ZDrauA Project Kick-Off at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Villach.


Last week the UNESCO Chair hosted a 2-day Kick-Off event for the Interreg Slovenia-Austria project “ZDrauA – Next generation biomonitoring of the Drava river for a sustainable and healthy regional development” at CUAS.

A very work-intensive but equally as fruitful end of the week with our project partners from University of Maribor’s Faculty of Health Sciences; NZLOH – National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food; and NIB - National Institute of Biology, rounded up by a visit to the body of water that is central to the next couple of years of work: the Drava river. From here on out, the project partners will focus on using high-tech and innovative methods to determine the species composition, microbial status and degree of pollution across the rivers many regions.

Duration: Jan. 2025 – Dez. 2027