandemic era | Sara IANNOTTI | 2022 |
Approaches and Challenges of Executive Coaching for International Managers of Cross-Cultural Teams | Vasilisa Akulcheva | 2021 |
From a start-up to mature company: Managing organizational crises in high-growth ventures | Eva Kobin | 2021 |
How to find the perfect fit? | Gabriele Weiß | 2021 |
Measures for Employee Retention in Internationally Operating Venture Capital-Backed Software Companies | Elvira KROPFITSCH | 2021 |
Mitarbeiter*innenführung in Krisenzeiten am Beispiel von Kärntner Gemeinden | Nadine Christin Zupancic | 2021 |
Play your talent! | Inka Anastasia Rössler | 2021 |
Recruitment services for start-ups | Julia Kienzl | 2021 |
Designing Attractive and Effective International Trainee Programs | Manuel Beißer | 2020 |
Die Bedeutung von Recruiting Videos in Stellenanzeigen für Unternehmen und Personalberater | Anna Maria Dorothea Neumann | 2019 |
Digital Leadership | Melanie Grießer | 2018 |
Digitalisation in the area of recruitment | Michaela LLAMAS | 2018 |
Engagement Driven Employee Retention for Sustained Competitive Advantage: a Semiconductor Industry Focus Study | Simone SCILABRA | 2018 |
Innovative internet-based recruitment services around matchmaking | Carmen Gorensek | 2018 |
Network-based knowledge sharing practices of start-up firms: a comparison between Silicon Valley and Carinthia | Camilla Torri | 2018 |
How to achieve intrinsic motivation for production-line employees through lean manufacturing in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia | Francisco Javier DOMINGUEZ MINERO | 2017 |
The changing role of recruitment agencies and predictions for the future | Bettina Szilveszter | 2017 |
A comparison of Employer Branding activities in the European railway sector | Matthias Köfler | 2016 |
The role of social networking sites in attracting talent: focus on Mexican and German retail organizations | Jessica Rebeca VILLARREAL ARANDA | 2016 |
International Employer Branding: The Headquarters' Degree of Influence over Subsidiaries of Mobile Service Providers | Kathrin Aßmayr | 2015 |
Methoden (Kompetenz) in der Erwachsenenbildung | Alexandra Tamara Juritsch | 2015 |
Protecting the employer brand during separation in international companies operating in Austria | Lisa Zernig | 2014 |
Succession planning and career planning in internationally operating family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria | Melanie Weyrer | 2014 |
The Impact of Managerial Long-Term Orientation on Employee Retention | Tamara Andrea Tschreppl | 2013 |
Arbeitsmarktpolitische Strategien für AMS Berufsorientierungsmaßnahmen der Zielgruppe von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14-25 Jahren | Marius Egger | 2012 |
Fachkräfte in Kärntner Klein- und Mittelunternehmen | Silke Maria Krahl | 2012 |
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der kommunalen Personalentwicklung in Kärnten | Silke Rappauer | 2011 |
Selbstorganisation in Unternehmen | Sabrina Gabriel | 2011 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Microeconomic crisis management in bootstrapped tech start-ups | Svenja Höfer | 2024 |
The impact of female presence among founders on investor perceptions and metrics in unicorn companies | Elizaveta Ivantsova | 2024 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Changes in Communication Strategies due to the pandemic in online environments | Chris Annette PINEDA AGUIRRE | 2023 |
Integration of international employees: A multi-method study on the onboarding practices of large enterprises in rural areas and the needs and challenges of its international employees in the onboarding phase. | Evelyn Maria Stele | 2023 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Effective development of sustainable leaders - a cross-industry analysis of internationally active European and North American companies | Verena Fink | 2022 |
Impacts of Working from Home on employee's Job Performance, Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction among Office Employees working at International Companies in Austria and Kenya | Michelle KILILO | 2022 |
Perceptions on Flexible Working and Job Satisfaction in the post-pandemic era | Sara IANNOTTI | 2022 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Approaches and Challenges of Executive Coaching for International Managers of Cross-Cultural Teams | Vasilisa Akulcheva | 2021 |
From a start-up to mature company: Managing organizational crises in high-growth ventures | Eva Kobin | 2021 |
How to find the perfect fit? | Gabriele Weiß | 2021 |
Measures for Employee Retention in Internationally Operating Venture Capital-Backed Software Companies | Elvira KROPFITSCH | 2021 |
Mitarbeiter*innenführung in Krisenzeiten am Beispiel von Kärntner Gemeinden | Nadine Christin Zupancic | 2021 |
Play your talent! | Inka Anastasia Rössler | 2021 |
Recruitment services for start-ups | Julia Kienzl | 2021 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Designing Attractive and Effective International Trainee Programs | Manuel Beißer | 2020 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Die Bedeutung von Recruiting Videos in Stellenanzeigen für Unternehmen und Personalberater | Anna Maria Dorothea Neumann | 2019 |
Digital Leadership | Melanie Grießer | 2018 |
Digitalisation in the area of recruitment | Michaela LLAMAS | 2018 |
Engagement Driven Employee Retention for Sustained Competitive Advantage: a Semiconductor Industry Focus Study | Simone SCILABRA | 2018 |
Innovative internet-based recruitment services around matchmaking | Carmen Gorensek | 2018 |
Network-based knowledge sharing practices of start-up firms: a comparison between Silicon Valley and Carinthia | Camilla Torri | 2018 |
How to achieve intrinsic motivation for production-line employees through lean manufacturing in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia | Francisco Javier DOMINGUEZ MINERO | 2017 |
The changing role of recruitment agencies and predictions for the future | Bettina Szilveszter | 2017 |
A comparison of Employer Branding activities in the European railway sector | Matthias Köfler | 2016 |
The role of social networking sites in attracting talent: focus on Mexican and German retail organizations | Jessica Rebeca VILLARREAL ARANDA | 2016 |
International Employer Branding: The Headquarters' Degree of Influence over Subsidiaries of Mobile Service Providers | Kathrin Aßmayr | 2015 |
Methoden (Kompetenz) in der Erwachsenenbildung | Alexandra Tamara Juritsch | 2015 |
Protecting the employer brand during separation in international companies operating in Austria | Lisa Zernig | 2014 |
Succession planning and career planning in internationally operating family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria | Melanie Weyrer | 2014 |
The Impact of Managerial Long-Term Orientation on Employee Retention | Tamara Andrea Tschreppl | 2013 |
Arbeitsmarktpolitische Strategien für AMS Berufsorientierungsmaßnahmen der Zielgruppe von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14-25 Jahren | Marius Egger | 2012 |
Fachkräfte in Kärntner Klein- und Mittelunternehmen | Silke Maria Krahl | 2012 |
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der kommunalen Personalentwicklung in Kärnten | Silke Rappauer | 2011 |
Selbstorganisation in Unternehmen | Sabrina Gabriel | 2011 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
AI and Recruitment | 2024 | |
Change of Motives for Migration from the Countries of Former Yugoslavia to Austria | 2021 | |
How does Gamification influence Recruitment and Retention of Recruited Talents | 2021 | |
Impacts of Remote Work on Employees During Covid-19 | 2021 | |
Managing reduction in employee turnover rates below anticipated turnover rates through implementation of employee retention strategies | 2021 | |
The use of influencers on recruitment in multinational corporations | 2021 | |
Internationalization in Ukraine: Analysis of Features for Development of SMEs on the European IT Market | 2019 | |
What Is The Role of Leadership Styles in Employee Motivation Within Small Enterprises? | 2019 | |
"Active Sourcing 2.0"- das neue Headhunting? | 2018 | |
Contributions of Talent Acquisition Towards Business Sustainability | 2018 | |
International Expatriate Management | 2018 | |
Das Mitarbeitergespräch - Erarbeitung eines Leitfadens zur Gesprächsführung für Führungskräfte | 2017 | |
Die Leistungsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer sichern-Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Betriebes | 2017 | |
Einführung von Kompetenzmanagement | 2017 | |
Employer Branding in der österreichischen Ferienhotellerie | 2017 | |
The dark side of Human Resource Management- Recruitment | 2017 | |
The Effect of Social Media on the Reputation of the Employer | 2017 | |
The factors which lead employees to knowingly commit unethical actions | 2017 | |
Führen mit NLP: | 2016 | |
Implementierung von Job Rotation im Handel | 2016 | |
Optimierung des Bewerbervorauswahlprozesses eines Finanzunternehmens | 2016 | |
Social Media - Vor- und Nachteile für das Personalmanagement in der Kommunikation mit den Bewerbern | 2016 | |
Ansätze zur Gestaltung einer konstruktiven Teamstimmung in Krisensituationen | 2014 | |
Einsatz von Employer Branding zur Gewinnung der Aufmerksamkeit von Wirtschaftsstudenten der FH - Kärnten | 2014 | |
Interne versus externe Besetzung von Führungskräften | 2014 | |
Kompetenzfeststellung von Mitarbeiter/innen | 2014 | |
Mitarbeitervielfalt - Handlungsmaximen für den Teamerfolg | 2014 | |
Wertschätzendes Führungsverhalten als Basis erfolgreicher Führungsarbeit | 2014 | |
Employer Branding im Recruitment | 2013 | |
Employer Branding in Krisenzeiten | 2013 | |
Erfolgszutat Motivation | 2013 | |
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit am Beispiel eines Technologieunternehmens für Energie- und Datenverteilung | 2013 | |
Work-Life-Balance und dessen Stellenwert in einem Unternehmen | 2013 | |
Alternativen zum Personalabbau in KMU in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten | 2012 | |
Förderung von Wissensaustausch durch intraorganisatorische virtuelle soziale Netzwerke am Beispiel eines Halbleiter-Herstellers | 2012 | |
Mediation als Werkzeug des Konfliktmanagements in Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum Europas | 2012 | |
Wertewandel der Arbeitnehmer in Österreich | 2012 | |
Cultural and Leadership Factors Driving Innovative Capability | 2011 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
AI and Recruitment | 2024 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Change of Motives for Migration from the Countries of Former Yugoslavia to Austria | 2021 | |
How does Gamification influence Recruitment and Retention of Recruited Talents | 2021 | |
Impacts of Remote Work on Employees During Covid-19 | 2021 | |
Managing reduction in employee turnover rates below anticipated turnover rates through implementation of employee retention strategies | 2021 | |
The use of influencers on recruitment in multinational corporations | 2021 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Internationalization in Ukraine: Analysis of Features for Development of SMEs on the European IT Market | 2019 | |
What Is The Role of Leadership Styles in Employee Motivation Within Small Enterprises? | 2019 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
"Active Sourcing 2.0"- das neue Headhunting? | 2018 | |
Contributions of Talent Acquisition Towards Business Sustainability | 2018 | |
International Expatriate Management | 2018 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Das Mitarbeitergespräch - Erarbeitung eines Leitfadens zur Gesprächsführung für Führungskräfte | 2017 | |
Die Leistungsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer sichern-Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Betriebes | 2017 | |
Einführung von Kompetenzmanagement | 2017 | |
Employer Branding in der österreichischen Ferienhotellerie | 2017 | |
The dark side of Human Resource Management- Recruitment | 2017 | |
The Effect of Social Media on the Reputation of the Employer | 2017 | |
The factors which lead employees to knowingly commit unethical actions | 2017 |
Titel | Autor | Jahr |
Führen mit NLP: | 2016 | |
Implementierung von Job Rotation im Handel | 2016 | |
Optimierung des Bewerbervorauswahlprozesses eines Finanzunternehmens | 2016 | |
Social Media - Vor- und Nachteile für das Personalmanagement in der Kommunikation mit den Bewerbern | 2016 | |
Ansätze zur Gestaltung einer konstruktiven Teamstimmung in Krisensituationen | 2014 | |
Einsatz von Employer Branding zur Gewinnung der Aufmerksamkeit von Wirtschaftsstudenten der FH - Kärnten | 2014 | |
Interne versus externe Besetzung von Führungskräften | 2014 | |
Kompetenzfeststellung von Mitarbeiter/innen | 2014 | |
Mitarbeitervielfalt - Handlungsmaximen für den Teamerfolg | 2014 | |
Wertschätzendes Führungsverhalten als Basis erfolgreicher Führungsarbeit | 2014 | |
Employer Branding im Recruitment | 2013 | |
Employer Branding in Krisenzeiten | 2013 | |
Erfolgszutat Motivation | 2013 | |
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit am Beispiel eines Technologieunternehmens für Energie- und Datenverteilung | 2013 | |
Work-Life-Balance und dessen Stellenwert in einem Unternehmen | 2013 | |
Alternativen zum Personalabbau in KMU in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten | 2012 | |
Förderung von Wissensaustausch durch intraorganisatorische virtuelle soziale Netzwerke am Beispiel eines Halbleiter-Herstellers | 2012 | |
Mediation als Werkzeug des Konfliktmanagements in Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum Europas | 2012 | |
Wertewandel der Arbeitnehmer in Österreich | 2012 | |
Cultural and Leadership Factors Driving Innovative Capability | 2011 |
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