From Numbers to Empowerment: A Journey Through Math with Sciencebarbie and Exploring Women's Impact in Data Science


An online ATHENA Talk with Dr. Anita Kloss-Brandstätter on Friday, 21 June from 12:00 to 13:00.

On Friday, 21 June from 12:00 to 13:00, Dr. Anita Kloss-Brandstätter will host an online ATHENA Talk on the topic “From Numbers to Empowerment: A Journey Through Math with Sciencebarbie and Exploring Women's Impact in Data Science”. The abstract of her talk can be found below.

You can register for the event via this link. Both staff and students are welcome to join the presentation and following discussion.


“As a WiDS ambassador and passionate advocate for women in STEM, I am excited to share my journey and ambitions at the "Women in Data Science-Villach" Conference. In my talk, I will explore the driving forces behind my commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in data science. Through organizing the WiDS-Villach Conference, my aim is to create a platform that not only highlights the groundbreaking work of women in data science but also inspires and empowers the next generation of female data scientists. Additionally, I will introduce my YouTube channel, "Sciencebarbie erklärt Mathematik," where I demystify complex mathematical concepts, making them accessible and engaging for learners of all ages. My goal is to break down barriers and dispel myths around mathematics, demonstrating its relevance and beauty through clear and relatable explanations. Join me as I discuss the importance of representation, the impact of accessible education, and the ways we can collectively work towards a more inclusive and dynamic field of data science.”