
Alpine Social Innovation Strategy

LaufzeitApril/2018 - April/2021
Homepage Projektlink
  • Rahel Schomaker
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Dietmar Brodel
  • Vera Seyer
  • Corinna Maria Kudler
  • Manpreet BEDI
  • Jessica Pöcher
  • Christina Astrid Lobnig
  • Carina Födinger
  • Kathrin ZUPAN
  • ForschungsschwerpunktInternationale Beziehungen
  • Wirtschaft
  • ForschungsprogrammInterreg Alpine Space
  • ÖROK - Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz
  • The objective of the ASIS project was to initiate, develop, and promote a new vision of innovation in the Alpine region, namely social innovation, in order to increase the innovation capacity of Alpine regions by responding to new challenges as they arose. ASIS stands for "Alpine Social Innovation Strategy." The ASIS consortium‘s goal was to develop a new approach to innovation that meets the economic and societal challenges faced by the Alpine region. Within the project, based on interviews and participatory research approaches, several policy recommendations were developed to foster socially innovative public policies, as well as a software tool that helps public bodies to identify promising social innovation projects. Moreover, a wide range of dissemination activities was carried out to ensure the perception of the results by politicians, bureaucrats as well as enterprises and the civil society.

    This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.
    Amount and ERDF claim: 1.528.326,53€